Ron Paul on Romney: ‘I don’t fully endorse him for president’

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You want Ron Paul to check his principles at the door. He won't do that. He shouldn't. That is why he has the respect of so many liberty loving people.

He won't compromise on freedom. Thank you, Dr. Paul. You set an example for the rest of us.
Then how does he stay in a Republican Party that you think doesn't live up to the principles that you and Paul support.......?

Which is it ?

He has no principles every 2 years he run on the Republican ticket in his Texas district presumably.....but Paul is about Paul, he loves the attention, the power, the podium.

If he truly believed in his princples (as you say), then he should leave the party that doesn't hold the same.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He's like you. He wants change from within. Why do you stay with the Republicans? They don't reflect your views. They reflect "incrementalism" which has only been shown to work in a downward direction.

Ron Paul is telling the RINOs that unless he and his ideas get some respect, beyond a few meaningless clauses in the platform, that they cannot count on the support of the Liberty Movement in the party. They continually dump on us, and then expect us to pony up at election time, because "the country is at stake." Well, the country is at stake, but the answers to our problems are found in Ron Paul's ideology, not Romney's or Ryan's. They need to come to us, not us to them. Not this time. Not ever again.
Alot of Republicans don't like the direction of the party and are working to move it in a constitutinoal direction; but they don't get all huffy and withhold their support - guys like DeMint, Cruz, Cain, Gohmert, etc.....

Paul looks small and petty....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Which parts of freedom did you compromise to reach that conclusion?
Again, your Libertarian Revolution isn't going to happen......sorry to disappoint you.......I prefer to work with what we have, changing it as we can.....the bigger the better....but your wetdream revolution isn't going to happen.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If it doesn't happen, we're in for a police state. If you can support that in good conscience, more power to you. Except it will be less.
Sorry to say you are wrong, To say "if I don't get my way, then we are in a police state" is both juvenile and dumb.

BTW, the opening of the GOP convention this evening had a very nice tribute to Ron Paul.....too bad the old crusty Ron Paul won't reciprocate with support for can support the canddiate without sacrificing core principles and beliefs.

Paul is just a self serving different than most....his folk hero status remains intact with the tin foil crowd.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ron Paul has been consistent in his views for over 30 years. Can Romney say that? The tribute was just there to pacify the Paul supporters for the shitty way they were treated last night.
Ron Paul was Republican before he was a Llibertarian before he was a about inconsisteny.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Which of his political positions has he wavered on? He has tried different platforms, tried to reform the Republican Party, started the Tea Party (which has be co-opted by the RINOs) . . . He has all he can, but his positions have not changed. Romney changes positions almost as often as he changes his socks. Don't even try to compare the two on consistency. That dog won't hunt.
  • Laz
  • 08-29-2012, 05:44 PM
Ron Paul is not running for reelection this time so he is out after this year. Romney needs to side with the fiscal conservatives to win.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-29-2012, 06:03 PM
....but your wetdream revolution isn't going to happen..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Poor COG, no more wet dreams for you!
I have no doubt Romney will side with fiscal conservatives...

Ron Paul is not running for reelection this time so he is out after this year. Romney needs to side with the fiscal conservatives to win. Originally Posted by Laz