Deplorables, Even The Russians Know Your Uneducated and Gullible Idiots.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
AND IF you check, they targeted Cruz AND that commie lover Sanders... LONG before they started targeting trump.. Originally Posted by garhkal
yes they did. it was all about Hillary. She stuck her tits into Vlad Putin's biz and he bitch slapped her for it. I think Trump should make Putin an honorary US Citizen for keeping that cunt out of the White House.

LexusLover's Avatar
I am beginning to believe StandingInShit is one of the UNINDICTED RUSSIAN CO-CONSPIRATORS.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
My bet is they were working for the DNC.
Probably just another Democrat coverup of their involvement with the Russians. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

this looks more like an anti-hillary cyber-war & espionage operation, a very complicated one at that in what they did.

those 13 russians will never be arrested nor brought to trial.