Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she will resign in aftermath of email controversy

This douche, Josh Marshall whole life revolves around trashing DJT. I wonder who is paying him behind the scenes?


Some Douche Josh Crap... http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.c...ees-light.html

TPM's Josh Marshall finally sees the light, yes Elizabeth Warren SHOULD be Hillary Clinton's VP choice.

Courtesy of Talking Points Memo:

I wrote recently that I thought Elizabeth Warren would be a great Veep pick but it wouldn't happen because it would add to the burden of retaking the Senate. Massachusetts has a Republican governor. That would mean at least 6 months or so of an additional Republican senator in 2017 - assuming Clinton wins.

But I'm reconsidering that. In fact, I'm past reconsidering: Hillary should put Warren on the ticket.

The modern vice presidency - as a political device - is seldom about ideological balance or bringing a critical state into play. As it happens, Warren would be a helpful political balancing both in general and coming off the bruising Clinton v Sanders fight. But the most effective modern Veep picks have been ones that helpfully frame and reinforce the message the person at the top of the ticket embodies.

Warren is off-the-cuff, free-wheeling and direct in all the ways Clinton is cautious and rehearsed. But it is a reinforcing rather than an invidious contrast and likely helps bring to the surface Hillary's progressive background that has been buried by decades at the pinnacle of Democratic party politics and years as the punching bag of the left of the party which feels excluded by the seemingly endless Clinton ascendency.

It may sound crazy to attach so much to her recent Twitter contretemps with Donald Trump. But the tone, rhythm and style are exactly what the Democrats need to knock Trump down and bring out his toxic mix of personal insecurity and emotional instability. It's not over-earnest or off-key or droning (traditional Democratic tonalities - let's be honest). She's mocking, substantive and constantly on target.

Indeed, Trump's responses to Warren, his attacks on her, make it clear to me he'll have a hard time handling her.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Frankly, Trump's dealings with Putin bother me much less than Hillary's dealings with Goldmann Sachs and woman hating, gay killing Islamic dictatorships.

If Putin and his goons hacked into the DNC emails, then a prudent person should assume he is also in possession of ALL of the emails that were stored on Hillary's illegal private server, including the 30,000 emails she deleted before handing it over to the FBI.

If Putin confirms this, it will make THE CASE AGAINST HILLARY - that she was grossly negligent in handling State Dept. communications and our nation's secrets - MUCH STRONGER.
Originally Posted by lustylad
If Putin indeed does have "the goods," I mean big "if," he almost certainly will try to exact the maximum value out of his "trump card." Then Trump has to decide if he is willing to take a chance on the election day or go for the sure "kill"....

Beware of October surprises!!!
Originally Posted by lustylad

Are you longing for another "Reagan"...?
Hildebeest and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's foundation took in tens of millions of dollars while hildebeest gave Putin what he wanted: control over 20% of the U.S. strategic uranium reserves, and nothing you said or cited changes that fundamental fact, Silly Suzy Simpleton. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sorry you failed to prove that Hillary has interceded on behalf of the Russians, thus no proof of "quid pro quo." So your wild accusation has no merit after all.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bernie has already made a public statement about the emails. He insisted that Wasserman resign and the DNC is working on changing the rules for future elections. Originally Posted by SassySue
And in your "mind" that's the end of it?

Little Debbie Wasserman is going to work for the Clinton Campaign ... OFFICIALLY NOW!

She's an "expert" on email security, which is needed badly in the campaign.

HillariousNoMore is starting off "right" with her Russian relations!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Sorry you failed to prove that Hillary has interceded on behalf of the Russians, thus no proof of "quid pro quo." So your wild accusation has no merit after all. Originally Posted by andymarksman
It took the FBI awhile to finally conclude HillariousNoMore's OTHER EMAIL CRIMES.
LexusLover's Avatar
Frankly, Trump's dealings with Putin bother me much less than Hillary's dealings with Goldmann Sachs and woman hating, gay killing Islamic dictatorships. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
"The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming" .. etc, etc, ....

.. is lame at best, and shows a delusional paranoia that reflects an instability not "appropriate" for the People's House. It was frequently reported toward the end that Nixon was suffering from such delusions, and to begin with them is something this country doesn't need any longer. We've had almost 8 years of it with 6 more months to go.

Does anyone find it "odd" for the Democrats to blame and label an entire people and Government for the actions of a couple of people who are descendants of the people living under that Government?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sorry you failed to prove that Hillary has interceded on behalf of the Russians, thus no proof of "quid pro quo." So your wild accusation has no merit after all. Originally Posted by andymarksman
There is "quid pro quo", Andy the Little Nazi Boy. Hildebeest got the money, and Putin got the uranium, Andy the Little Nazi Boy.
LexusLover's Avatar
There is "quid pro quo", Andy the Little Nazi Boy. Hildebeest got the money, and Putin got the uranium, Andy the Little Nazi Boy.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm trying to figure out why Andy would even be concerned about money changing hands, if the SOS, who now wants to be POTUS, signed off a deal to give the Russians a contract for most of our in-country uranium?

He's concerned about "the money"?????? That went into an "off shore" account?
Frankly, Trump's dealings with Putin bother me much less than Hillary's dealings with Goldmann Sachs and woman hating, gay killing Islamic dictatorships. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What about shrilLIARy's dealings with all of the women that her sexual predator husband attacked ?
Just wait until WikiLeak releases the ones directly implicating The Clinton Campain being in cahoots with the DNC.

The Bernieites will turn Philly into 1968 Chicago. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wonder how much Police support they will get if that happens, considering how the DNC will have some of the family members of police shooting " victims " on their stage ? Wonder what the local police unions will vote to do when the SHTF ?
LexusLover's Avatar
What about shrilLIARy's dealings with all of the women that her sexual predator husband attacked ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
They are under contract for a "documentary" to be released mid-October.
They are under contract for a "documentary" to be released mid-October. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I LIKE IT !!! Wonder how the lyin libs will try to spin it once it's out ? Prolly arrange for the producer and director to be audited by the IRS and then befall a " Clinton accident " .