Ridiculous republicans.

bambino's Avatar
The pair. Means stuff, including access to campaign funds. Originally Posted by HDGristle
You mean like grocery shopping????? A team? Nah Mr Gristle, democrats were voting for Bribes as President. Period. Cumala was not on the primary ballot. Therefore, she didn’t win one vote. I’ll drop the mic right here.
... Do you believe most of the Repubs would have been
content enough with Mike Pence taking the nod?? Originally Posted by Salty Again

No, because the party of weird domestic terrorists were trying to murder Mike Pence on J6th on order of DJT
eyecu2's Avatar
You mean like grocery shopping????? A team? Nah Mr Gristle, democrats were voting for Bribes as President. Period. Cumala was not on the primary ballot. Therefore, she didn’t win one vote. I’ll drop the mic right here. Originally Posted by bambino
What part of your post has anything to do with the actual topic of the thread- "Ridiculous Republicans"? You're always quick to point out if one sentence strays off- when you write a paragraph with word salad and innuendo, insults and deflection. You're better than that Bam.
Question...Can anyone honestly say the country is in a better place now than it was 3 years ago? Gas prices up, economy is shit, grocery prices up, mortgage rates up, US is no longer self sufficient, does everyone forget one of the first things Joe did was close the Keystone pipeline? All this concentration on electric cars, manufacturing the battery of an electric car creates more pollution than the fumes from gas for the lifetime of that vehicle. WW3 is about to break out. Millions of illegals entering the country. And to further insult the good people of this country, you have Kamala saying if she gets in she will do this, do that etc, yet did not do any of those things during the past 3.5 years she was in office. Do you support males in female sports? Do I think Trump is necessarily the answer, no, but all I can say is the country was in a much better place during his term than it is now. Oh ya, let's not forget COVID. It sucks that our country is in a place where people consider not voting because they think the election is rigged and/or there is not 1 candidate they support.
eyecu2's Avatar
Question...Can anyone honestly say the country is in a better place now than it was 3 years ago?

Gas prices up, economy is shit, grocery prices up, mortgage rates up, US is no longer self sufficient, does everyone forget one of the first things Joe did was close the Keystone pipeline? All this concentration on electric cars, manufacturing the battery of an electric car creates more pollution than the fumes from gas for the lifetime of that vehicle. WW3 is about to break out. Millions of illegals entering the country. And to further insult the good people of this country, you have Kamala saying if she gets in she will do this, do that etc, yet did not do any of those things during the past 3.5 years she was in office. Do you support males in female sports?

Do I think Trump is necessarily the answer, no, but all I can say is the country was in a much better place during his term than it is now. Oh ya, let's not forget COVID. It sucks that our country is in a place where people consider not voting because they think the election is rigged and/or there is not 1 candidate they support. Originally Posted by Fbillings1111
Great job regurgitating FOX news talking points.

Gas Prices are up from the pandemic lows- of course. When nobody was going anywhere- there was almost ZERO demand- simple supply chain economics

Stock market has been on a roar- a tear, and reaching new all time highs. If you have a 401k- you're welcome.

Keystone pipeline is the dirtiest oil in north america. It had a serious threat of environmental endangerment from prior spills- one of many reasons it was denied. TC energy Another mis-statement of facts from Republicans. Here's a few examples:

Look up the banking and housing crisis of 2008 if you don't understand the reason prices were low before and high now.


Fearmongering about WWIII, and other nefarious claims from the right are just more words without mettle. Nothing to suggest the USA needs to be involved directly or indirectly in most cases.

Lastly- All these claims of a self sufficient country relating to energy- and that Harris is not on board with oil/ Fracking or any other energy development is a ruse.

Truth is- the US is producing more oil TODAY than ever before! If there is a claim that the US wass energy independent, it was during the 1st 6 months of the pandemic where we didnt' need to import oil due to NO demand.

Groceries and raw goods have spiked due to many reasons such as labor costs, transportation, and even profiteering on overly inflated prices-(gouging) and the high profits of manufacturers vs. retailers.
This one is paywalled, but you get 4 free views via Forbes:

Indeed ridiculous republican talking points that are just based in the "voodoo economics" that the simple-folk, simply don't understand. It's the same as it's ever been about Republican economics.

Ridiculous, outrageous and absolutely w/o being based in facts.

Tell me you don't know how pricing works without telling me you don't know.
HDGristle's Avatar
Keystone wasn't shut down. The Keystone XL extension was shut down. It's an important distinction
Question...Can anyone honestly say the country is in a better place now than it was 3 years ago? Gas prices up, economy is shit, grocery prices up, mortgage rates up, US is no longer self sufficient, does everyone forget one of the first things Joe did was close the Keystone pipeline? All this concentration on electric cars, manufacturing the battery of an electric car creates more pollution than the fumes from gas for the lifetime of that vehicle. WW3 is about to break out. Millions of illegals entering the country. And to further insult the good people of this country, you have Kamala saying if she gets in she will do this, do that etc, yet did not do any of those things during the past 3.5 years she was in office. Do you support males in female sports? Do I think Trump is necessarily the answer, no, but all I can say is the country was in a much better place during his term than it is now. Oh ya, let's not forget COVID. It sucks that our country is in a place where people consider not voting because they think the election is rigged and/or there is not 1 candidate they support. Originally Posted by Fbillings1111
Easy. Wages have increased to match inflation. People are still spending money, going on vacations, going to concerts and sporting events. Restaurants are packed. The U.S. has easily the best post-Covid economy in the world.

Stock market is at an all-time record high (something trumpers no longer care about, apparently, after bragging about it non-stop for 4 years lol).

The economy is positively humming right now, despite all the Fox "News" boogeyman bullshit.