Anal Training

NaughtyMaddy's Avatar
I think a couple of guys have got me twisted thinking this thread means to email me the dumbest shit ever. Lol. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T ASK FOR BB!

I am not interested and this thread isn't an invitation for you to try and convince me to not protect our health. No thanks! Anyone asking for uncovered services will be BLOCKED.
missi hart's Avatar
This is a good video about anal that might help you prepare: Originally Posted by TOTHorns

i was unaware of the xruniversity site until reading your post. it is great! thanks so much for sharing the info!
normalguy21's Avatar
If your worried about your butt hurting get some orajel toothache cream and use it on your pucker hole it will numb it right up .
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Being one of the Greek lovers, I have to agree with what is said above that numbing should NOT be part of the routine, although they even have lubes that desensitize.
I have a shower enema system and prefer at least 2 hours notice so that I can prep or clean out. Cleaning is the only prep that I need. I enjoy Greek, so don't need any toys, plugs or any other prep. I have guys who ask during the session and I've told them that I'm willing to do it unprepped, as long as they realize what could happen.
Love this thread...great advice by everyone as well. I also enjoy toy play and am slowly working my way up, do love the idea of a mutual anal toy session. Heading to Vegas in March, perhaps we will have to connect.
brookebutler's Avatar
Let me know when you're in Vegas. Originally Posted by NaughtyMaddy
You sound like fun. I'll be in town in a few weeks. May I reach out?
tinman483's Avatar
Ok so I'm not a fan of receiving anal every time I have had it my cock goes soft and almost no possible way to bring it back. Maybe has never been done right I duno.
That bring said if a person puts some numbing stuff up there How do you feel anything? Just askin. Thanks
NaughtyMaddy's Avatar
Yes please do Brooke!
NaughtyMaddy's Avatar
It's the initial getting in that is scary to me. Once it's in I'm fine lol more of a mental thing I guess hahah.
Satyrrical's Avatar
I’ve heard that making yourself laugh or giggle during initial penetration helps get “it” in (whatever “it” might be). If “it” is a hard cock though, not sure what that’d do for a guy’s self confidence.
A couple of thoughts, sweetie. First, any thing that numbs, will not help in the long run, particularly if you get used to using that type lube, plus your friend will get numb too.
Training is important as you have figured out, and I could not agree more with the "start small" approach and enema process discussed by others. One other trick, if you will is to wear a plug during the day, say for an hour of so. Again start small, the increase the size. Helps the anus relax faster based on my experience training a girl some years back.
Enjoy this trysts with a nice anal ending, they are fun, pleasurable, and you are one of the luck girls that has anal orgasms. had a girl tell me once that clit was nice, pussy orgasms were better, but the ones she enjoyed the most .... anal!
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Here is a really good link for cleaning out really well. If you follow this you will never have a problem. I agree that you should not numb anything. No poppers no nothing, just lots of lube. BTW, vet supply stores sell vet ob/gyn lube by the gallon for 5.00, its very slippery and works really well. Anyway, I enjoy pegging and have been fisted on occasion by providers with appropriately small hands...its never hurt because we just paced ourselves. Follow this link and you will get a porn grade clean out and will not have to worry about "issues" for hours.
normalguy21's Avatar