The difference between being objective and being an asshole

Bobave's Avatar
Addict - you don't get to decide whether another man enjoyed his session. And you don't get to decide how he describes it. You can have your thoughts about the matter, but that's the extent of it. The last I heard, nobody was required to submit reviews to you for edit. Have a good day.
addict's Avatar
Addict - you don't get to decide whether another man enjoyed his session. And you don't get to decide how he describes it. You can have your thoughts about the matter, but that's the extent of it. The last I heard, nobody was required to submit reviews to you for edit. Have a good day. Originally Posted by Bobave
You misunderstand my intent. My point is not that reviews or any other posts should be made in a certain way. It's that someone who uses eccie (or any other review forum) to coerce or be vindictive towards a woman is, in my opinion, a piece of shit. I'm well aware that there are plenty of pieces of shit here, and by no means do I think I'm going to change any of them.

Also, my opening paragraph talks about people writing reviews like porn shoots. While I personally don't find value in that, I honestly don't care. I mentioned it simply to qualify what I meant by objectivity, so that my post didn't come off as simply "don't ever be negative".
I feel like the lack of honesty or withholding of information in some reviews is due to the fact it comes with consequences. Because of bashing, name calling and backstabbing every review now sounds like a letter to penthouse. You basically have to decipher a review just to extract any valuable information.

If you do choose to be honest being objective is key. Being an asshole ruins your credibility. Originally Posted by er48665

Well Said Sir!
Just my 2 cents worth, but I probably would not draw a meaningful distinction between the examples in the OP IF (that's capitalized for a reason) they both came from experienced hobbyists whose recommendations I had come to trust for whatever reason over a period of time. In that scenario, I wouldn't care how they worded the account of what transpired. All other things being equal (or near equal), only the substance -- and not the form -- would be of interest to me. And the substance in the two examples is without question the same: the provider failed to deliver and came up with an excuse that almost everybody on the board would deem questionable (unless the provider herself has an exemplary reputation, that is...but that's bringing too many variable into play, so never mind about that for the moment).

If we're talking about 2 newbs, on the other hand, then I would give more credence to the example preferred by the thread starter. Gotta get some cred before you cop an attitude. Once that cred is established, however, I couldn't care less how the experience is expressed so long as the core of the report is true. It's okay by me if he wants to throw in a few superfluous opinions, 'cause I have no difficulty in recognizing the difference between opinions and that which is at least purported as fact.
Roguejet's Avatar
I don't think there is such a thing as an "objective review." I work backwords, anyway. I'll take a look at her showcase, first. If I like what I see, I'll click on a review she has tagged in her showcase, and look at the "activities" and "physical description" posted in the review. If I like what I see, then I'll go from there. But as far as going to the review sections and reading reviews? Nah - I've always considered the ROS as some guys subjective view of what he experienced - good, bad, funny or plain vanilla. Does it help? Some. But I never take it as Gospel - take it for what it's worth. And if a guy bashes a provider, that's his deal and his issue; and consider the source. It won't prompt me to lecture hobbyists on proper "review etiquette" - It's like trying to convince a Republican he should be a Democrat (and vice versa) - ain't gonna happen. Pardon me, what I meant to say is, "indubitably, the likelihood is impracticable."
pyramider's Avatar
Addict, we will never change the behavior of the chest thumpers. The chest thumping is too ingrained in their being for them to behave any other way. These are the same fucktards that would go on a date Friday night and Monday morning still be sniffing the finger that might have found the target on the date.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

My point in this thread is that the stakes change when it's between an anonymous monger and some woman trying to make ends meet who has her face, twat, and a log of everything she's done with both plastered on the site. They have all kinds of things to lose, so when a guy puts his ego ahead of that, it bugs me. When a guy takes advantage or bullies a woman trying to make a living by selling herself, I think it's a low fucking way to act. Originally Posted by addict

Very well said addict! I could not have said better myself. I bugs the hell out of me when guys puts their hurt egos ahead of the girls.

Not saying that my one post will win hearts and minds, but maybe, perhaps, it'll make a few guys swept up in the locker room bullshit boys club think before they attack some down on her luck 20 year old next time. Or not, but it felt good to write anyways. Originally Posted by addict
We agree again addict. In my opinion we need to show more compassion to life situations. We are not buying a hamburger here. Girls are sharing a very intimate and special part of themselves with us. They will have bad days. They will NCNS. They will do all sorts of things, like all human beings do. Be objective, but show compassion. my 2 cents.
TinMan's Avatar
First off, thanks for mentioning me in the initial post. I strive to be as matter-of-fact as I can in my reviews, and I'm glad it is appreciated by at least a few people.

While I have a strong preference for the understated review, I have come to terms with the fact that the fashion now is to be over the top. I doubt all these guys are doing it because of some deep psychological need (the motivation is probably a bit more straightforward than that), but in the end that isn't what really matters to me.

What is important is knowing if I am being led astray by the reviewer. I'm seeing that in many cases, at least with some of the well-known reviewers, once I get past the writing style I find that there really is good information there. In the end, if my expectations are met I don't care how it is presented...I'm appreciative that the intel was made available to me.
I think the original poster has a point. This is becoming less and less of an information board and more and more of social interaction/chit-chat/comment/drama(whatever you want to call it board). A balanced objective review is a rare find.
Tatoos like a 1967 Jefferson Airplane light show, not distracting
Dental issues but then don't we all
Shamu's wife but not BBW
7 Clit rings but I didn't mind (see second line)
She came before she closed the door and 6 more times before we got to the bedroom
I came about a gallon all over her firm tits after 57.5 minutes of hammer fucking from every position
I love a pussy with a little odor and I have a cold so it was REALLY fresh
Checked the starfish for Klingons but they were only fleas
The dog shit on the bathroom floor wasn't so bad
I didn't need stitches after I stepped on GI Joe
Pimp wasn't armed so it wasn't that scary
Pictures were old and not her but she was hot anyway

WTF guys, there's some great stuff in the reviews. A lot of it is only marginally useful, but like the man said...What the hell did you expect? Consider the source and draw your own conclusions based on what you can infer from the reviewers comments (and literary/literacy skills).

"I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you"

Right on point, OP. Good Luck. Windmills are where you find them!
Roger.Smith's Avatar
It gets pass the point of illusion for some guys and goes straight to delusion. You're paying a woman for time who probably wouldn't give you the time of day otherwise. Some guys write reviews because they have an axe to grind, but my biggest problem is those that have developed feelings for a provider. Guys like that gloss over flaws and while thinking nothing about the money they are costing other hobbyists. It's more about helping the provider generate business than it is helping other hobbyists making an informed decision, and thus a White Knight is born. There have been numerous times when I've pointed out misrepresentations of a provider's age, body weight/type, C-Section scars, or stretch marks. Invariably, someone will chime in with, "What does it matter? She provides good service." If the session were free it wouldn't matter to me. When I'm paying money, it does. Just because a provider is nice and accommodating doesn't mean that negative physical attributes are erased.
On a side note, the majority of hobbyist do not review nor post and same with providers most of them don't post. Just look at the view count on reviews and threads in general .

As for the topic at hand, bottom line it is comes down to how you feel. If you feel a provider or hobbyist was disrespectful chances are you are going to respond in kind. So I always say before you hit send take a step back and chill out for a minute. Most likely you might not post or your post will be calm cool and collected. Since reviews were brought up, I go by it is your story and nobodies elses. Write as you wish
daty/o's Avatar
I have said it before; there are a lot of very good writers on this board. Some write documentaries, some write very entertaining fiction. And as TD said, some don't bother to write, at all. Trying to write an informative narrative without putting people to sleep is a challenge that not all of us master. Fortunately, with a little effort, you learn who to rely on for info and who to turn to for whipping material. To the OP, it's easier to write a glowing review than it is to criticize without being derogatory.
Super Sonic's Avatar
Addict, we will never change the behavior of the chest thumpers. The chest thumping is too ingrained in their being for them to behave any other way. . Originally Posted by pyramider
Agreed. FUCK YA.
On a side note, the majority of hobbyist do not review nor post and same with providers most of them don't post. Just look at the view count on reviews and threads in general .

As for the topic at hand, bottom line it is comes down to how you feel. If you feel a provider or hobbyist was disrespectful chances are you are going to respond in kind. So I always say before you hit send take a step back and chill out for a minute. Most likely you might not post or your post will be calm cool and collected. Since reviews were brought up, I go by it is your story and nobodies elses. Write as you wish Originally Posted by Thatdude
very good advice, luckily for me I have only reviewed a few who I thought were special, and one who really a bad way!!