FBI Loses Secret Documents

HedonistForever's Avatar
Nope!! I guess I'll just do what most everybody else does and just not post a link
HedonistForever's Avatar

Just tried this without using the link button and it worked WTF?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Thank you thoughtful moderator.
This person's links have not functioned the entire time I have been a member.
You would think one of his...."friends" would have told him he had shat himself and continued to shit himself in every post with a link of his.

"Look! Does the hed guy have new clothes?"

"No. Just the old ones coated with shit!"😆😀😁👬👬

Once again, thank you for the chance for a prolonged laugh at a poor fool.😭😫🧐🙊😛
And thank you "conservatives" for going along with not telling him until a moderator did.
🤐🤐🤐🖕 Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

Making a post for no other reason than to insult a member? Pretty sure that's against the rules, huh, moderator?

Staff Edit - If you find a Violation of the Guidelines, Use the RTM Feature, Antagonistic Commentary in the Forums is not needed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Y'all! (And I mean all-y'all.)

The allegations in the title and text of the OP of things being "stolen" from the FBI were an intentional red herring.

The point is that nothing was stolen. The FBI has violated policy and ethics if not statute law by intentionally releasing documents taken while acting on an "explicit and narrowly focused" search warrant.

If these were in fact personal correspondence, not classified materials, then they need not have been seized. Originally Posted by ICU 812

The consensus that I am hearing is that this is not about taking classified documents and keeping them. It is against the law to take and keep ANY documents deemed the property of the government. While classified documents makes the story "sexier", it is that ANY documents at all that belong to the government may not be taken.

And YES, the FBI and or DOJ have been illegally leaking information.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
And YES, the FBI and or DOJ have been illegally leaking information. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
only leaking what makes HIM look bad. Anything that looks bad for FBI meets Mr Shredder
HedonistForever's Avatar
^^^ How does this Bullshit prove the OP’s statement and basis of his false and egregious thread of FBI corruption? Originally Posted by ManSlut

You said

if you’re going to try and make the FBI look bad at least try to use some legit proof of wrongdoing.

Which is exactly what I did. FBI council indicted, FBI whistleblowers coming forward with corruption and bias complaints.

That is what you call using legitimate proof of FBI wrong doing.

Asked and answered.
biomed1's Avatar
The issue with the Link you posted is here http://https:/
The Insert Link has http:// already in the window.
Clear that out and then Post the https:// link
You cannot have the following http://https:/ and expect the Link to work.

Exactly what I did and have done since I got here but for some reason it has stopped working for me.

I'll try again. Find an link, copy it, click on link button, paste it, post.

http://https://www.grassley.senate.g...-doj-officials Originally Posted by HedonistForever
HedonistForever's Avatar
The issue with the Link you posted is here http://https:/
The Insert Link has http:// already in the window.
Clear that out and then Post the https:// link
You cannot have the following http://https:/ and expect the Link to work. Originally Posted by biomed1

Thank you, appreciate the help.
ICU 812's Avatar
Hedonist: Thank you for carrying the ball on tis.

The consensus that I am hearing is that this is not about taking classified documents and keeping them. It is against the law to take and keep ANY documents deemed the property of the government. While classified documents makes the story "sexier", it is that ANY documents at all that belong to the government may not be taken.

And YES, the FBI and or DOJ have been illegally leaking information. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Anyone remember that Sandy Burger was actually caught stealing documents from the National archives/

Anyone remember Hillery Clinton's private server full of classified stuff?

Where was the FB?Im then?
Sandy was arrested and charged. I think he pled guilty but I don’t recall.

Hillary was a different situation. These were emails sent to her of nebulous classification by other people. There was no document handling issues akin to actually taking a piece of paper and refusing to give it back when requested.

See this is what’s frustrating. ICU, you’ve been explained this 10000000s of times and you keep saying the same dumbshit over and over. Then say things like “dispute what I’m saying not who says it”. But over and over the diffference between the situations has been made crystal clear, yet instead of moving on and at least saying something different you just go back to saying stuff that everyone that would dispute it has pointed out you’re incorrect on. It’s tiring.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hedonist: Thank you for carrying the ball on tis.
Anyone remember that Sandy Burger was actually caught stealing documents from the National archives/

Anyone remember Hillery Clinton's private server full of classified stuff?

Where was the FB?Im then? Originally Posted by ICU 812
Clinton did not "steal" any documents. Every document she had in her possession she had the right to have in her possession. Unlike Trump. She did not ignore a subpeona. Unlike Trump. She did not lie to investigators. Unlike Trump. The FBI, led by Comey, investigated Clinton and determined what she did was wrong but not criminal. Unlike Trump.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Definition of insanity.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Clinton did not "steal" any documents. Every document she had in her possession she had the right to have in her possession. Unlike Trump. She did not ignore a subpeona. Unlike Trump. She did not lie to investigators. Unlike Trump. The FBI, led by Comey, investigated Clinton and determined what she did was wrong but not criminal. Unlike Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BleachBit Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Please elucidate. No clue what you’re talking about.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Please elucidate. No clue what you’re talking about. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

FBI report: Platte River Network employee used BleachBit to delete old Clinton e-mails

Staffer deleted archived e-mails 3 months after being told to change retention policies
