Dont start sumthng u cant finish= cando1 lol
day and life get better fast. i look at your picture and think theres a million guys tat would give 20 yrs of their life to bang you just one time. you are the hot sexy cheerleader every guy jacked off to but were afraid to go up and talk to. please remeber for every nut, every hater, every guy who wants to feel like a big man for putting you down theres a thousand of us who would kill to experience the feeling of being inside you once and before during and after would love to treat you like a lady and a friend. you bring smiles to a thousand guys on this board by allowing us to see tour pics so let me give you my smile back i hope you use it today and everyday
Thanks Kaci and Cap I need some damn encouraging words today lol Originally Posted by sxyjade101
Int3rested's Avatar
Some very pretty sexy ladies on this thread...
awww that just made my day petiteassman
I have made a few comments on threads similar to this of late.It seems certain guys take pleasure in piling on when something even in the least bit negative is said about a lady.
Personally I believe you shouldn't say shit unless you have met the lady in question and have had a bad experience.
Nothing has changed my mind about seeing you jade.Plan on doing so soon.
TexTushHog's Avatar
What amazes me about these sorts of threads is that they just call attention to whatever the controversy is. I had no idea that anybody was saying anything. Now I'll go look and see what it is that's being said. Plus, I get the impression, justified or not, that Jade has a thin skin and is prone to act out when things get slightly unsettled (which makes me wonder if she's really my type).

Wouldn't it just be better to go on about your business and not put a spotlight on whatever small negative things are happening? I'll bet whatever the controversy is -- and I'll find out soon enough -- not one person in ten who uses the board to find girls (instead of using it as the center of their social life) had one fucking idea what you are talking about until they read your post.
Yo, you know we're tight. Don't let this shit bring ya down. We gotta go do hibachi soon.
Gee tushhog some people just have a strange urge to defend themselves when they feel wronged.
If you had read the reviews in the past month you would know what she was referring to and why she is upset. Since you say that most guys wouldn't notice I say B.S. since most read reviews and this one sticks out like a sore thumb even without Jades posts defending herself.It sure hasn't faded away. I will agree with you that sometimes when someone reacts to a post by starting a new thread it just keeps the drama going but in this case I agree with Jades posting.
So I say to Jade keep your head held high .Plenty of folks behind you here.
Int3rested's Avatar
I don't like it when my own clients or family is critical of my business. To have others pile on who I don't even know? I don't think my hide is so thick it wouldn't bother me.

Factor in that it a gal's physical appearance and and attitude are always being talked about and ouch! I am amazed that these ladies can see the fat, balding, ass zit, yellow teethed bad breathed, unmanscaped, uncouth cavemen that they have to see anyway.

TTH, Our perception all depends upon whose shoes we are standing in. I know syxjade101 and she is not a Ivy League polished courtesan, but she readily returns respect when it is shown to her; at least she has with me but then again, I have all my teeth.

Folks, it is up to us teach the noobs a little decorum in their posts. Confront it when you see it. Don't let the trolls and the haterz run rough shod around here. Gently re, but firmly, remind them there are rules and etiquette to be followed. If we want the forums to be nice, we have to make it so.

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-05-2010, 02:42 PM
Folks, it is up to us teach the noobs a little decorum in their posts. Confront it when you see it. Don't let the trolls and the haterz run rough shod around here. Gently re, but firmly, remind them there are rules and etiquette to be followed. If we want the forums to be nice, we have to make it so. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Majority of the guys who've commented negatively on her review haven't written a SINGLE review of their own. Have they actually seen anyone or do they spend time just piling on?
Bullies suck. One positive thing that comes from the guys that pile on and treat females like second class citizens in public, is that we know how they feel and how they would behave in private. That right there is some great screening info.
NCNS= No Call No Show, seems really easy to understand..why is it so difficult for everyone not to have the courtesy, women and men, to let the other party know they are not going to be able to keep the appt!?

I saw Jade a long time ago, nice visit but difficult to set up the appt and for that reason, I have never gone back. There are 400+ providers on p411. Why put up with ANY difficulty when trying to schedule an appt?

For me, as well as others, I would believe, the biggest PIA about this hobby is the NCNS. Jade, the easiest way to stop all the talking/drama about you is to take care of your business. If you never NCNS anyone again, I bet we never see another review of you that mentions NCNS. How easy is that!
sky_wire's Avatar
NCNS= No Call No Show, seems really easy to understand..why is it so difficult for everyone not to have the courtesy, women and men, to let the other party know they are not going to be able to keep the appt!?

I saw Jade a long time ago, nice visit but difficult to set up the appt and for that reason, I have never gone back. There are 400+ providers on p411. Why put up with ANY difficulty when trying to schedule an appt?

For me, as well as others, I would believe, the biggest PIA about this hobby is the NCNS. Jade, the easiest way to stop all the talking/drama about you is to take care of your business. If you never NCNS anyone again, I bet we never see another review of you that mentions NCNS. How easy is that! Originally Posted by ZR1-Man

First of all, this is a general observation, not directed at the OP.

It amazes me that some of the biggest crybabies in this forum are the worst NCNS offenders. They lack the ability to treat others with professional courtesy, but heaven forbid that you direct an ounce of criticism in their direction. They go bat-shit crazy. It's like one baby drama after another.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Gee tushhog some people just have a strange urge to defend themselves when they feel wronged.
If you had read the reviews in the past month you would know what she was referring to and why she is upset. Since you say that most guys wouldn't notice I say B.S. since most read reviews and this one sticks out like a sore thumb even without Jades posts defending herself.It sure hasn't faded away. I will agree with you that sometimes when someone reacts to a post by starting a new thread it just keeps the drama going but in this case I agree with Jades posting.
So I say to Jade keep your head held high .Plenty of folks behind you here. Originally Posted by looiecypher
I suppose it depends on how you use the board. I scan it once or twice a day. But I'll read one or two reviews -- usually a girl that is new, or that I have my eye on for one reason or another. I don't have time to do anything else most days.

And when I have the opportunity to hobby, I will get a list of five or six girls that I keep in my head and then do some serious research about only those girls. I had no idea that there was any negative publicity about this girl until she posed this "rebuttal." But now I know. And since it's a no show controversy, I'll likely never see her because 1) I don't like her casual attitude toward no shows; and 2) my opportunities to hobby are rare because of my heavy work schedule, so a no show is significant to me.

But I truly doubt that most people read all the reviews every time they log on. They simply can't have that much time on their hands. The ones that do, I'll warrant, are the ones who are "insiders" who follow the drama -- the sturm und drang -- if you will, of the board in detail. And I could be wrong, but I think that group, while they may make the majority of the postings, constitutes the minority of readers.