Library sessions

Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 05:41 AM
THN What makes you think library is only with schools? This happened when we were 20-21 and in college. Colleges have a library too.
FunInDFW's Avatar
College isn't a school now?
I didn't mean that the library was at a school. I meant what he described sounded like he shouldn't be allowed within a certain distance of schools:

I did jerk off once in a library sitting next to a nice girl. She just kept looking as I did it. Her eyes told me she had never seem cum, let alone an erect penis. Originally Posted by Iam45
You realize how that comes across, right? It sounds like you went and jerked off in front of an unsuspecting girl. Her age was unknown at this point but it sounded bad by your description.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 02:35 PM
O lord. You could have asked for clarification rather than pass your judgement so fast.
I did...

Wow. This is a joke right? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Regardless of her age, you still jerked off in front of an unsuspecting female. And we've already had this discussion.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 02:48 PM
Unsuspecting? How do you draw that conclusion? You are so set in your mindset.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 02:49 PM
I did...

Regardless of her age, you still jerked off in front of an unsuspecting female. And we've already had this discussion. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You did not ask for clarification. All you did was ask "is this a joke". It was not.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 02:51 PM
Yes, that makes a big difference. Otherwise it sounded like you shouldn't be within a certain distance of schools. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
This part tells me that you are a helicopter parent. Always trying to tell the world what is right and what is wrong from your viewpoint as if that is all that matters.
Where is Bliss? Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
Well that was random Lol
This part tells me that you are a helicopter parent. Always trying to tell the world what is right and what is wrong from your viewpoint as if that is all that matters. Originally Posted by Iam45
Yes, you're right. I'm the only one that considers jacking off in front of strangers in a public place wrong. It must make me a bad parent. Thank for showing me the error of my ways.
Hey Iam45, did you have a prior relationship with this individual and maybe planned a role playing session in the library? Or was this a "known" spot where people look for and participate in these activities? I know we had some spots in college for the freaks, lol! If not, you have to admit, that's a little creepy. I don't know if you have children or not, but would you want some random stranger beating his dick in front of your daughter if she went to the library to study for finals? Not saying this is what you were doing, just trying to understand here.
Um wow this one got a little off
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 06:01 PM
Yes, you're right. I'm the only one that considers jacking off in front of strangers in a public place wrong. It must make me a bad parent. Thank for showing me the error of my ways. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Again assumptions. Ass-u-me. When did I say it was a stranger? We knew each other.
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-03-2015, 06:03 PM
Hey Iam45, did you have a prior relationship with this individual and maybe planned a role playing session in the library? Or was this a "known" spot where people look for and participate in these activities? I know we had some spots in college for the freaks, lol! If not, you have to admit, that's a little creepy. I don't know if you have children or not, but would you want some random stranger beating his dick in front of your daughter if she went to the library to study for finals? Not saying this is what you were doing, just trying to understand here. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
DK- we were in the same class. We studied together- study buddy. Wow. People just jump to the worst conclusion.

THN, Your mind filled in the details that I did not provide very conveniently, in the worst possible way. It is quite telling about your mindsets probably going back to some childhood experience where some stranger did pull such stunts.
DK- we were in the same class. We studied together- study buddy. Wow. People just jump to the worst conclusion. Your mind filled in the details that I did not provide very conveniently, in the worst possible way. It is quite telling about your mindsets probably going back to some childhood experience where some stranger did pull such stunts. Originally Posted by Iam45
Just human nature bro, people are 10 times more likely to hone in on the negative rather than the positive. I don't know you so I couldn't actually jump to a conclusion without sufficient knowledge. I actually figured you knew this person off the bat because I had a similar experience (with someone I already knew and we screwed around a lot). But for the sake of everyone else, the way you relayed the message may have put up some red flags. But rock on bro, library hookups are pretty damn exciting!