Just how safe is "hobbying"?

airplanedriver88, you have nothing to worry about. In all my years on these boards, I thinck only 3 or 4 people have come forward that I remember saying they caught something by fooling around with escorts. That's a pretty low statistic. They will all tell you they are drug and disease free and practice safe sex. It is miraculous....

or you could start reading here: http://cdc.gov/std/

In a nutshell, teens are the highest risk group, followed by sex workers and their clients. When they say 1 in 5 women statistically have genital herpes, they are including all the women in your grandmothers bible class as well as all the girls in your daughters elementary school. Some groups will obviously be higher than this statistic, and others will be lower. Which ones do you think that will be? and that is just herpes. Keep reading the stats about all the different diseases. Then do like everyone else does and decide it won't happen to you.

Good thing for you is that there are some non gfe gals for guys who like to lower their risks. Ask in a separate thread for a list of those and that should help you find the risk category you are looking for.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
A life's Lesson....

I used to worry about all the things that might happen and therefore avoided the hobby. At one point in my adult life I actually wondered if I would ever have sex again before I died ... and then one day while riding my mountain bike along the Bayou... I had a heart attack... the last thought that went through my mind while the EMS wheeled me into the emergency room was... I guess not...MotherF*cker... (lights went out)...

My Advice young fella...

Strike while the iron's hot...

Make hay while the sun shines...

Do it today... you may not get a tomorrow....

Call SubCilla while she has a special running...
There is no doubt that the Game has its dangers. For that very reason we love it; only the weak are sent out on paths without perils.
airplanedriver88's Avatar
Thanks for your thoughts gentlemen. And just to clarify, my SO is a GF. She lives a ways away, and if we were to tie the knot, I would cease all hobby related activities, including trolling this board. Again, thanks for the thoughts.
dearhunter's Avatar
I have a review floating around here somewhere with the best method to protect yourself from the nasties.............GSO3 or bust.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
...... and if we were to tie the knot, I would cease all hobby related activities, including trolling this board.
AP Originally Posted by airplanedriver88

You are so cute.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Thanks for your thoughts gentlemen. And just to clarify, my SO is a GF. She lives a ways away, and if we were to tie the knot, I would cease all hobby related activities, including trolling this board. Again, thanks for the thoughts.
AP Originally Posted by airplanedriver88
Just don't get in too deep. It's way too easy to get caught up in the hobby and instead of it being a hobby, it becomes a lifestyle.
16yearitch's Avatar
Just don't get in too deep. It's way too easy to get caught up in the hobby and instead of it being a hobby, it becomes a lifestyle. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Truer words have never been spoken.
if you want safe stay in your house all day. but stay out of the bathroom. most household death happens there.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
..... And just to clarify, my SO is a GF. She lives a ways away, and if we were to tie the knot, I would cease all hobby related activities..... Originally Posted by airplanedriver88
Yea ... but ... would she...
carkido45's Avatar
I have a review floating around here somewhere with the best method to protect yourself from the nasties.............GSO3 or bust. Originally Posted by dearhunter
NO, NO, NO, don't get GSO3 it wil ruin you.
Side effects include masturbating while eating tater salad and an incurable urge too watch old Happy Day re-runs.
jjflash's Avatar
On a serious note - I always wear a condom. a good source is http://secure.condomania.com/productinfo.asp?number=H-BGC

and yes, I wear it everywhere.
no matter how many times you play with fire, eventually you will get burned.
opus's Avatar
  • opus
  • 04-20-2010, 11:52 AM
... including trolling this board...
AP Originally Posted by airplanedriver88
I don't think that means what you think it means.

blowpop's Avatar
Everything worth doing has risk involved. So if you're smart, you manage the risk to keep it at a level you can deal with. My suggestions to minimize risk:

Avoid street girls
Always, always, always pay cash
Never bring a provider to your home
Get a hobby phone
Do not give out personal info