The left has been pretty quiet the last week.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
IBHomo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Props for admitting you are a homo.
(We suspected it all along)
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's tough being an Obama apologist these days.
In case you didn't notice the meltdown was not prevented, it was delayed by a piece of crap legislation called Tarp that Obama had nothing to do with except voting for it.
He prematurely ended a war that he is now revisiting. We do not have universal Health care we have compulsory insurance with far more exempted than covered. Tarp bought time for General Motors but at what cost to us taxpayers? They should have been allowed to fail or succeed on their own like Ford chose to do. Stock markets are at an all time high due to buy backs associated with low cost money afforded those businesses that were too big to fail. Another bubble waiting to burst. Jobless rates are fabricated numbers every administration does it. Want to know the real jobless rate. Divide the number of people working by the number of people able to work but aren't. That's your jobless rate.
I'll give you OBL. Originally Posted by boardman
Ahhh, so the meltdown will be happening soon, right? Just like the end of the world is pending due to the passage of universal health care? As evidenced by the endless promises from the Republicans about their relentless efforts to repeal it....well, here we are..... and not a peep out of any of you. We'll keep waiting for those dire predictions to come true. After all, how on earth could a group of idiots like the current clown posse that comprises the GOP presidential choices possibly be expected to get elected without the usual bullshit republican scare tactics? Just make it up, say it enough times, and folks like you will begin to believe it.

As for the war in Iraq....who is calling for troops on the ground? That would be your group.....Putting us right back where we were....US troopers targets for IED's, endless casualties, billions more spent....for what? Shithole middle eastern countries who ought to be left alone to slaughter each other for religious reasons as they see fit.
Fuck them.

In the meantime, 5.9% is lowest jobless rating since uhhhhhh.....2008...which is, coincidentally enough, the last time a Republican occupied the White House. Hmmmm. Oh, I know....those percentages mean nothing....unless, of course, they are up around 7% or 8%.....and, then, they are God's gospel truth proving that President Obama is the economic anti-Christ. Odd, how that works. Save your mumbo jumbo, you can't have it both fucking ways chief.
It's tough being an Obama apologist these days. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
If I was one, it might be tough. President Obama's supporters don't have a fucking thing to apologize for. You're the one who ought to be apologizing. For, among other things, letting Dick Cheney continue to be a part of the dialogue in regard to how our foreign policy out to be run. He is determined to have us engaged in perpetual combat and endless war....just to justify his catastrophic decisions and influence that led us into the Iraq quagmire. He ought to be locked up, the heartless old fart.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Props for admitting you are a homo.
(We suspected it all along) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Brilliant retort, BJerk.

Indicates that you've got gor nicht! (Of course, you probably don't understand that...)
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think your getting Dick Cheney confused with Leon Panetta.
If I was one, it might be tough. President Obama's supporters don't have a fucking thing to apologize for. You're the one who ought to be apologizing. For, among other things, letting Dick Cheney continue to be a part of the dialogue in regard to how our foreign policy out to be run. He is determined to have us engaged in perpetual combat and endless war....just to justify his catastrophic decisions and influence that led us into the Iraq quagmire. He ought to be locked up, the heartless old fart. Originally Posted by timpage
You forgot Donald Rumsfeld. And John Ashcroft. And Alberto Gonzalez. And Henry Paulson. Come Timmietard, walk into the 2010's with us. Stop trying to frogmarch ghosts.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Is it anti-American to shit on him? To call him a low life piece of shit cocksucker? To decry every effort made by the President and his administration to create and reform policy in this country without even trying to find an avenue to move the country forward?

Yep. You bet your fucking ass.

If you can't tell the difference, then nobody will be surprised, IBHomo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ohh.. you mean we shouldn't treat Obama like you folks treated Bush for his 8 years? Strange how you want different standards because Obama is half white and is part of the D Party. Why is that Yssup?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ohh.. you mean we shouldn't treat Obama like you folks treated Bush for his 8 years? Strange how you want different standards because Obama is half white and is part of the D Party. Why is that Yssup? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Actually that is not how I treated him. I thought he was a buffoon and an idiot, and I said as much. But Puh-leeze.

I don't give a fuck which half of Obama is which race, dipshit. I believe the office deserves a small modicum of respect. As a Veteran and patriot, I've always believed that. Even if the President is an idiot, elected by idiots and controlled by evil men. However, the tone used in this forum is deplorable.

Do you believe that the office deserves some respect? Or are you still butt hurt because a half-white Democrat was elected twice?

Maybe next time America won't elect a mulatto, but a 100% African. Then your head will explode inside your hood!

God save us from ignorant rednecks!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Ohh.. you mean we shouldn't treat Obama like you folks treated Bush for his 8 years? Strange how you want different standards because Obama is half white and is part of the D Party. Why is that Yssup? Originally Posted by RedLeg505

He's Assup Redleg. Get with it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. We need to learn from Assup the proper tone to use on this board. Let's all strive to meet his exceptional level of civility and tolerance. Assup, you are an example to us all.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes. We need to learn from Assup the proper tone to use on this board. Let's all strive to meet his exceptional level of civility and tolerance. Assup, you are an example to us all.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you, Whiny.

Did I ever properly thank you for the nickname, Whiny?

Please accept my gratitude. You have proven over the past few years how far you can get with a few schoolyard taunts (that is what you called them, right?), a couple of men's room stalls, a drill and a pair of industrial strength knee pads.

You are a shining beacon for us all to follow. Just not all of us are willing to go to Salina.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What nickname?
flghtr65's Avatar
In case you didn't notice the meltdown was not prevented, it was delayed by a piece of crap legislation called Tarp that Obama had nothing to do with except voting for it.
He prematurely ended a war that he is now revisiting. We do not have universal Health care we have compulsory insurance with far more exempted than covered. Tarp bought time for General Motors but at what cost to us taxpayers? They should have been allowed to fail or succeed on their own like Ford chose to do. Stock markets are at an all time high due to buy backs associated with low cost money afforded those businesses that were too big to fail. Another bubble waiting to burst. Jobless rates are fabricated numbers every administration does it. Want to know the real jobless rate. Divide the number of people working by the number of people able to work but aren't. That's your jobless rate.
I'll give you OBL. Originally Posted by boardman
1. The Depression of 1929 was prevented.

2. The 10 largest banks got their TARP loan before Bush left office, all the other banks got their TARP loan after Bush left office.

3. The ACA will increase the percentage of citizens who have health insurance coverage from 80% to 95%. It would be closer to 99% but half of the states rejected the expanded Medicaid which is leaving some people uninsured. You will never get 100 per cent coverage with a system that depends on insurance companies collecting premiums and paying out claims.

4. GM and Chysler were saved from going bankrupt.

5. The DJIA, S&P500 and Wilshire 5,000 indexes have all set all time highs under Obama. The Wilshire 5000 index has over 5,000 companies in that index and most of those companies are not buying back their own stock. These indexes would not be going up if a majority of companies were constantly posting quarterly losses. When was the last time the DJIA gained 10,000 points in 5 years?

6. Your guy Mitt said he would get the unemployment rate to 6.0 percent in 4 YEARS, it's that already. Mitt was talking about the unemployment rate that the DOL calculates. Everyone knows that the unemployment rate that the DOL is not accurate, but that is what everyone reports and goes by.

7.The ending of the IRAQ war was not premature. There were no WMD's found and Saddam and his sons were removed from power. There was no need to stay in Iraq for 8 years and spend 2 TRILLION DOLLARS.

8. General Martin Dempsey has called for a more inclusive IRAQ government and air strikes not 20,000 boots on the ground.