Angry wife on the loose...

airlineguy12's Avatar
Sorry to offend and I did not mean to generalize. I really was trying to say that the Wife should take out her aggressions on the Husband and not the provider. If I got off track I and put my personal issue in there and it looked like I was trying to make it the all inclusive story and anyone took it that way I'm sorry and was not thinking that way. I guess what was going through my mind did not translate well to paper when written out.
I know you ladies have enough issues with guys and government and do not need any S/Os to make it worse.

Int3rested's Avatar
sounds like the call you received was full of r not responsible...appreciate the vented and more then likely directed another way...thanks for your post b patient and stay safe...
Jasser's Avatar
Sorry, but this pisses me off. This isn't the first time Reese has had to go UTR because some dumbass isn't covering his trails. We have a nice site here with tons of information and man whores with excellent advice and experience.

When you are careless, you're not only endangering yourself!
TinMan's Avatar
It doesn't matter how careful you are, Jasser. If she really wants to find out, she will find out. Fortunately, most women don't really want to know.
Sorry this has happened to you. Most of the times they are just making threats and never anything really big comes out of it.
When angry wives call me, my first instinct is to laugh at them and add fuel to the fire, but out of respect for my clients, I just act like I have no idea what they're talking about, hang up, then put them in my blacklist app. So they can no longer contact me. Jealousy is such a petty emotion. Glad I don't get jealous.
PODarkness's Avatar
I recall a thread a few years ago, in which a provider got a call from an angry wife. I don't remember who the provider was, but her quick thinking pulled the plug and I'll always remember it.

She started yelling at the wife, "who are you and why do you have my husband's phone number?!
Jasser's Avatar
It doesn't matter how careful you are, Jasser. If she really wants to find out, she will find out. Fortunately, most women don't really want to know. Originally Posted by TinMan

True, however there the obvious things that can help prevent suspicion in the first place right?

1. Hobby phone - a cheap life saver that many ignore
2. Hobby email - free life saver that many ignore.
3. Not checking Eccie or hobby email or hobby phone at home
4. Avoid suspicious activity - If you blow a few Ben's normally then put a little back and over time you have your hobby money. Don't neglect your spouse just because you are getting your strange. In other words, keep begging for ass even though you know you won't get it.
5. Choosing when to hobby - If you don't normally golf or go out with the guys then choosing a good time to hobby is critical. Me, for instance, I never just go out with the guys or play golf so if I end up missing for a few hours on the weekend or evening, it's suspicious. I have to plan my play time around a secret vacation day or when the wife is out and about.

I'm sure there are more, but these come to mind first. I'm not disagreeing with you Tinman, but you have to admit that a lot of guys get too comfortable and get sloppy.

Women are sneaky creatures that collect information and are very patient about their attack. If you start slipping then you are bound to get busted.
Jasser's Avatar
When angry wives call me, my first instinct is to laugh at them and add fuel to the fire, but out of respect for my clients, I just act like I have no idea what they're talking about, hang up, then put them in my blacklist app. So they can no longer contact me. Jealousy is such a petty emotion. Glad I don't get jealous. Originally Posted by 682Jewel

I would say, in a marriage, betrayal is more the issue than jealousy.
TinMan's Avatar
I'm not disagreeing with you Tinman, but you have to admit that a lot of guys get too comfortable and get sloppy.
Originally Posted by Jasser
I agree, particularly with this statement, but with pretty much all your other points, too. In the end, however, unless you rarely hobby it is pretty damn difficult to completely cover your tracks.
Im sorry Reese.

That sucks!!!!

Just stay low, ignore her calls, if she calls again, and I really hope the husband who is in trouble figures out he is in hot water, do what he has to do. I hope he contacts you soon. Please be safe pretty lady.

flboy65's Avatar
She started yelling at the wife, "who are you and why do you have my husband's phone number?! Originally Posted by PODarkness
LMFAO... Had to think about that one for a minute, but that is funny as hell !!!
Reese, I hope you're ok. This same thing happened to me. I answered the first call, and when I figured out it was a wife, I told her I wasn't aware of anyone by hubby's name. Do you know that nut job client called me from their home phone shortly after and said his wife had his cell and may be calling?!?! Geez. "Here's your sign, dude." She began calling me 3-4 times a day, the last of which was when I was meeting a regular client. I explained to him why my phone was ringing off the hook, and he answered. He told her to stop pestering his wife, etc. She freaked out and hung up. LOL.

We can tell gents all the time how to cover their tracks and be safe, but you can't make them do it. Besides, some wives are just stealthy ninjas who know everything.
I too send my regards to Reese.

Also, I want others to consider what she has done here. She has taken steps to protect herself, but also her clients by changing phone numbers and dumping her website. Steps a true provider takes to protect her clients in these situations.

Nice job Reese on your quick actions.
Hercules's Avatar
I've had a few boyfriends, one pissed off father and one provider threaten me. 99% of the time it's just that. A threat. But that 1% can suuuuuure fuck things up royally.