Confused (well, not really)

Yikes.....i have to agree with this statement

No doubt they know and have for some time. The thing you have to ask yourself is if you care if they know what you write?

I've found over the years that it's not so much what we write on some forum is it is how well the envelope is stuffed and how respectful we are to them when the linen hits the floor.

Don't take this site or any other one too seriously. Originally Posted by Hercules
Hmm I semi- agree with this statement, although i keep my pics updated. I don't like a bunch of talking. It's better things to talk about than explaining why i don't look like my pictures. I do change my hair daily. That throws people off sometimes. Oh well, it's my thing.

Hobbyist are not doing the girls any favors by not being honest in the reviews, because in the end the hobbyist will look at the one who wrote the review and go "what happen". Why should the hobbyist be upset with the provider, she knew her pics were not real, so did the guy who saw her. Im sure the provider did not hold the hobbyist in a choke hold and say fudge my review please. Hmmm, maybe she did. I don't have those issues. Either way your fellow brother provided inaccurate information, why blame the provider, she did not post the review, he did.

I can't speak on WK's personally i don't have any, i am cool with that. I do know that they keep the reviews very entertaining. Possibly harming the girls business. What if she is a low key provider.

Yeah, WKs are WKs. But some are that way simply because they're a nice guy and may not know exactly how to be tact. Most of us don't like to hurt anyone's feelings. But the fact of the matter is, a provider should fucking KNOW when her pics need to be updated without being told. If anyone asked me, I'd say new pics for every 10 pounds gained or lost, OR it's been over a year since you last updated (some of you it's been YEARS since you last updated). When your body is your selling point, then the consumers need to see the most accurate depiction of the product. First things first, ladies need to be honest with themselves. If they don't look anything in person like their own pics then that's false advertisement. And since your body is your selling point, then it should look presentable to the consumer.

Yep, the word is EXERCISE. Some do it. MANY don't. Truth be told, we ALL need to do it more (self included). Some of us try. Some of us only get exercise when we JOG our memory trying to remember the last time we actually exercised. And don't say you don't have time. There are home gym style machines that are affordable and can be used between appointments, before or after taking the kids to soccer practice, before or after you put the roast in the oven, or before or after you run to the mall.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't put it all on the WKs. Hell, many of us have acted like one at one moment or another, anyway. So let's be careful how we sling that term around. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
About this registering and posting a review the same day, i am puzzled by this, isn't this how some of you gentlemen started off, im sure some lurked around, but others want to be part of the hobby and jumps right in head first. Why should he lurk around and then post a review. So a hobbyist registers and post a review of one your ATF's both on the same day, is his review fake?

As far as people leaking info, tsk tsk naughty naughty, karma is a bitch. Most of the time it is for personal gain. I don't ask my gentlemen what goes on in the locker room, why, i don't give a shit. As long as he is happy in MY presence, why ruin the moment with talks of what happens in the separate locker rooms. He did not come to see me for that.

To the OP, thanks for the thread, it was interesting reading, i don't know if you wanted the ladies to really reply, but i guess i made number two.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I wasn't talking about hair color/style and other minor features. I'm talking about a clear, visible difference in body composition. Mostly weight, and in some instances, muscle tone. Some ladies have felt 'squishy'. You know, no muscle tone whatsoever. And it's not just ladies with a little weight on them. I know skinny people that feel squishy, too. I've also seen ladies who weren't small, yet her skin was tight and had detectable muscle underneath. I'm not saying anyone has to be a workout freak. A little some'n some'n that reflects an attempt to work out should suffice. Again, we're talking about projecting a good 'product', here.

It's not a WK's fault a provider has a poor diet and a nonexistent workout regime. Just saying. If I was a male provider, you can best believe the sex appeal of my body would be TOP PRIORITY....but that's just me.
[quote=Rambro Creed;219466]yet her skin was tight and had detectable muscle underneath.


I said i semi-agree.
TinMan's Avatar
I am often surprised when the person making this statement is often only a Registered Member, meaning they don't even have access to The Rest of the Story. Originally Posted by stealth
I've noticed the same thing. Guys with "skins on the wall" rarely find it necessary to publicly "strike someone from their list". I'm not sure what the motivation is for those that do. I doubt their proclamations change anyone's mind.
pyramider's Avatar
Always assume that anything said BCD will get out.