Famers Branch Officer Murder Indictment

Hubble69's Avatar
LargeBreastFan, you are absolutely correct.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm considering the idea that the Officer thought Moreno might have a gun ready to point.. that is, the Cop pulls up, Moreno then drives rapidly toward the Officer, close to him, but not trying to run him over.. the Cop has to be anticipating he might be gunned down by the fleeing suspect, yes? I know he didn't know if a gun was present, but instinctively it would run through your mind.. I think. however, the shots came AFTER Moreno has passed by, albeit barely. but.. if Moreno did have a gun to fire, the Cop was a sitting duck. when a suspect flees on foot, and turns to fire, an Officer gets the best of the suspect 90% or more of the time.. he wins the shootout.. but shots from a fleeing truck? Officer is at a huge disadvantage.. is he supposed to stand in until he sees metal pointed at him?
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
It is like the "21 foot" advice when someone comes at you with a knife, if you let them get 20.99999 feet away from you, you can't prevent getting stabbed.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-30-2019, 09:47 PM
I'm considering the idea that the Officer thought Moreno might have a gun ready to point.. that is, the Cop pulls up, Moreno then drives rapidly toward the Officer, close to him, but not trying to run him over.. the Cop has to be anticipating he might be gunned down by the fleeing suspect, yes? I know he didn't know if a gun was present, but instinctively it would run through your mind.. I think. however, the shots came AFTER Moreno has passed by, albeit barely. but.. if Moreno did have a gun to fire, the Cop was a sitting duck. when a suspect flees on foot, and turns to fire, an Officer gets the best of the suspect 90% or more of the time.. he wins the shootout.. but shots from a fleeing truck? Officer is at a huge disadvantage.. is he supposed to stand in until he sees metal pointed at him? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm glad there is video evidence to convict this dirty cop, could of been different without any video and he would be back on the streets
There were 40 murders in the month of May in Dallas. Not one indictment has been handed up by the Grand Jury for those cases, yet this officer was indited in 8 days? Aside from any officer statement and video/audio from his car/person, no way any other evidence would have gone through testing. Yes, we have the video of the incident from security cameras, but those only tell one side of the story.

Like others have mentioned, officers have to make a split second decision. When I first saw the video I thought, "Okay, the truck is turning toward him." Then I watched it again, and again. The officer wasn't in any danger of getting hit. He didn't know that at the time.

Don't get me wrong, when officers screw up they should be held accountable. Few bad apples out there giving all cops a bad name. However until the evidence is out there we don't know all the facts.

Just my two cents.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The other thing I noticed the LSM slowed the video down , not saying the copper with right but 1/2 second life and death decision . Me I would get my fat ass outa the way , your not stopping a F350 with a gun ,
I don't believe the Copper could get out the way, he was pinned against his car. No where to go
Hubble69's Avatar
I am not familiar with this case, nor do I know all the facts regarding this case. I watched the video many times and i cannot say I would not have done the same as the officer. It is clear that as the officer was exiting his vehicle, his weapon is still holstered, but as soon as the suspect(s) accelerated in his direction, it is at that time he pulled his weapon and fired. Split second decisions means life or death. It would only have took a split second for the driver to cut the wheel and crush the officer up against his vehicle. If it was my life or the “suspects” life, I choose mine every time. If I were an officer with a wife and kids, I be damned if Im not going home to see them. If the officer didn’t act, it could have turned into a high speed chase with innocent people at risk of being killed, all because of the drivers decision to run. What if there was a car chase and the truck killed someone in your family, mother, father, brother, sister, wife and kids or just anyone that you loved. How would you feel? I know how I would feel. The truck accelerated hard due to the amount of black exhaust from the vehicle. If you have a diesel truck you know what I am talking about. It’s not like the suspect was easing out of a parking space. The driver was trying to evade arrest and paid the price for his actions. It’s unfortunate someone was killed but I believe it all could have been avoided if the suspect would have just put his hands up and surrendered. All I’m saying is I believe it could have ended without anyone having to die if the suspect would have just accepted he was caught and surrendered.
You can see by the exhaust the F350 diesel was under full acceleration. The miscreant was clearly running and a danger to anyone in the area.

What if the officer had let him go and the guy raced out of the parking lot and T-boned a young mother and child, killing them? The officer would then be blamed for NOT stopping the moron.

When I was growing up it was understood that you did not run from the police. Now it appears this life saving lesson should be taught starting in the First Grade.

In Texas it should be mandatory:
Teach small kids how to swim.
Teach small kids not to run from the police.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Good arguments, both.
phantom11's Avatar
Not sure what the details are about this officer in farmers branch, but my experience with the farmers branch pd has not been good.

Short story got pulled over they took me out of my car to check for guns and drugs, cop was visibly nervous, i do look kind of thuggish though lol. I was just careful not to make any sudden movements because these cops are trigger happy when they are in that state. Cop was a jerk he straight up told me i looked suspicious and threatened to tow my car if he did not check it, i was just in the wrong place at the right time seems they had like an earlier drug tip or something in that area, he kept my license and i had to go to dps to get new one

No point reporting it, seems like they would not even do anything, maybe its the culture

Initially it was because i failed to turn my blinker when i made a turn, reason but not true, had my rights just trampled on that day

I was lucky that day nothing else happened
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 07-02-2019, 10:40 AM
when I saw the first video, I was ready to absolve the Officer (Dunn) of ANY charge.. it looked like Moreno was speeding around the corner, possibly attempting to run over the Officer. at least driving fast and erratic, putting other lives in potential jeopardy.

but watching channel 21's video from a different angle, it looks like the stolen white van was parked, Dunn pulled up, jumped out, and only then did the van start up to flee, driving past Dunn, but not close enough to be a personal threat. Moreno was shot as he drove past Dunn. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't think the cop got to make his decision after watching the truck in slow motion and from three different angles.

Regardless of the slow motion and angles, it's obvious that a flick of the steering wheel could have turned that truck into a cop killing machine.
Munk's Avatar
  • Munk
  • 07-02-2019, 10:45 AM
Regardless if the cop was in the wrong or not it's fine with me that there is one less asshole thief in this world.
What's that old saying.. Better to be Judged by 12.. than carried by 6
Chung Tran's Avatar
What's that old saying.. Better to be Judged by 12.. than carried by 6 Originally Posted by billyjames
yes.. that is a strong, concise sentence!

Regardless if the cop was in the wrong or not it's fine with me that there is one less asshole thief in this world. Originally Posted by Munk
Counsel.. please strike this Man from my Jury Pool!

I don't think the cop got to make his decision after watching the truck in slow motion and from three different angles.

Regardless of the slow motion and angles, it's obvious that a flick of the steering wheel could have turned that truck into a cop killing machine. Originally Posted by Crock
when I saw the first video, in real time, that was what I thought WAS happening.. that Moreno was, or was aiming to drive into the Officer.. if I'm the Officer, I'm sure I would be more inclined to feel that. it was very close anyway, Moreno missed him by a few feet. I still have a mild problem with the fact that Moreno was shot AFTER he had passed by, albeit briefly.. the Officer's gun was out, the "running me over" was past.. BUT.. Moreno could still have a pistol pointed.. who knows?

I do think criminals need to think more about how a Cop may perceive their actions. there was obviously not much thinking on Moreno's side.