Encounter: Late night at T Spa

It could be same in real world. I frequent my local watering hole and I have seen some women leave with quite a few guys and then one day they settle down with some random stranger that strolled on into the bar. We all assume and take into account what we perceive to be correct. And whats more interesting is people who believe these women at spas. They take your money for a good time. And somehow people tend to believe when they say they dont do certain thing and then others say they have done those thing with them. Who is the fibber. Who knows really
lol in this instance we all are fibbers. Let’s face it, we know they are lying but it makes mongers feel better. As for workers leaving and settling down, Tina did that. Now she’s married
At the end of the day, they are working girls…they don’t make money on one relationship. If they can balance multiple repeats that they perceived to be safe, consistent tippers, and visits regularly. That’s the perfect arrangement for them. This line of work gives them a comfortable life if they do it right.

Marriage in this line of work is rare but it happens. If you hobby long enough it all boils down to this question- what did you get for what you paid…was it worth it? I think each one of us have his own needs. May it be for sex, the thrill, the companionship, or to feel young again. Who knows…but I do agree we all are very good at lying.