Democrat vs. Libertarian

I have several questions for you.
1. What do you consider rich?
2. What do you consider their fair share?

In 2011 the top 1% paid 24% of the taxes. The top 20% paid 69% of taxes. The numbers may vary slightly depending on the year but it is without question that the vast majority of federal taxes are paid by the top 20%. IMO before any taxes are raised the waste in government spending needs to be dealt with. I know that every single nickel of wasteful spending cannot be found and eliminated but much of it can be. If that is not done then giving the government more money will only lead to more wasteful spending. The government needs to balance the budget and have a plan to deal with the deficit. Not a pie in the sky bullshit plan that will never be enforced. Until they prove that they can live within a budget then there should be no tax increase. Originally Posted by Budman
You have several serious questions I would like to address. For one, I do not think that most Americans have equal rights. It depends on how much money your family has, especially in Texas. Sorry, I am not prejudice toward "new money". I believe in equality for all humans, and it doesn't matter whether you have rich parents or not. All humans deserve an equal chance and that is what I propose. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, yellow, or purple, your rights to equal opportunity pervade and I will never think otherwise.

Vote for a woman. . .vote for equal rights, including workers' rights!
One more thing. I worked for a tax attorney in Houston. The super rich have so many tax loopholes, they never pay their fair share of taxes. They probably don't pay any taxes, with all the loopholes they get. All the loopholes were made by Congress, in order to benefit the people at the top. In order to assure they were appeased. I paid thirty percent of my income when making sixty thousand per year and was a single Mother. Do you think Boehner pays that much in taxes? Just go ask Warren Buffett. His secretary pays more taxes than he does.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Truth seekers, Americans, Liberterians, anticommunists, and anti-Hitler citizens, unite. We must stop another Nazi government, run by power, greed, and narcisissim. Hitler was sick, and who financed him? The "Bush Family." Do your homework America. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Well... we all know who is sick now don't we? Get some help. I mean, Hitler is dead so who is anti-Hitler? Nazis are only in Germany (National Socialist German Workers Party) and this is the US.
Well... we all know who is sick now don't we? Get some help. I mean, Hitler is dead so who is anti-Hitler? Nazis are only in Germany (National Socialist German Workers Party) and this is the US. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We can't be against people that are dead? And the Nazi party is outlawed in Germany. Has been since the end of WW2.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We can't be against people that are dead? And the Nazi party is outlawed in Germany. Has been since the end of WW2. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Try to understand this simple idea; a fascist organization in the United States cannot be a Nazi organization, even if they claim they are. As for the angst against Hitler, don't you think that is wasted effort. You can be against what he and his people did but Hitler himself?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If that were reality, we would have a "utopian government". Unfortunatley, that is not reality, and until the majority actually sees what is happening, we will continue to be slaves, mostly for the corporations in charge of our "government". Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
This world has tried several times to create this utopia under socialist laws but it has never worked out. Why do you think it will work under you. (All socialists think they should be in charge)
If that were reality, we would have a "utopian government". Unfortunatley, that is not reality, and until the majority actually sees what is happening, we will continue to be slaves, mostly for the corporations in charge of our "government". Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
WTF is a "utopian government"?
Budman's Avatar
You have several serious questions I would like to address. For one, I do not think that most Americans have equal rights. It depends on how much money your family has, especially in Texas. Sorry, I am not prejudice toward "new money". I believe in equality for all humans, and it doesn't matter whether you have rich parents or not. All humans deserve an equal chance and that is what I propose. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, yellow, or purple, your rights to equal opportunity pervade and I will never think otherwise.

Vote for a woman. . .vote for equal rights, including workers' rights! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Jesus fucking Christ. You say I posed several serious questions that you would like to address and yet you don't answer either one. WTF.

Vote for a woman and this some how equates to voting for equal rights. The 2 don't have anything in common.

I don't believe for one second that you paid $18,000 in federal income tax based on a $60,000 salary. I call bullshit on this claim.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Truth seekers, Americans, Liberterians, anticommunists, and anti-Hitler citizens, unite. We must stop another Nazi government, run by power, greed, and narcisissim. Hitler was sick, and who financed him? The "Bush Family." Do your homework America. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
You are in no manner "seeking truth" when you bald-face lie and equate Prescott Bush to the likes of a George Soros. What is said of Prescott Bush can be said of thousands of Americans who worked for companies like IBM, Chase, Ford, etc.

Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman: Democrat and Secretary of Commerce under President Harry S. Truman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.

According to journalist Joe Conason, Prescott Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and he was not a Nazi sympathizer. The Anti-Defamation League and historian Herbert Parmet agreed with that assessment (wiki).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
On the other hand, Joseph Kennedy (ambassador to the Court of St. James, father of John, Robert, and Theodore) was in sympathy of Hilter and the Nazi aims. He believed that the Jews were a blight, communists could not be trusted, and Hitler could be reasoned with.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Truth seekers, Americans, Liberterians, anticommunists, and anti-Hitler citizens, unite. We must stop another Nazi government, run by power, greed, and narcisissim. Hitler was sick, and who financed him? The "Bush Family." Do your homework America. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Spot on! +1
Jesus fucking Christ. You say I posed several serious questions that you would like to address and yet you don't answer either one. WTF.

Vote for a woman and this some how equates to voting for equal rights. The 2 don't have anything in common.

I don't believe for one second that you paid $18,000 in federal income tax based on a $60,000 salary. I call bullshit on this claim. Originally Posted by Budman
It's true, I actually paid 30 percent of my income, even as a single Mother!

Ever since Reagan, the government has consistently lowered taxes, through loopholes mostly, for the very rich. They hardly pay anything in capital gains taxes, which are not even wages. Why does the middle class pay the most and I am talking "percentage wise" than the super rich? I worked for a tax attorney and she told me how they have a lot more loopholes and "hiding places" to put their money. So, you still think they pay more in taxes (percentage wise) than the middle class?

I would have anyone who made $100,000 or less, not pay any taxes! I would propose that capital gains (which are not wages), and anyone that makes over $100,000 be taxed at a flat rate. Dispose of the loopholes for the super rich and make the tax code simple again. No more hidden tax rates for the super rich.
Budman's Avatar
It's true, I actually paid 30 percent of my income, even as a single Mother!

Ever since Reagan, the government has consistently lowered taxes, through loopholes mostly, for the very rich. They hardly pay anything in capital gains taxes, which are not even wages. Why does the middle class pay the most and I am talking "percentage wise" than the super rich? I worked for a tax attorney and she told me how they have a lot more loopholes and "hiding places" to put their money. So, you still think they pay more in taxes (percentage wise) than the middle class?

I would have anyone who made $100,000 or less, not pay any taxes! I would propose that capital gains (which are not wages), and anyone that makes over $100,000 be taxed at a flat rate. Dispose of the loopholes for the super rich and make the tax code simple again. No more hidden tax rates for the super rich. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
How about answering the questions I asked and you said you were going to address. You don't need to post the exact same response multiple times. How many fucking times do you need to say that capital gains are not wages? No fucking shit. Before any tax increase on anyone the government needs to cut the pork and wasteful spending that goes on every fucking year.

I think you are lying about paying $18,000 in federal income tax based on a $60,000 salary. If you truly worked for a tax attorney during this time then he/she fucking sucks at his/her job if you actually paid that amount. Keep in mind that there is a difference between federal income tax and fica & medicare tax.