January 6th - We Democrats Brought it on Ourselves

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Could be even though it's obvious that most of them are, the media continually looks the other way so you have to yell a little louder about it. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Lotta yelling out there. Nobody questions the integrity of American politicians. For the most part, they're a couple of quarts low. But the ability of some to just flip a switch and ignore the past four years of American drama is astounding.

Also, a lot of editors out there.

Again, "the media" includes all the right wing channels, blogs and social media sites, right? Otherwise, where would the yellers get their yelling material?
CryptKicker's Avatar
I should have clarified the liberal media which comprises the majority.

Lotta yelling out there.

Also, a lot of editors out there.

Again, "the media" includes all the right wing channels, blogs and social media sites, right? Otherwise, where would the yellers get their yelling material? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I should have clarified the liberal media which comprises the majority. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Not tue.

Looks pretty evenly split per this chart.

Precious_b's Avatar
Not tue.

Looks pretty evenly split per this chart.

http://adfontesmedia.com/wp-content/...ow-300x237.jpg Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Never seen anybody counter this map with a better one when pointed to being unfair representation.
pussycat's Avatar
Many Democratic politicians are not liars or crooks, but their leaders on the national level definitely are - Obama, Hilary, Biden, Schiff and Nadler and their ilk at the top of the party are crooks. The one advantage or virtue that the Republicans always had over the Democrats were that they were not a bunch of crooks as the Democrats have always harbored due to their plebian constituents. It is a cliche to say that because the Democrats were working class, union and machine oriented that they were from a lower class of people more prone to crime and mendacity because of their lower origins. But the facts are that there is truth in that assertion. The noble intellectuals and reformers in the party have always been a minority, and the majority always were corrupt, machine-oriented hustlers who reflect the worst aspects of "democracy."
pussycat's Avatar
I should have clarified the liberal media which comprises the majority. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Ratings clearly show that conservative programming on television and radio is far more popular then the legacy outlets in print and television, which are far out of step with the public and cling to a small minority of progressives.

This is aweful because it causes the Post, NYT, NBC and CNN to do nothing but preach to their ever shrinking audience, making up stories to appeal to their unchallenged opinions, like the "big lie" that the Republicans believe the 2020 election was illegitimate when in 2016 it was the Democrats that made that claim only more passionately. I listen to NPR all the time because they have great guests but their "reporters" are the most biast of them all, and they are non-profit and don't care about ratings. They are just so biast and live in an echo chamber that they never listen to or feature anyone who disagrees with them.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That chart reminds me of a sunken sailboat I helped salvage.
The drowned rats were all stacked on top of one another pyramid fashion, with the largest on top.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Any wonder why the first ones to abandon ship were on the far right?
CellarDweller's Avatar
Great thread, Pussycat. Nice to see some wisdom amoung our ranks! I have said 5he same things a number of times in my sphere but it is completely over most peoples heads...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ratings clearly show that conservative programming on television and radio is far more popular then the legacy outlets in print and television, which are far out of step with the public and cling to a small minority of progressives.

This is aweful because it causes the Post, NYT, NBC and CNN to do nothing but preach to their ever shrinking audience, making up stories to appeal to their unchallenged opinions, like the "big lie" that the Republicans believe the 2020 election was illegitimate when in 2016 it was the Democrats that made that claim only more passionately. I listen to NPR all the time because they have great guests but th'eir "reporters" are the most biast of them all, and they are non-profit and don't care about ratings. They are just so biast and live in an echo chamber that they never listen to or feature anyone who disagrees with them. Originally Posted by pussycat
I know absolutely NO ONE who thought that Russian interference in the 2016 election cost Hillary Clinton the presidency. Was there Russian interference? Everything points to it. Was Trump involved? I don't believe so at all.

Was there voter fraud in 2020 that cost Trump the election? No. At least as of today, more than 15 months after the election, there is no proof of voter fraud in the election. The totally unsupported claims of voter fraud that Trump has made have done more to harm the integrity of our voting system than all the presidents combined before him. That is his legacy.
  • Zulus
  • 03-07-2022, 01:35 PM
Today in Washington Republicans are giving the cold shoulder to the majority Democrats in Congress who are spending the day calling Trump a "fascist" and claiming they are struggling to save "our democracy." But let's look at how the riot really happened.

It has it's roots in the contested election of 2000, where the Democrats claimed fraud in Florida and Ohio, and no winner was determined for weeks and weeks until a party line vote in the Supreme Court awarded it to W. Bush. That was the beginning of all this mess.

Then in 2016 when Trump won many Democrats claimed that the election was a fraud, the product of Russian interference, which was a lie. Hilary said Trump was an "illegitimate President" and she and legions of other Democrats declared Trump was "unfit" and that he "wasn't their President" and that they would form a "resistance." A resistance --- doesn't that imply revolution, or at a minimum a rejection of the Constitution and the present system?

Thereafter the Democrats tried to smear Trump with lies about collusion with Russia as well as dozens of other lies. Those who created these lies knew they were untrue, but masses of Democrats, believing what they were told by a bias media, believed it all. These were all illegitimate means to try to reverse the election, to nullify it, through tools of "psychological warfare" by the Democrats who didn't give a shit about "our democracy" and the fact that Trump had won the election fairly. In fact, every power center in America opposed Trump, but he won anyway because so many working class people who the Democrats claim to care about supported his policies... HIS POLICIES.

Trump endured a phony impeachment based on nothing. Of course Presidents have the authority to hold up foreign aid for any reason they want. In the case of Biden and Ukraine, Biden was caught colluding with a foreign government similarly to what the Democrats falsely claimed Trump had done, so of course he would pressure the reluctant Ukrainians to commit to investigating the matter. As it was the Ukrainians would investigate nothing because they were afraid of Biden, and thought he would come back in a couple of years and punish him - AND THEY WERE RIGHT.

So here Trump is, the target of one hammer blow after another by his enemies (including some Republicans like the Cheneys and Romney) all of whom are using ILLICITE means to reverse the outcome of the legitimate results of the 2016 election, with no regard whatsoever about "our democracy." So how would this work on Trump's mind? Of course he is going to anticipate that the Democrats are going to try to steal the election. He'd be nuts not to come to that conclusion. So when several examples came in of questionable methods and results emerged from many sources what was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to do nothing? He tried taking evidence, including many Affidavits, to the Courts, but every Court refused to get involved. When his supporters went to Washington to form a giant protest against what appeared to be going on he thought it would be a peaceful, colossal protest. Instead it turned out that a core of these knuckleheads were lunatics who used a chapter out of the Left's own playbook to occupy the Capitol....to occupy it. They were unarmed. They had no formal leaders and no plan. They sought to occupy the Capitol in a similar way to what students used to do in the 1960s across Campuses all over the country. And yes, most of these "sit-ins" resulted in disorder with club and gas used by police to counter the illegal activists who were seeking to stop the functioning of the agency involved (just like the Jan.6 activists were doing). None of them were "fascists" any more than Trump is.

But now that Trump has been again falsely maligned and insulted he has no choice but to seek the Presidency all over again, and it's once again the Democrats fault that he must do so.
Originally Posted by pussycat

Well said....
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Lotta yelling out there. Nobody questions the integrity of American politicians. For the most part, they're a couple of quarts low... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I would agree with the above. In a nutshell, career politicians are the problem. Coincidentally - F Joe Biden has been in US politics for 50+ years.

“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves” ― Abraham Lincoln

“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." ― Abraham Lincoln

In more modern times:


But then, you knew I would say that
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump’s no Abe Lincoln.

But our Secretary of State is.

And don’t assume I know what you’re going to say. That would indicate I pay attention.

winn dixie's Avatar
jan 6 was staged and set up by the fbi, with antheifa being the agitators in disguise.

Release the REAL TAPES!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
jan 6 was staged and set up by the fbi, with antheifa being the agitators in disguise.

Release the REAL TAPES! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You have as much proof of that as you do of fraud in the election.