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LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
But there are still a bunch of anti-Semites (see Randy4Dicks) out there, we need to be vigilant and see that it never happens again. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Anti-semitic is such a oxymoronic term. Arabs are semitic people and there are no more Anti-semitic people than some Jews (they are very anti-Palestinian and Palestinians are semitic peoples), however, the reverse is true as well because Arabs, semitic people themselves, are virulently anti-semitic against Jews (and other Arabs as well sometimes). That said, we all must be vigilant and see that genocide never happens again whether it is Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Zoroastrians (Parsee's to Indians), Rwandans or anyone else.

Maybe we need to coin a term like Pro-genocidites. To quote "one little Hebe from the heart of Texas" - "But there are still a bunch of pro-genocidites out there, so we need to be vigilant and see that it never happens again."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
To quote "one little Hebe from the heart of Texas" - "But there are still a bunch of pro-genocidites out there, so we need to be vigilant and see that it never happens again." Originally Posted by austxjr
Is there anyone I missed?

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
what did they serve for lunch? Originally Posted by JCM800
Gefilte Fish, Herring in Cream Sauce, Assorted Bagels and Cream Cheese, Matzah ball soup, Latkehs, Kugle, Kippered Salmon, Sable and Fruit Blintzes!

JL reminds me of one of my favorite musicians and mystery writers who wrote these immortal lines!

He says, "I ain't a racist but Aristitle Onassis is one Greek we don't need
And them niggers, Jews and Sigma Nus, all they ever do is breed.
And wops 'n micks 'n slopes 'n spics 'n spooks are on my list
And there's one little heeb from the heart of Texas — is there anyone I missed?"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Has it occurred to you you nerd that that's not very nice?
We Jews believe it was Santa Claus that killed Jesus Christ....
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Has it occurred to you you nerd that that's not very nice?
We Jews believe it was Santa Claus that killed Jesus Christ.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When he sang it to me it was, " We Jews believe it was Santa Claus what killed Jesus Christ...."

"Well, I hits him with everything I had right square between the eyes.
I says, "I'm gonna gitcha, you son of a bitch ya, for spoutin' that pack of lies.
If there's one thing I can't abide, it's an ethnocentric racist;
Now you take back that thing you said 'bout Aristitle Onassis."

It's satire folks, look it up LOL
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Well, we've officially hijacked JL's thread. Maybe this will speed up his move to Tel Aviv and his silence on this board (I have my doubts).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
fuck him. He's jerking everybody off with his narrow-minded personal, guilt-ridden agenda.

If he wants to spoo Jew all over the board, he'll do it without me! But I will stand up against any of you ethnocentric ball garglers!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Bar Refaeli - mmmmm hmmmmmm.....I want me some with French fried pataters.

I'd like gravy on those fries.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd like,to pour my man mayonnaise on those fries... That's how they like it over there!
JCM800's Avatar
just stunning

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
just stunning

Originally Posted by JCM800
You can say that again!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I want a nasty little Jewish Princess,
with a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma...
I want a nasty little Jewish Princess,
with a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Tuodeppat Bitch... I am LMAO at you...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
another brilliant post IBIdiot (lite)
another brilliant post IBIdiot (lite) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Xobtraf Toungepuncher of sissy boys made another brilliant post...LOL