Police Use Paid Johns to Bust Women

trust me those asshole make it that serious in PA!!
nothing better to do
I was told awhile ago, by a prominent provider in Philly, that Pittsburgh was hot as hell. She told me they have a vice squad that makes bust morning and night. I was told they sat up appointment early for later that evening; then they go in and bust the provider. They prefer incall bust as oppose to outcall. They also have many ways to get around verification. Travel itineraries, ID's, employment, etc. I refuse to go because it's that's too hot for me.
what do u all mean by a LE
law enforcement is LE
PGH is very hot and the hotels work with LE
Harrisburg/Hershey Pa is just as bad and when they arrest you- you will sit in Dauphin county PRISON until someone will post the full amount of a cash bond for you.
If your from outta state its 25 grand. They are so backed up (and screwed up) plan on being in prison for a week to a few months.
Like other officers involved in stings, he said he doesn't enjoy physical contact with prostitutes, many of whom are drug addicts and are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases.

Did you see this shit? lol wow....
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I was told awhile ago, by a prominent provider in Philly, that Pittsburgh was hot as hell. She told me they have a vice squad that makes bust morning and night. I was told they sat up appointment early for later that evening; then they go in and bust the provider. They prefer incall bust as oppose to outcall. They also have many ways to get around verification. Travel itineraries, ID's, employment, etc. I refuse to go because it's that's too hot for me. Originally Posted by Girl Syxx
i heard KOP was engulfed in FLAMES hot but good money in that area lol
Get_It_Greg's Avatar
Like other officers involved in stings, he said he doesn't enjoy physical contact with prostitutes, many of whom are drug addicts and are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases.

Did you see this shit? lol wow....
Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
this is true...especially in a place like pissburgh.... but he does make it seem like drug addicted men have sex with drug addicted prostitues...no regular men have sex with drug addicted prostitutues too..

the only way you ladies can get out of this if he does go ahead with a sex act OR he leads you into a sexual act, which he shouldnt have let go further...violation of 14th amendment
There is no law that prohibits LE from actualy having sex before arresting the perp. However, most departments have regulations about how far an officer can go. They can lie as long as the lie does not entice someone to do something they would not otherwise do.

Bottom line is, if they want to arrest you they will. You cannot talk your way out of a bust. Best thing to do is invoke your rights, then STFU until you talk to a lawyer.
how are we back to the same questions day after day? Originally Posted by naughtynikki84
The game doesn't cease to exist, only the players change.
I think we rehash topics day after day for 2 major reasons. 1) Is that there are fresh faces that decide to join as providers who want to know the basics because they are new and all they know are the rumors and things that they assume are true. (I.E. That you should ask a guy if he is a cop cause cops cant lie and say they aren't. FALSE!!! They can and do lie and it is perfectly legal in all 50 states and no matter the jurisdiction for them to do this.
2) That providers want to hear themselves talk and just hoping for a different answer to a question that they already know the answer to...
My question is to any legal minds is this: What if the cop was recorded in saying he was not a cop, was not assisting the cops etc...

If that is played in court indicating he would lie to get an arrest would not that tarnish his credibility and thus make his word against the lady shaky? Originally Posted by Spirit13
Nope. Get this Vice Cops are trash bags. They usually get into vice squads because number one most of them are loose cannons anyway. Secondly they don't get along to well with uniformed Officers. They play unsafe and have no people skills to work amongst the general public.
wow thanks guys didnt know some of that stuff
It is borderline retarded. If all you had to do was ask if someone was a cop, who would get arrrested? No drug dealers. I am at a complete loss as to WHERE people who think this grew up. Did your mommy drive you to school until you were eighteen? Were you broke? WTF???!!!?? How did you graduate from high school with an iq that high? Where, in the suburbs with no city for three hunderd miles that you couldn't afford to visit? The only person I ever saw that asked me that question was from Hawaii--he had a legitimate excuse for being that naive. Noone else does.
As someone who has watched the legal system, from afar (not LE, just the legal system).....

No magical formula, do your screening, use common sense...especially with a first time client and then if ya get busted (either provider or hobbist) the key is....

SAY NOTHING, irregardless of advice LE is giving you, and hire a lawyer to do your talking.

Also if your active in hobby, either side, know who you are going to hire BEFORE you need the lawyer. Even to the point of spending an hour with attorney, so he/she knows who you are and what your about.

That way, if the day comes, you have the right number to call!!!!