Now We Have "Calexit".

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I disagree - that would basically become an extra liberal state - not progress. Give the Norte Mexico portion to Mexico, or better yet make it an independent Indian nation, since the land was originally their land, anyway. Originally Posted by DSK
actually, it was the eastern strip of california was indian land if I recall.

this area was to be a reservation. they found this 1880's indian california treaty that was stuck in some file in the late 1890 or early 1900's. congress rejected it of course.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I disagree - that would basically become an extra liberal state - not progress. Give the Norte Mexico portion to Mexico, or better yet make it an independent Indian nation, since the land was originally their land, anyway. Originally Posted by DSK

That was kind of my point, give southern California back to Mexico. Northern California is where we can all go to vacation and the fruits and nuts will make their homes in what's left. think of like a reservation.
  • DSK
  • 11-10-2016, 04:05 PM
actually, it was the eastern strip of california was indian land if I recall.

this area was to be a reservation. they found this 1880's indian california treaty that was stuck in some file in the late 1890 or early 1900's. congress rejected it of course. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm still willing to give it back, & Hawaii too.
And I had the same attitude toward that.

I am an American first, and then a Texan. Texas is part of The United States of America. As a citizen of The United States, I would consider it high treason for a State to want to break away and form a separate Country.

I will not argue the point as to whether a State has the right to secede. Many believe they do. But, The United States also has the right, (as proven by history), to use what ever force is required to stop it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree Jackie, I just thought it was funny after reading on here not to long ago about Texas seceding. I just want to tell all these drama queens to get over it and life will go on.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And the Democrats lose 55 Electoral College votes? Hahahaha! Never happen.
They would never win another thing without California, and could kiss their whole party goodbye.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And the Democrats lose 55 Electoral College votes? Hahahaha! Never happen.
They would never win another thing without California, and could kiss their whole party goodbye. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

actually, those 55 ec votes would be distributed to other states if California left. the house would still be 435 seats.
Yep, Without their 55 electoral vote we would enjoy Republican leadership for many years to come.

Let California go. I love the SoCal beaches, but we'd be rid of two consistently ignorant and liberal senators, and 55 reliable Democrat electoral votes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The ONLY negative about getting rid of California is I will have to remember my passport when I head West.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oregon and Washington want to join California in leaving. That would balance the budget right there. And it would give the illegals somewhere else to go.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Let em go!
Maybe it is time for the west coast to experience what a carpet bagger is and how the newly installed officials start letting them know how things will work from now on.
It would be good to get them out of the south for a change.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oregon and Washington want to join California in leaving. That would balance the budget right there. And it would give the illegals somewhere else to go. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
not heard about that one.
I love Cali!

I'd say we take it by Right of Conquest. You could do it without firing a shot.

Let them secede. Then ship all the conservatives out of New Cali to other states.

All that's left is the elitist/super wealthy libs, and others with their hands out saying "gibs-me."

It would collapse on itself within days.
  • Jabr
  • 11-11-2016, 07:50 PM
It's going to be fun when we cut off their water and electricity from Arizona.
It's going to be fun when we cut off their water and electricity from Arizona. Originally Posted by Jabr
And any interstate pipelines that move a product into Mexifornia. It would also upset the Chinese, since a lot of the manufactured goods come through Mexifornia and Mexifornia would have to increase docking and other shipping fees just to maintain their cash flow. If the Californians want to immolate themselves at the ballot box, let them. just don't expect this Texan to spit or piss on them. I'm " ecologically correct " that way, ya know !
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
theres 2 border cities with unusual names.

Calexico & Mexicali (California & Mexico)