Lol height weight ratio

RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
... What are your thoughts and opinions on this? Originally Posted by DallasRain
I am 5'10" and I weigh 225#

I can not tell the weight of any female. I do not have that ability.

... Do you even look at the weight part of a review? Does it even matter?
It does not matter.

... what sticks out in a review the most for you? Originally Posted by DallasRain
Anything about the girl's personality.

My wife started putting on weight soon after we were married, she peaked at over 300#. A couple of years ago she lost 100# in one year, and I could not tell any difference. Granted we were not intimate that year, so it is possible that I never saw her nude during that period of time.
We're roughly the same weight (I have 2 whole lbs on you) but @ 3 inches shorter....I'm a size 14 currently. XL or 0X depending on the brand usually but can fit a size L on a REALLY GOOD week lol.
This makes me think about "plus size" clothing brands.
Keeping in mind who is currently running the fashion world and what standards they're using. Some brands that push themselves as a plus size brand start at a 14 but some start "as small as" as a size 10. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Exactly. Unlike men's clothes that are pretty standard sizes, women's are different by brand and designer. Plus size in the fashion industry and modeling definitely starts at size 10 (at the largest).

What some people don't get is that just like junior sizes (odd sizes) are cut differently, so are Women's (aka Plus sizes). So a size 14 is not the same as a 14W and is way bigger than a 13 or 15 junior.

Regular ladies' sizes are cut for a woman's figure that is for the most part proportionate/hourglass while juniors for more teen straight up and down figures. Women's sizes (plus) are cut for thicker shapes. that is why someone who is curvy but a bit bigger still fits into clothes in the ladies' dept instead of plus size. And most nicer stores have ladies' sizes (cut for hourglass shapes) that range from 0-16 or 18 to account for this. And Women's Plus sizes that range from 14W on up.

Of course you can go into a boutique and all of the sudden their L is an 6-8 and XL is a 8-10, like you mentioned Mocha!

Regardless of all of this. It's really how you carry it. And women look great at all different sizes (Looking good DR and MakaM!). And thank you to the guys out there that get it!

One more note to RetiredSubby...I have always said that most men won't notice up to 50# if they are happy, LOL! You go way beyond that. Nice!
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
... One more note to RetiredSubby...I have always said that most men won't notice up to 50# if they are happy, LOL! You go way beyond that. Nice! Originally Posted by Michelle ma Belle
It had nothing to do with me being happy.

I remember one year that she agreed to allow sex, she had a roll of fat that covered her vagina, so I had to lift up a roll of fat to expose her genitals.

It was repulsive, but at that point, it had been a few years since she had allowed me to attempt sex, so I kept my mouth shut and went for it anyway.
DallasRain's Avatar
Good points everyone!

I was in Platos closet today trying in shorts....I tried on 25 pair! I tried on sizes 7 and 9.... I ended up buying 4 pair..2 size 7 and 2 size 9..both sizes fit perfect! all comes down to the way they were made/the cut.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
I am height/weight proportionate to loving tacos.
I am roughly the same size as the lovely Michelle and the lovely Mochax3, and Ms. Gypsy give or take a few inches/pounds. The actual weight is meaningless - its like having 180lbs of modeling clay. How you sculpt it, how you carry it and how you present it would not stop me from rolling around naked with any of you!! We're all about the same size... lying down!!
  • bw357
  • 02-03-2020, 05:37 AM
How do you ladies feel about someone twice your weight getting on top of you?

Not trying to be mean... Fat slobs have feelings too.
DallasRain's Avatar
I prefer a fat guy over a skinny guy or a body builder guy..
I luv luv luv chubby guys.....imy motto is I need a chubby hubby for my chunky monkey
rcinokc's Avatar
Most of us aren't very good at guessing weight. In my reviews I use terms like slender, thin, thick, etc. instead of trying to put a number on it. However, even that is subjective and in the eye of the reviewer. And fake/old pics don't help matters either.
Weight alone isn't that great of an indicator. A gal that's very athletic & looks great can weigh more than you think.

And as mentioned, many lie about their weight throwing us off... like we dudes lie about our wallets.
  • bw357
  • 02-03-2020, 02:23 PM
Personally, I get distracted easily.

Is that tofu over there?
TailHooked's Avatar
Weight is a hard guess. That is why I rely on pictures. You can lie about age and weight, but images from several angles, will tell you the truth. I go by how your weight is distributed. I like it when the stuffing doesn't bunch up in one place. I have seen girls who weigh more and those who weigh less than me. I prefer to see girls who are shorter than me. So they tend to weigh less than me. I have never been over 145 in my life.
I was 5'8" and 118# in college when I was a competitive dancer. I was extremely thin, almost unhealthy. I didn't look thin/athletic until I hit about 135# and then I was still a size small/long (sz 4, long).

When guys think anything over 130# is fat, I just roll my eyes and laugh. When they think 150 or 160 is obese on anyone remotely tall (5'6" plus) I feel sorry for them. Originally Posted by Michelle ma Belle
I think your height and weight in college sounds really good.

Don't feel sorry for me because I believe any girl who is 5' 5" should be 125 to be in the middle of the healthy BMI chart range - I'm just following the government's recommendations.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Any where else in the world you would be obese.
Glad I live in the US then.

Y'all are totally missing the point. I'm not saying I am the optimal size or that it is wrong to think very thin girls are hot and your preference, so the insults are basically rather impolite and unwarranted.

My point is that girls lie so much about their weight that many of the girls who are size 2s and 4s that you think are 110, are about 125-135 if they are over 5'5" and have some muscle tone and they look great and lean and very slender. At 5'9" that same size is about 135-145. Add big tits and that is at least another 6 pounds.

I'm not here to tell guys what to like. I'm pointing out that chicks blatantly lie about their weights around here, big and small girls alike.