Killing the goose that laid the golden egg

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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 01:33 PM
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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 01:38 PM

That's not to mention that this tax, taking away 40% of what someone accumulated during his lifetime, is akin to theft. Originally Posted by Tiny
Think of it as a tax on their heirs... it is just a tax on THEIR income. Even though they have done nothing for this money, it should at the very least be taxed as ordinary income.

Your argument is akin to not having to pay sales tax say on a new car purchase because you have already paid taxes on that money.
themystic's Avatar
The top 1% pay more than the bottom 90% combined!!
I see you're into class warfare also!!
Have you or anyone you know gotten a job from a poor man?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Are you a Socialist or an Autocrat bb?
themystic's Avatar
Politicians, particularly DPST politicians - have an inexhaustible hunger for other people's money to reassign to their minions to buy votes.

They have no clue about taxation of a nation into poverty

Venezuela is a prime example of DPST taxation and governing
The DPST's just see a "Worker's Paradise". Originally Posted by oeb11
Are you a Socialist or an Autocrat oeb?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yep the liberals love Venezuela well till it fails , Like France Over taxing works Now this minion needs to go to work
The estate tax has been raised to over 10 million.

Were you to do any digging, you'd know that the super wealth do not pay near 40% of their wealth. Which dovetails into the small amount actually collected.

This country used to pay off its huge war debt by higher taxes on the wealthy and higher estate taxes...which was supposed to keep in check the powerful people in this country from their willy nilly views on war and debt.

Next time, before you question my libertarian views I would suggest you read up on the history of Taxation in this country Originally Posted by WTF
So if we did something in the past and you liked it we should do it again?
Are you a Socialist or an Autocrat oeb? Originally Posted by themystic
doesn't the very definition of a successful socialist embody and contain the idea of totalitarianism and thus a socialist in power is an autocrat?

so why the conjunction "or"? should be "and"
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  • WTF
  • 01-26-2019, 02:18 PM
So if we did something in the past and you liked it we should do it again? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Depends on how much you like a 21 Trillion dollar debt.

We used to have high taxes to pay down the debt so we would not be susceptible to financial attack and to make war a last resort that not only could be exploited by the wealthy on this country.

You really should read up on this country's tax history.
  • Tiny
  • 01-26-2019, 04:29 PM
Depends on how much you like a 21 Trillion dollar debt.

We used to have high taxes to pay down the debt so we would not be susceptible to financial attack and to make war a last resort that not only could be exploited by the wealthy on this country.

You really should read up on this country's tax history. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not sure who wrote the history books you're reading, but they're full of it. You appear to wrongly believe higher taxes was what took power away from the monopoly capitalists of late 19th/early 20th centuries, when it was legislation directed at monopolies. You apparently believe higher marginal tax rates on high earners are sufficient to pay off the national debt (not true), and you don't fully consider the effect of changes in behavior and the decrease in the amount of capital available to invest in business when rates are raised. Take 70% of the income from a business or an investor and give it to the government, and in the long run the government is going to get less income from taxes than if the rate were lower, despite what Saez and Diamond and all the other replacements for Marxists say.

I think your "historians" must look at historical marginal tax rates and think they're the primary variable affecting GDP growth and the national debt. This is so far off.

What it boils down to is how big you want government to be. You want it to be bigger and I want it to be smaller, at least at the federal level.

You said something earlier about sales taxes. I don't have any problem paying the sales tax. The state of Texas and my local government spend money efficiently and provide services people use. The federal government on the other hand, I don't see them doing jack shit except taking our money. That's an exaggeration, but Washington is flushing our hard earned money down the drain.

That said, we agree, deficits must come down. This is essential, as if we continue on the the path we're on, we're going bankrupt.