I've done a "Priceline, Name Your Own Price" deal many many times over the years. Yes, you'll always get a couple of asshats who think offering 40 bucks is "cute", but for the most part, people are fairly reasonable. However, I've found that doing it in a "down" month seldom goes as well as when I offer it during a "flush" month. For whatever reason, economic norms in regards to recreational spending just don't apply in this particular sector the way one might expect. It is much like the "lower your rates for more business" argument... I've done more than one experiment that has shown that to be true ONLY to a point... drop too low, business plummets. The hobby market does not trend the way that most recreational markets do.
Originally Posted by GracePreston
I think you'd be surprised. I believe I recall seeing some research that indicates that what you describe is not uncommon in other markets. If the price drops too low, people start thinking that such a discount must be justified by something wrong with or inferior about the product. Now, for repeat clients who know what to expect, that might not hold. I know if any of the women I'm seeing now were to go to two-figure sessions, I'd be seeing one a day!
That actually doesn't surprise me. I find that I don't have the time this time of year, and have other demands on my cash. Unless the lady is offering a great deal, or happens to hit me up when I'm available and in the area, the love connection likely isn't going to happen until after 1/1.
Originally Posted by TinMan
It's the other way around for me. Christmas cash demands have diminished over the last couple of years, and I do a lot of shopping with gift cards procured via credit-card rebates. More importantly for me, "Christmas shopping" is the only legitimate excuse I get every year to be out of the house for an extended period of time and not be questioned. I say I'm going "ho-ho-hoing"