What Do Gentlemen Look For In An Ad

An avatar with a sexy pic helps, remember every time you post you are also advertising. You need better pics on showcase, not professional, too photo shopped, I suggest a friend that knows her way with a camera, and a good camera helps. Also not offering CIM hurts
NBA policy. If they have one, i pass.
Guest072118's Avatar
Less is more. Less is more in your showcase as well.

Catchy ad titles. These gals writing a book and weird fonts, colors, etc, yeah nobody is reading.

This is not just for the hobby, any ads run for any business, less is more, people have no attention span. Short, sweet and to the point. Important info in front not at the bottom of the drivel.

Follow the Flesch–Kincaid readability.

I do my contact info, availability for that ad, refer to my showcase for more info, a picture and maybe a fun one liner.
If you are serious about this work and plan to have longevity than I suggest a top notch product. Men are looking for activities with sexy woman first thing that grabs their attention is pics, second is menu, third is price. If you continue to do this job you will do CIM and even swallow. May sound gross right now but it is only a matter of time because a large portion of the market wants that. Greek not necessary.

Your business can thrive or you can get by, choice is yours. Lots of demand, just need some adjustments and the money will come pouring in.

You have a website, good price point, and attitude seems on target. A lot going for you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2017, 11:10 AM
I agree with much of what has been posted, especially oldbutstillgoing's comments. However I think there is one more point that has not been made yet:

What is your targeted customer base? If you have read a number of threads on here it becomes clear not all guys are looking for the same thing. Which group are you looking to market yourself to? What is your comfort zone for activity? Is this your only or primary income, or a secondary income that will be worked around your main job? Do you have to work classes, kids, etc. which pushes you to certain times? Do you care whether your appointments are incall or outcall? Are you interested/willing to go out for dinner/drinks/etc. as part of a date? Do you prefer longer dates to include overnights, or not? Are you looking to do this short term because you have some specific goals/bills (e.g. tuition), or are you looking for this to be a longer term solution for you?

There are no "right" answers to any of these, and contrary to what some guys might believe, there are ladies who have almost every combination of preferences to these questions. There is no need to explain or justify your answers to anyone, HOWEVER, you really need to be honest with YOURSELF. That will give you an idea how to word your ads, set your pricing, and what kind of image to paint of yourself. All these things will in turn increase the odds of you attracting the kind of dates you are comfortable with, and helping you reach your objective.

Suggestion: look at other ladies' showcases. Find some where you say to yourself, "That's what I want to be like". Look for what it was about THOSE ads and showcases that made you react that way, and use those common threads to help decide what yours will look like.
Don't use a thesaurus for every other word in your biography. It doesn't make you sound more sophisticated. You will sound more sophisticated if you are able to express yourself comprehensively in your own words than trying to replace common words with obscure ones from a thesaurus. The thesaurus can be a great tool, but use it in moderation. I mostly use a thesaurus when I am looking for a specific word that is on the tip of my tongue. So, I look up one of it's synonyms in the thesaurus, and usually I find it there.
Guero69's Avatar

And pictures not taken in a mirror would be really nice!!
joesmo888's Avatar
Be sure to include your gamer tag and whether it is on PSN or xbox live. Originally Posted by yitzchak