How desperate is Biden? He is blaming Trump for the debacle in Afghanistan

Biden wasn't bound by any agreement Trump made. it wasn't a treaty ratified by the Senate. Biden could have done anything he wanted. Trump's plan did not include abandoning Bagram air base. that was a fool's mistake by Biden and Biden alone and his Generals advised against it. the plan to keep Bagram air base was to prevent exactly what happened, the Afghan military and government were a bunch of pussies who ran the first time some taliban asshole fires at them.

the US military knew for years the Afghan army was not capable. their troops wouldn't show up for duty unless it was payday and most of the time they were under the influence of {forbidden topic}.

keeping Bagram air base was supposed to provide backup to the afghan army if the taliban attacked.

it was Trump who wanted the US out of foreign conflicts, Obama had eight years and did nothing.

you really think the taliban are suddenly peaceful and not repressing any dissent in Afghanistan? and killing anyone they deem has disobeyed their religious mandates? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And trump had 4 years and did nothing. And what party got us into this shithole? Yep red.

Those dumbfucks kill anyone over stupid religious shit anyway with or without us there.
Biden wasn't bound by any agreement Trump made. it wasn't a treaty ratified by the Senate. Biden could have done anything he wanted. Trump's plan did not include abandoning Bagram air base. that was a fool's mistake by Biden and Biden alone and his Generals advised against it. the plan to keep Bagram air base was to prevent exactly what happened, the Afghan military and government were a bunch of pussies who ran the first time some taliban asshole fires at them.

the US military knew for years the Afghan army was not capable. their troops wouldn't show up for duty unless it was payday and most of the time they were under the influence of {forbidden topic}.

keeping Bagram air base was supposed to provide backup to the afghan army if the taliban attacked.

it was Trump who wanted the US out of foreign conflicts, Obama had eight years and did nothing.

you really think the taliban are suddenly peaceful and not repressing any dissent in Afghanistan? and killing anyone they deem has disobeyed their religious mandates? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump and Biden wanted the US out of the war, it was Biden though that followed through. To reneg on the deal would have meant war escalation and at least 3 more years there. There were "escape" clauses from the deal, but we didn't have much leverage.

Fuck that place we are out with minimal casualties. I know the trumptards just whine and moan about the suicide bomber that killed at the end. Sucks but fuck we are out of there, for now. Maybe we will have to go back but that is another war to be fought at a different time. Maybe a war that can be won with an exit strategy. I don't think a war can ever be won there. It is a shit hole region..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And trump had 4 years and did nothing. And what party got us into this shithole? Yep red.

Those dumbfucks kill anyone over stupid religious shit anyway with or without us there. Originally Posted by royamcr

Bush was wrong to go into Afghanistan. you shocked a republican would say that? don't be. the point was to get Bin Laden. once it became clear he'd fled to Pakistan (who hid Bin Laden while taking our money supposedly to help find him) we should have left.

Bush was wrong to invade Iraq. well G W Bushy was, daddy G H Bushy had a valid reason. btw there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. they moved them to their Islamic frenemy Iran.

recall however that G W Bushy had universal support to invade Iraq after 9/11 even some senator named Clinton voted for it. the nation wanted someone to pay for that and G W Bushy picked Iraq. wrong villain.

and who was in charge when the US embraced Arab Spring in Egypt and decided Gaddafi had to be overthrown in Libya? the party of Donkeys.
They advised against it, for various reasons. It is foolish to think that generals told the commander in cheif NO... It was your cult leader trump that negotiated the exit anyway. Originally Posted by royamcr
Trump wasn't around but Biden was. Biden could have done a better job but he didn't because he isn't that sharp.
Biden held to trump's agreement with the terrorists. He did get a 6 month extension to the exit. Biden doesn't call the shots play by play, that is the militaries job. Military is sharp and well trained/educated on warfare. It is stupid to think that Biden has much to do with day to day military operations. Now yes, he would give the go ahead for any major strategy changes, but this is from the advice of military leaders and advisors. Just because warmongering generals said to not exit, other advisors supported the exit. I get it you'll never give biden an ounce of credit for anything. 100% exiting the region was the right decision. Sure it wasn't perfect, no exit from a war is. It isn't like there was a surrender or anything, so it was very complicated. We could have stayed in the region for 5 more years and exited, and the place would still be the same shithole as it is now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden held to trump's agreement with the terrorists. He did get a 6 month extension to the exit. Biden doesn't call the shots play by play, that is the militaries job. Military is sharp and well trained/educated on warfare. It is stupid to think that Biden has much to do with day to day military operations. Now yes, he would give the go ahead for any major strategy changes, but this is from the advice of military leaders and advisors. Just because warmongering generals said to not exit, other advisors supported the exit. I get it you'll never give biden an ounce of credit for anything. 100% exiting the region was the right decision. Sure it wasn't perfect, no exit from a war is. It isn't like there was a surrender or anything, so it was very complicated. We could have stayed in the region for 5 more years and exited, and the place would still be the same shithole as it is now. Originally Posted by royamcr

did Biden have to? did Biden ignore the military who advised him not to give up Bagram air base? that of course is his right as Commander in Idiot. which he is. how sharp is General Milley while he reads up on "wokeness" and "critical race theory"?

Biden and Milley are an aid and comfort to America's enemies. which is the definition of treason.
The military was divided on whether or not to exit. It wasn't like it was 100% one sided that military leaders said "NO". Very complicated to say the least. Here is a AI run down of it.

The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was a complex and controversial issue that involved a range of perspectives from military leaders and policymakers.

Some military leaders argued that the U.S. had achieved its primary objectives in Afghanistan, including the elimination of Osama bin Laden and the degradation of al-Qaeda's capabilities. They also noted the high cost of maintaining a military presence in Afghanistan, both in terms of financial resources and human lives lost. They argued that the U.S. should redirect its resources and focus on other national security priorities, such as the growing threat from China.

However, other military leaders expressed concerns about the potential implications of a complete withdrawal, including the potential for the Taliban to regain control and the implications for regional security. They argued that a continued presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan was necessary to prevent a resurgence of terrorist groups and to support the Afghan government.

Ultimately, the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made by the U.S. government, taking into account a range of factors, including the cost of the war, public opinion, and the shifting national security priorities of the United States. The decision was not universally supported by military leaders, and there were differing opinions regarding the potential implications of the withdrawal.


The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was a significant policy shift for the United States and was influenced by a range of factors beyond military considerations. These factors included:

Cost: The war in Afghanistan had become the longest war in U.S. history, lasting over 20 years, and had cost the U.S. government over $2 trillion. The financial burden of maintaining a military presence in Afghanistan was a significant factor in the decision to withdraw.

Public Opinion: The war in Afghanistan had become increasingly unpopular among the American public. Polls consistently showed that a majority of Americans believed that the war was not worth fighting and that it was time to bring the troops home.

Political Considerations: The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was also influenced by political considerations within the United States. The Biden administration had made it clear that it wanted to shift the focus of U.S. foreign policy towards other priorities, such as the growing threat from China and Russia.

International Pressure: The U.S. faced increasing pressure from its allies and international partners to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

Military Considerations: While military leaders had differing opinions regarding the withdrawal, there were concerns about the ongoing cost of maintaining a military presence in Afghanistan and the potential for the conflict to continue indefinitely.

Overall, the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was a complex and multifaceted issue that involved a range of factors beyond military considerations. The decision was influenced by political, economic, and social factors, as well as considerations of national security and international relations.


The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was a significant policy shift that had been under discussion for several years. It was influenced by a range of factors, including:

Strategic Considerations: The U.S. government had been engaged in a long-term effort to stabilize Afghanistan and prevent the resurgence of terrorist groups. However, after 20 years of conflict, many policymakers and military leaders concluded that a military solution was no longer feasible, and a political solution was needed.

Cost: The war in Afghanistan had become the longest war in U.S. history, lasting over 20 years, and had cost the U.S. government over $2 trillion. The financial burden of maintaining a military presence in Afghanistan was a significant factor in the decision to withdraw.

Domestic Politics: The war in Afghanistan had become increasingly unpopular among the American public. Polls consistently showed that a majority of Americans believed that the war was not worth fighting and that it was time to bring the troops home. The Biden administration had also made it clear that it wanted to shift the focus of U.S. foreign policy towards other priorities, such as the growing threat from China and Russia.

International Pressure: The U.S. faced increasing pressure from its allies and international partners to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. Many countries had also committed their own troops and resources to the conflict and were seeking a resolution.

Military Considerations: While military leaders had differing opinions regarding the withdrawal, there were concerns about the ongoing cost of maintaining a military presence in Afghanistan and the potential for the conflict to continue indefinitely. Many military leaders believed that a political solution was needed to end the conflict.

Overall, the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was a complex and multifaceted issue that involved a range of factors beyond military considerations. The decision was influenced by strategic, political, economic, social, and international factors, as well as considerations of national security and military strategy.

Of course now you'll say that AI is left biased. LOL

Is chat GPT politically biased?

As an AI language model, the chat GPT does not have any political biases or agendas. It is designed to provide helpful and informative responses to questions, based on the information available to it. The responses are generated by analyzing patterns and relationships in large datasets of text, and are not influenced by personal beliefs, opinions, or political affiliations. However, it is possible that the information and sources used by the model may contain political biases, and it is important to critically evaluate information from multiple sources to form a balanced and informed perspective.
One of the tenants in our system is the civilian government is always over the military. The President is the Commander in Chief.

This works until you get an old, stupid inept, lying, corrupt piece of shit such Biden as the Commander in Chief.
One of the tenants in our system is the civilian government is always over the military. The President is the Commander in Chief.

This works until you get an old, stupid inept, lying, corrupt piece of shit such Biden as the Commander in Chief. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He's 100x better than your orange turd rapist cheating cult leader. Wake me up when biden is indicted for anything. Won't happen...
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump had a brilliant strategy that no one had ever tried before......a military genius...LOL

Smarter than the Generals............BWAHAHAHAH AHAH

He's 100x better than your orange turd rapist cheating cult leader. Wake me up when biden is indicted for anything. Won't happen... Originally Posted by royamcr
Corruption protects corruption. Biden made a deal with a corrupt country called Ukraine to fire a prosecutor. If Trump did that the Democrats would go into a frenzy. Hunter Biden lied on ATF Form 4473 to purchase a Firearm. If Eric Trump did that the left would lose their minds. The Democratic Party isn't shit. This Country hasn't benefited from them in fifty years.
Ya bullshit, history tells a different story of democrats cleaning up republican disasters.
Ya bullshit, history tells a different story of democrats cleaning up republican disasters. Originally Posted by royamcr
History doesn't show that. The Democratic Party is now a criminal empire. They create problems and try to pass the blame. Members of that criminal empire run the Banking System, The Media and the Entertainment Industry. Those entities have a great deal of influence and Power over the Political system. That's what history shows.
History doesn't show that. The Democratic Party is now a criminal empire. They create problems and try to pass the blame. Members of that criminal empire run the Banking System, The Media and the Entertainment Industry. Those entities have a great deal of influence and Power over the Political system. That's what history shows. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You obviously have a distorted view of history and just plain wrong.
He's 100x better than your orange turd rapist cheating cult leader.. Originally Posted by royamcr
OH boy. Adjust your skirt, your TDS is showing.

I just don't understand how you lefties can just blindly follow a man that can't put a legible sentence together. It's like facts are just a leaf in the wind to you guys. Can someone explain this to me??