I'm convinced the Tea Baggers want this country to fail, are rascists that will never like Obama because he's black, and they oppose people's choices on individual freedoms. Maybe the system would have worked better if not for the shut down. It's all for not, the vast majority of America don't support the Tea Baggers. I will be crying tears of joy when their beloved wealth is redistributed. Originally Posted by Misawahawk
Obamacare is going to hurt this country badly so anyone who is against this monstrosity is FOR the country.
The racists are the people who vote 98% for someone because of their race. The racists are the people who think minorities can't do it for themselves and need government help. The racists are the people who think all minorites are the same and can be categorized as a group. Kind of like the racist MSNBC host who wanted to play "Mexican" music when talking about Ted Cruz who's father was Cuban. I guess all hispanics look alike to liberals.
They had three years to set up this system. Only an absolute idiot would think or believe the slimdown (remember Obamacare was not part of it) had any impact on this embarassing debacle.
It doesn't take a majority to run the country as every president for half a century has not won a majority of adult population vote. They may have gotten a majority of the votes but not the people. A third of the population supported the revolt against the British and that seemed to be enough. After some polling (following the slimdown) they found that the people have not really changed as far as the Tea Party. Whiff, air ball fools.