Another NBA owner bites the dust..

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-07-2014, 08:15 PM
Technically the NBA owners never took the vote to force him to sell. They took the vote to ban him from the club. His wife (and likely others) arranged the deal to sell it to Paul Allen for waaaaaaay over market value so Paul can move the team to Seattle.

What's strange is that about 4 years ago the New Orleans Hornets couldn't find an buyer and the NBA had to assume ownership.

This may be a case of an owner purposely wanting a bail-out. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I really think Sterling just caught lightening in a bottle and may have just enough senility to not know it.

I do agree it was one of the strangest sports deal ever. Sounds like the Atlanta owner is the one wanting to bail if he can get a Sterling type feal. Let Magic but the Hawks....I bet he won't rush to buy them.
pyramider's Avatar
The weird thing is they did Sterling a huge favor by making him sell and butt fucked themselves with the precedent they set for themselves.

. Originally Posted by WTF


Can you imagine what the Cavs owner said on the phone, email, and in person when LeBron left the Cavs ... Wait for some of that to surface, he was not a happy man when the "decision" was made. I wonder how many idiot billionaires are out there willing to pay four to six times team value?
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Sharpton is calling for more minority ownership but not racial quotas in term od player make up. Should 65% of the team be white? Originally Posted by WTF
Owners wouldn't want 65% white players because the game wouldn't be as athletic or entertaining as it is now, especially if you define a white player as a US born white guy. Eastern Euros and south americans are the new white guys in the NBA. US born white guys are being pushed into other sports late into middle school now.

Besides, Al Sharpton doesn't represent the depth and breadth of the black intelligentsia. He's just a guy good at making white people If he is concerned about black team ownership he should be boycotting/twisting arms at banks.
Frankly, I don't get it.

What part of what he said was, you know, WRONG?

I mean wrong in terms of "accuracy", not "acceptable speech".

Does anyone NOT think that you can drive white suburbanites away if the arena is filled with young black males and loud rap music is playing? Does anyone NOT think that you could sell more tickets at higher prices if the arena was filled with a much higher percentage of white fans?

The man did nothing more than openly describe the fan base that ALL of the other NBA franchises have ALREADY targeted.

Re-read his comments about the predominantly white crowds at the games in Washington DC, where there are plenty of affluent blacks but even more affluent whites. NBA franchise are businesses. They are chasing the money. That is what they are supposed to do.

The Hawks can only fill about 30% of their seats apparently. The owner thinks he could sell a lot more seats for higher prices if the crowd wasn't 70% black and the bars in the arena weren't 90% black.

That 70% vs. 90% discrepancy indicates to me that the whites who DO come to the Atlanta games leave without going into the bars. They are probably the suburban families he wants more of or, more likely, are corporate fans. They are fans of the game, but as soon as it is over, they clear out and avoid the bars.

And contrary to what this guy said, this has nothing to do with "southern whites". Take a look at the crowds at Knicks games, Celtic games, Laker games, etc. They are overwhelmingly white.

That has been the NBAs plan all along.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
His "racist" comments were about business. He was concerned about who made up his customer base as any businessman would be. Think of it in terms that EVA can handle. He opens a bar and he expects a mixture of youngish white collar men and some older blue collar guys who have the money for the better stuff. After a few months he has to admit that it has become a gay bar. Now does he continue to put up posters and paintings of attractive women or does he go with the flow and bring some of his own artwork featuring him with a boa? A business person has to know their customers. We have the same problem with the Power and Light district in downtown KCMO. They have a made a few rules about dress and demeanor that some say are racist but they want a certain segment of the population, the segment who will come to spend money and not end up shooting at each other in the parking lot.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Call me what you like, I stand by my statement.
My statement is based on what I have heard former season ticket holders state.
I am not and never have been a season ticket holder.
One former season ticket holder described it as not much different than WWF, the name used at the time for what is now the WWE.

I have never felt uncomfortable at a NBA game. I have felt uncomfortable leaving an Oilers game, Drunks in the parking lot.
...Every one of the rich white owners have probably uttered some derogatory little remark at one time or another. Told a joke in a private setting... Originally Posted by Jackie S
As discussed in the Donald Sterling thread, I'm sure the rich black owners have probably uttered a derogatory little remark at one time or another - but without similar fallout. Some were likely uttered into a microphone.
His "racist" comments were about business. He was concerned about who made up his customer base as any businessman would be. Think of it in terms that I can handle. He opens a bar and he expects a mixture of youngish white collar men and some older blue collar guys who have the money for the better stuff. After a few months he has to admit that it has become a gay bar. Now does he continue to put up posters and paintings of attractive women or does he go with the flow and bring some of his own artwork featuring him with a boa? A business person has to know their customers. We have the same problem with the Power and Light district in downtown KCMO. They have a made a few rules about dress and demeanor that some say are racist but they want a certain segment of the population, the segment who will come to spend money and not end up shooting at each other in the parking lot. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
FIFY no charge
Wakeup's Avatar
This guy is the owner of the Atlanta Hawks...he should have read the article I read a couple years ago...

The article compared sports teams in the US that are:
1. predominately white (NHL)
2. predominantly black (NBA)
3. and that are racially mixed (NFL AND MLB)

Then they looked at the cites that host a major sports franchise and they compared demographics based on:
1. percentage of white versus black population
2. average income of white versus black income
3. location of white and black population to the stadium
4. city history of racial tensions

They compiled all this data and at the end of the article, they came to this conclusion:

If you want to make money as a sports team owner, own a team that doesn't suck...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Frankly, I don't get it.

What part of what he said was, you know, WRONG?

I mean wrong in terms of "accuracy", not "acceptable speech".

Does anyone NOT think that you can drive white suburbanites away if the arena is filled with young black males and loud rap music is playing? Does anyone NOT think that you could sell more tickets at higher prices if the arena was filled with a much higher percentage of white fans?

The man did nothing more than openly describe the fan base that ALL of the other NBA franchises have ALREADY targeted.

Re-read his comments about the predominantly white crowds at the games in Washington DC, where there are plenty of affluent blacks but even more affluent whites. NBA franchise are businesses. They are chasing the money. That is what they are supposed to do.

The Hawks can only fill about 30% of their seats apparently. The owner thinks he could sell a lot more seats for higher prices if the crowd wasn't 70% black and the bars in the arena weren't 90% black.

That 70% vs. 90% discrepancy indicates to me that the whites who DO come to the Atlanta games leave without going into the bars. They are probably the suburban families he wants more of or, more likely, are corporate fans. They are fans of the game, but as soon as it is over, they clear out and avoid the bars.

And contrary to what this guy said, this has nothing to do with "southern whites". Take a look at the crowds at Knicks games, Celtic games, Laker games, etc. They are overwhelmingly white.

That has been the NBAs plan all along. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The underlying theory is that racism has gone underground....(those kinds of puns are what makes me beloved by millions)...anyway, because whites are racist motherfuckers, and want to retain their unjustly given power, privilege and prestige, they are now very subtle in their racism, and it manifests itself mostly through much more subtle shit than the old days, when twenty blacks per hour were hung from trees is certain counties in the South. It becomes necessary to become more and more vigilant to detect sophisticated racial bias these days. You have to have an intuitive feel for it.
As an example, let's say you are black, you get to a crowded restaurant, and you wait patiently for a good table, and also wait your turn. They make take you in the order you came in, so as not to have appear biased, but your table may not be as well located because you are black. Also, they will fawn all over the white motherfuckers while ignoring you, because they believe blacks don't tip well. Unfortunately, you cannot complain, because then the racist motherfuckers will say you are too sensitive, shake their heads among themselves, say, "you can't please those people" and maintain their horrible, racist, ignorant and self serving untruths about life. So, you have to wait until they subtlety betray their true thoughts, then you pounce on the SOB's like PT Barnum on a sucker.
That is what is happening here, everyone is staking out their usual positions, and the ignorant owner is too much of a pussy to defend these statements, which as you say, actually make sense.
what he did wrong was accuse southern white people of being racist

he didn't say much of anything against blacks
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The underlying theory is that racism has gone underground....(those kinds of puns are what makes me beloved by millions)...anyway, because whites are racist motherfuckers, and want to retain their unjustly given power, privilege and prestige, they are now very subtle in their racism, and it manifests itself mostly through much more subtle shit than the old days, when twenty blacks per hour were hung from trees is certain counties in the South. It becomes necessary to become more and more vigilant to detect sophisticated racial bias these days. You have to have an intuitive feel for it.
As an example, let's say you are black, you get to a crowded restaurant, and you wait patiently for a good table, and also wait your turn. They make take you in the order you came in, so as not to have appear biased, but your table may not be as well located because you are black. Also, they will fawn all over the white motherfuckers while ignoring you, because they believe blacks don't tip well. Unfortunately, you cannot complain, because then the racist motherfuckers will say you are too sensitive, shake their heads among themselves, say, "you can't please those people" and maintain their horrible, racist, ignorant and self serving untruths about life. So, you have to wait until they subtlety betray their true thoughts, then you pounce on the SOB's like PT Barnum on a sucker.
That is what is happening here, everyone is staking out their usual positions, and the ignorant owner is too much of a pussy to defend these statements, which as you say, actually make sense. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yeah, and within an hour's drive from Atlanta, the Jews still hang out ...


You're no expert. On anything, IBHomo. Just a parrot for those who wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire. (Of course, that assumes that you're one of US.)

blackmaleindallas's Avatar
The Hawks owner probably just wants to try to sell his share of the team at a premium. This "self reporting" deal is just his version of getting the ball rolling.

Maybe he'll have a meeting with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, then sell his share to Oprah at an inflated price. Everyone is happy then right? Right...
They compiled all this data and at the end of the article, they came to this conclusion:

If you want to make money as a sports team owner, own a team that doesn't suck... Originally Posted by Wakeup
That doesn't explain Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys.

The Hawks owner probably just wants to try to sell his share of the team at a premium. This "self reporting" deal is just his version of getting the ball rolling. Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
As I said a few posts ago. He knows he won't get a premium out of the club and he's already admitted that he doesn't want drug thru the mud.
Have any of You ever lived in the Deep South?? in the past 45 years
Yall sure make a lot of generalized comments.. that are frankly outdated!

I was born in the South raised in the Deep South for the first 8 years of my life late 60's to mid 70's.

I heard NOT ONE bad comment towards Jewish People in fact our local Dr was Jewish. My father born in 1940 the Dr that delivered him was Dr. Julius Goldberg, My father was named after him.

I never heard one bad word about Asians or Mexicans,.The only race I heard bad things about were blacks.. so yes there is still hatred in the South toward blacks. that I know.. yes I am sure there are others who hate everyone who is not white but those are smaller groups and they tend to be more Rural..