Kamala Covid Positive

... Crikey! ... What bad news. I do hope she makes it ok...

### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I hope everyone remembers that Trump got the full strength Covid and Kameltoe, more like the third string team Covid.
... Crikey! ... What bad news. I do hope she makes it ok...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Why,does she pay your Bills?
... No.

... I want Her to be President. She'll surely unite the country.

### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
I hope everyone remembers that Trump got the full strength Covid and Kameltoe, more like the third string team Covid. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Justice served. Kamala protected herself against severe illness, Trump fled like a Bitch to Walter Reed, and got pumped with every treatment available. True that Trump's variant was stronger, but that reveals how obstinance and ignorance are life fuckers.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He was the president, of course he got the best possible medical care.
Chung Tran's Avatar
He was the president, of course he got the best possible medical care. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Because he was a Dum Dum who called Covid a Hoax. Kamala is so healthy, having had 3 shots, she can forgo the knee Pads when servicing the First Gentleman and Willy Brown.
... No.

... I want Her to be President. She'll surely unite the country.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I hope you're laughing.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Nancy's a Uniter. Why else would she let herself be filmed maskless, getting her hair done at a public spa?

Sly as a Fox, that Lady is!
Because he was a Dum Dum who called Covid a Hoax. Kamala is so healthy, having had 3 shots, she can forgo the knee Pads when servicing the First Gentleman and Willy Brown. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
... Not quite... Trump called the REACTION to co-vid a hoax.
And He was right... What do we see? ... New York shut down.
A LOT of co-vid deaths. ... Florida didn't - LESS co-vid deaths.

Doctor Fauci flip-flopped so many times - he surely
looked like Doctor Seuss.

President TRUMP surely pushed for vaxxes for people
with Warp-Speed! Saved A LOT of lives!


### Salty
Nancy's a Uniter. Why else would she let herself be filmed maskless, getting her hair done at a public spa?

Sly as a Fox, that Lady is! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The only thing she united was herself and her Hair Dresser at three in the morning. Violating her own rules. Pelosi is nothing but ancient self absorbed over paid trash.
Chung Tran's Avatar
... Not quite... Trump called the REACTION to co-vid a hoax.
And He was right... What do we see? ... New York shut down.
A LOT of co-vid deaths. ... Florida didn't - LESS co-vid deaths.

Doctor Fauci flip-flopped so many times - he surely
looked like Doctor Seuss.

President TRUMP surely pushed for vaxxes for people
with Warp-Speed! Saved A LOT of lives!


### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, I appreciate comedic responses, generally speaking. But I'm not laughing enough at this one.

Response to Covid was a hoax? Trump can't make up his mind. The Great Leader who got the vaccines at warp speed, but.. Fuck, he continually played down the virus. Admitted to Bob Woodward he lied, that the virus was very dangerous, but we would panic if Trump didn't bullshit us.

Trump shut off flights from China? Yeah? A good 2 weeks late, and leaving Europe untouched negated China. Remember when Trump said you have 3 days to leave X country, and thousands showed up at US airports at once, cramped, maskless, spreading covid? Great exit strategy Donald, reminds me of Biden and Afghanistan.

New York was ground zero in the US, Florida didn't have a plethora of Europeans arriving, spreading Covid. The shut down was a reaction, too late to stop the widespread death.

But you know that.
... Who you mention? ... Bob Woodward??

... Hmmm... Woodward? ... Woodward. ... Aint he one o'
those famous American Investigation reporters? Him and
Bernstein?? ... Didn't those two blokes tell us that
Trump surely colluded with Russia... And also tell us
that Hunter's laptop was FAKE?

Hmmm... We KNOW that Adam Schiff told us that.
Because YOU told us so. ... Remember?

Thanks fer reminding me, mate.

#### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
The only thing she united was herself and her Hair Dresser at three in the morning. Violating her own rules. Pelosi is nothing but ancient self absorbed over paid trash. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I know it's hard to see on the Internets, but my tongue was firm against my cheek when I typed..
Chung Tran's Avatar
... That sorry old crone will be the next one to flee the House.
Not gonna be much fun for her when Republicans control things.

How Sad.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Pelosi isn't sad. Diane Feinstein is sad.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nancy pulls out by, say, August. Lets someone else run for her seat. Why stay and not be Speaker?

By the way, your Boy Trump effectively bowed out in August, 2020. That's when he told us if Biden won, it would be because the election was rigged. Remember? He was setting y'all up to fight the results. And hundreds of you are paying for that afternoon at the Capitol.