LexusLover you speak of what was rather what is. Politics is not stagnant but rather shifts from left to right and back again like a pendulum as politicians flip flop on issues and policy decisions. Your post highlights a time in American history when explict racism was at a milestone marker as the more radical and far right leading politicians were absorbed into the Republican party. The exodus of conservative Democrats to the Republican party began a trajectory toward the far right. Consequently, the Republican party is now the political party of choice for right wing extremists, white separatists, white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-confederates, neo-nazis, other right wing hate groups and maybe a few good people. Today's Republican party is not the Republican party of old that existed in that segment of history when America was great. Today, the Republican party plays ring master of one of the greatest political shitshows on the planet. Decades from now global citizens will probably look back in retrospect and joke about the time the Electoral College of the American Republic installed an alleged Russian asset as the chief executive. Originally Posted by Whisky_1+1
I think party politics are dying off. One party does not represent my views or even 80% of my views.
There needs to be a bit more live and let live and less nosing in others affairs.