A thread for the gym rats!

Still Looking's Avatar
I just hobby and let nature take its course!

I'm probably one of the biggest gym rats on here. I'm a part-time trainer and former fitness competitor and amateur MMA fighter. And so you guys can talk to my foot.
ForumPoster's Avatar
That would be an interesting survey. How many ladies at the gym during the day are actually providers or Sugar Babies. Originally Posted by adult146
Funny, lately I've become a certifiable gym rat (actually have to take all new photos soon) and always work out between hours of 10am and 5pm .. been kinda wondering what other people in the gym at those times do for living.

In the area where I go to the gym, i am one of very few women during day hours, but there are way too many "i lift them up and put them down" dudes.

Funny, lately I've become a certifiable gym rat (actually have to take all new photos soon) and always work out between hours of 10am and 5pm .. been kinda wondering what other people in the gym at those times do for living.

In the area where I go to the gym, i am one of very few women during day hours, but there are way too many "i lift them up and put them down" dudes.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

Which is why I love the gym I work at and work out at. There's very few of those bodybuilder types. I train mostly retired people and working moms. It's kind of a country-club/tennis club gym so there are a lot of retirees and a lot of families. It's not a pick-up joint and I love that about the place. I'm usually one of a few women in the weight room as I prefer weightlifting to cardio. So many women have this mistaken belief that if they lift heavier they'll 'get bigger'. No. Weightlifting streamlines your body, defines it.
Still Looking's Avatar
I work out EVERY day! Up down, Up down, now the other eye lid!
I LOVE the gym..HILT 5 days a week and cardio....my trainer kicks my ass so after my workouts I exhausted ...but during rest between sets I SSOO love the scenery esp when he has me in the big boy room..WOOHOO......
Mojojo's Avatar
I work out religiously as well and as Whitechocolate mentioned it helps boost the testosterone level significantly. Both of my ATF's like myself are gym guru's so that's what keeps me drawn to them, it lets me know they take pride in their appearance. Moreover working out helps me give it to my ATF hard.

On a non sexual aspect of it is it helps you feel better especially when you see results, that's where the motivation kicks in for many.

Funny, lately I've become a certifiable gym rat (actually have to take all new photos soon) and always work out between hours of 10am and 5pm .. been kinda wondering what other people in the gym at those times do for living.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
All forms of life work out at those hours, you have reitree's, MILF's, CEO's, people on their day off, night shift workers etc.

One thing I hate about working out in the afternoon is all the juice heads! You know the ones who go lift weights, and admire themselves in the mirror while thinking to themselves "Look how huge i am and in 2 weeks too!".
At 65, I am fortunate to still be in a job that requires me to do quite a bit of physical work. I also have a low impact workout consisting of pushups, situps, and chinups.

I can do 60 pushups anytime I wish. They are great for cardio, as they really get the heart rate up.

Sarah is the only Lady that sees me, so I guess she is the only one who can attest to the fact that being 65 is no excuse for being out of shape.
Gym workouts are my therapy. Better still though when the weather is nice like it is now, I take my bike out and ride 15-20 miles or go trail running. I don't know what I'd do without the gym. And at almost age 44, I'm in better shape now than I was when I was 21. I never had a weight issue due to being blessed with great genetics, but I wouldn't have been able to ride a bike or lift the weights I do now when I was 20.
^That's hot! I looked at a an article for a 55 year old grandmother who tried out for the Dallas Cowboys-- she's so hot!


Anyway, busted my ass doing weights yesterday and now need a little submissive-boy to massage me
whitechocolate's Avatar
She is very hotttt. We need to recruit her as a provider if she is not UTR already
that's exactly what I was thinking!
whitechocolate's Avatar
She is in real estate sales and a cheerleader for the cowboys. I would guess she is UTR!!!