Obstruction of Congress and Abuse of Power...

Chung Tran's Avatar
Your president only wants to scrap with anybody and everybody.
If he has nothing to hides, then why is he always fighting, chirping, smearing and attacking everyone who so much as asks him a question? That’s how’s Innocents acts, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
to be fair, Trump doesn't want to scrap with everybody.. only the people who disagree with him about an issue

around 35% of the US population are 100% in with Trump. he says "give me a blow job", and they are on their knees in a New York minute.
to be fair, Trump doesn't want to scrap with everybody.. only the people who disagree with him about an issue

around 35% of the US population are 100% in with Trump. he says "give me a blow job", and they are on their knees in a New York minute. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Everybody is appalled because President Trump doesn’t follow the old Republican playbook of cowering in the corner out of fear that the Main Stream Media might write negative reviews.

The President is always on offense. You fuck with him, he gives it back plus a whole dump truck load.

He learned this through his years of dealing with corrupt politicians and city, county, and state inspectors, most who are bought off. Getting down in the dirt is part of doing the huge projects he is involved in.

If you want to deal, he will deal. If you want to fuck him over, he comes out with both barrels blazing.
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 09:55 AM
CT - the DPST's have planned Impeachment since No. 2016.

They are still in search of an impeachable "crime" -
The hypocrisy of the house committee rules and procedures are an embarassment to America.

It is a political Impeachment - pure and total- the "crime" is manufactured BS the house DPST's would never level at a DPST POTUS - indeed - they would cheer the same actions if committed by their own party POTUS.
Flagrant hypocrisy.
Chung Tran's Avatar
If you want to deal, he will deal. If you want to fuck him over, he comes out with both barrels blazing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
you can say that again!

but you must deal on his terms.. he will attack his friends (hello, FOX) if they say one word out of line.

most people don't roll over when someone attacks them with the venom Trump does.. which is why much of the media, the Democrats, and some Republicans hate him with a passion. the media buys ink by the gallon, so they will not tire of hitting back.
CT - the DPST's have planned Impeachment since No. 2016.

They are still in search of an impeachable "crime" -
The hypocrisy of the house committee rules and procedures are an embarassment to America.

It is a political Impeachment - pure and total- the "crime" is manufactured BS the house DPST's would never level at a DPST POTUS - indeed - they would cheer the same actions if committed by their own party POTUS.
Flagrant hypocrisy. Originally Posted by oeb11
Absolutely. This is a political impeachment and not a high crimes and misdemeanor impeachment. The Dims have been planning this since 2016 and put the process in motion in the House since they took it back in 2018. The Mueller report couldn't do it so Lawfare did. This has nothing to do with broken laws but everything to do with the 2016 election.
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 10:15 AM
Agreed - G
Chung Tran's Avatar
This has nothing to do with broken laws but everything to do with the 2016 election. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Agreed - G Originally Posted by oeb11
if you guys are right, you have a chance for that to be shown.. the Senate trial.. call all the witnesses, be transparent, open, fair, impartial.. and when Trump is cleared, celebrate!

but the Senate won't do that. and you don't want them to, you want this shit to end quickly. you fear that maybe Trump isn't as innocent as you boast.

and you know what will happen if (when) the Senate dismisses the hearing quickly, refusing to hear from witnesses?

this shit will start all over again.. new charges. you know damn well the Democrats are sitting on another round of impeachment. you can nip that in the bud next month.. but you won't.
  • oeb11
  • 12-16-2019, 10:50 AM
The House Committees denied every single republican request for witnesses and procedure.

a flagrant political abuse of the impeachment process.

Now the DPST's are calling for any republican senator with an opinion to "recuse" - while ignoring their own Senator's "opinions" on the Impeachment issue - like they are not already voting to convict.

I think the Senate will, and should, be open, fair, with Clinton era procedures and rules that are truly bi-partisan.

Unlike the House.

And - you are likely correct - the house, after the Senate trial fails to convict - will simply set up another round of Impeachment hearings. The American public sees the partisan circus of the House for what it is - a purely partisan political act - and supercedes all reasonable governance of the nation to their TDS and Trump hatred.

I see no sustainable charges - if the DPST's come up with a true "high crime and or misdemeanor" - let's see the evidence in open Senate trial.

It would be a Senate mistake to dismiss the Impeachment trial out of hand - without a thorough - and pointed - airing of the charges and witnesses - both pro and con - something the DPST house poinitedly refused - because they knew it was just a political circus.
DPST's will get a fair senate trial that their rules and procedures in the house refused Trump
usual DPST hypocrisy.

i agree - the house will be back with their same spurious BS - trying to influence Nov 2020 - and i think the American people will see their refusal to work to govern the country constructively - and soundly defeat the Leftist, Marxist socialist nut cases .

It will come back to bite the DPST's.

The house DPST behavior will be remembered.

Hypocritical DPST's!
Chung Tran's Avatar
The House Committees denied every single republican request for witnesses and procedure.

a flagrant political abuse of the impeachment process.

they did, but it was a tit-for-tat response, after Trump blocked REAL witnesses that the House wanted

I think the Senate will, and should, be open, fair, with Clinton era procedures and rules that are truly bi-partisan.

I don't think so.. I hope I'm wrong

And - you are likely correct - the house, after the Senate trial fails to convict - will simply set up another round of Impeachment hearings. Originally Posted by oeb11
now, IF the Senate conducts a fair, impartial, transparent hearing, I don't think another impeachment hearing will follow. of course I don't think the Senate will, so I think the House will find something else to impeach, either something "in the can", or some new reason yet to be determined.

the Dems struck out on Mueller and Kavanaugh, so why try again? because the Senate will have shown themselves to be partisan hacks if they dismiss their duty to hear witnesses and conduct a grown-up hearing. that gives Democrats cause to try again, however flimsy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
now, IF the Senate conducts a fair, impartial, transparent hearing, I don't think another impeachment hearing will follow. of course I don't think the Senate will, so I think the House will find something else to impeach, either something "in the can", or some new reason yet to be determined.

the Dems struck out on Mueller and Kavanaugh, so why try again? because the Senate will have shown themselves to be partisan hacks if they dismiss their duty to hear witnesses and conduct a grown-up hearing. that gives Democrats cause to try again, however flimsy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

like the Democrats did? the Senate will hear this "evidence" and treat it accordingly.

HedonistForever's Avatar
now, IF the Senate conducts a fair, impartial, transparent hearing, I don't think another impeachment hearing will follow. of course I don't think the Senate will, so I think the House will find something else to impeach, either something "in the can", or some new reason yet to be determined.

the Dems struck out on Mueller and Kavanaugh, so why try again? because the Senate will have shown themselves to be partisan hacks if they dismiss their duty to hear witnesses and conduct a grown-up hearing. that gives Democrats cause to try again, however flimsy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

That's kind of funny that you think no matter what the Senate does, the Dem's will see it as fair and equally funny that you think if done fair, the Democrats will give up any chance to find something else after being embarrassed so many times so far.

If the Dem's have proved one thing, it is that they simply do not care how it looks or whether the President has committed an actual crime. The crime he committed was being elected.

The Democrat Speaker of the House, second in line to the Presidency has called the current President an IMPOSTER before the evidence in a trial is heard. How the hell is that any different than a Republican saying before any trial that they will not vote to convict?

Everybody has already made up their mind and nothing said in a trial is going to change that. The Republicans have considered "what if what the Dem's argue is true" and have decided if true, it does not rise to the level of impeachment. Simply as that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
The Republicans have considered "what if what the Dem's argue is true" and have decided if true, it does not rise to the level of impeachment. Simply as that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
false.. the Republicans have all said there was no real evidence, all they heard from was 3rd party hearsay. the Senate can hold a fair hearing with real witnesses. they won't, they don't want to, they don't care, and they have made up their minds, not because of it not rising to the level of impeachment, but because of partisanship. none of us knows if it will rise to the level of impeachment conviction, that's why a hearing is held, Dum Dum
obstruction? yes.. so many seem to think Trump can refuse to cooperate because of "separation of powers".. huh? it is that piece of the Constitution that enables and requires Congress to act to reign in corruption in the Executive branch.

Abuse of Power? it all hinges on "the Call".. getting a Foreign Power to do Trump's bidding, to affect an election outcome, and hold up Congressionally-approved funds. I believe it was Trump's intention to delay the funds UNTIL Ukraine announced it was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if they actually did, he wanted them to announce it.. a White House visit would follow as well.

how "bad" was that? it was wrong, but in the scheme of things, not that big a deal.. even Pencil-Neck says the obstruction of Congress is the bigger fish. consider if no Call was ever made.. nothing would ultimately be different, except the funds were delayed a short time.. NO effect on anything. Trump has a right (and I would submit, a DUTY) to investigate the Bidens.. but.. why not start through appropriate channels? Trump got Rudy to sneak around, Rudy obviously hit a wall, which led to the Phone Call. get the Justice Department to launch the damn investigation.. announce it. leave Rudy out of it.. quit sneaking around. why wasn't that done? perfectly legal and justified.. what was Trump afraid of?

and by the way, I asked before, and have heard others ask.. never got a good answer. why did the Republican-controlled House ignore Hunter Biden? they could have investigated 2 years ago, when they were in control. and why is the media narrative so constant? "Hunter was investigated, the Joe influence was de-bunked".. really? by whom? when? link? Hunter (and Papa Joe) is more crooked than a 3 dollar bill.. please. I know Rudy is still trying to get info, Pencil-Neck is calling it a "continuation crime", or something like that. it's not that at all.. I welcome Rudy's continual investigation, but it would have been a much better look, had Trump originally gone through the Justice Department. Rudy is "in place" now, he may as well finish. and he better come up with some damning evidence.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The hate runs deep in this one!
Chung Tran's Avatar
The hate runs deep in this one! Originally Posted by kehaar
what are you talking about?
HedonistForever's Avatar
false.. the Republicans have all said there was no real evidence, all they heard from was 3rd party hearsay.

Not true. They heard from Lt. Colonel Vindman who had 1st hand knowledge of what was said on the call and Sondland directly talking to the President had first hand knowledge of what the President said which was "I don't want any quid pro quo".

the Senate can hold a fair hearing with real witnesses. they won't, they don't want to, they don't care, and they have made up their minds, not because of it not rising to the level of impeachment, but because of partisanship.

Your opinion which you are entitled to which is why I try to stick to the law in these matters.

none of us knows if it will rise to the level of impeachment conviction, that's why a hearing is held, Dum Dum Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The Republicans have said what Trump is being accused of does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense AND there is no real evidence of a crime which was true from the testimony given.You seem to be arguing that the "real evidence" is yet to come which is your prerogative but as I said, it will not matter because even if everything the Democrats are saying is true