Meet & Greets

The DarkSide's Avatar
Is this a M&G about bed wetting? What is all this talk about "wet blankets"?
malwoody's Avatar
I know this may not be a popular idea....but it seems alcohol tends to bring out the worst. for a select group of individuals.

Typically this happens to a small % of attendance...but it always seems that small %, mix with alcohol can result in potential problems

I'm no veteran of M&G's, but I have been to a perhaps my concerns may be unfounded Originally Posted by vkmaster
Double Bingo on that VK. I've seen some obnoxious antics and besides....

I already know how to
I would love if Kansas City had a M&G
KCQuestor's Avatar
I stopped trying to organize them after a few that were more trouble than they were worth. Screening was a pain, and as mentioned above, alcohol became an issue for some.

Kitten and Maria from DFW came to one and we talked for a long time about how they run theirs down in Dallas. The thing that I took away from it was that they were only successful when it was the women doing the organizing. The ladies have the experience in screening. They know what will make them comfortable and what will make them concerned.

I had a great time at our M&Gs, but the stress of running them was not worth the fun of the night.

But nothing says we can't get together for drinks some times.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
This would be the one m and g I'd attend.
Count me in! That is, if I'm invited...
Helicopter206's Avatar
I think many of us who frequent M&G's know of most of the ongoing issues with some of the Texas socials, but if there's something more going on, let us know! I believe the issue Mike was referring to specifically was the HPD Christmas 2009 raid which was unique in many ways . . . That particular well publicized issue was for many, the beginning of the end, so to speak, for a lot of people's interest in attending socials. However, many have since been quite successful.

If you do attend, promise to leave Omar at home? . . . LOL.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin

I would love to get an invitation... I will leave the lotion at home... LOL...
I would love to get an invitation... I will leave the lotion at home... LOL... Originally Posted by Helicopter206
Okay, that was pretty funny . . . at least you have a good sense of humor. That says a lot about a gentleman's character!


- Jackie
To hell with a meet and greet, I would prefer a spank and wank!
That would be neat, (Sorry I dont know how I missed this thread!)

I read about some really neat ones in Texas idk I would like to attend if invited. I love "soda socials!"
blk07lac's Avatar
I attended the last one in Nola and it was great. One factor to having a good m&g is making sure everyone understands it's all fun and no business...
I'm back! Hi everyone...sorry to be MIA but had some family health issues to tend to.

I loved the concept of the meet and greets and met some very cool women and men both from them. I love to get to know other women in the industry.

Here is my two cents on what would work best. I have only attended two. I also am trying to catch up on a million and two things so if I am repeating what someone already said, I'm sorry...take it as an agreement.

#1 I don't think it should in anyway be discussed on any board or announced in any public forum. It should be an exclusive and private party with guests hand selected by the (in this case) women who coordinate it.

#2 I think that it is very important that the clients who are invited are equally paired with the women in attendance. By this, I don't mean in numbers, I mean in terms of realistic possibilities of something transpiring on the back end. The clients need to be capable of playing on the fields of those companions in attendence.

#3 The party should take place at a private location. I'm not necessarily suggesting someone's home, possibly a rented space or something. It is the public bar thing that I don't like.

#4 Alcohol brings out the wild in me! If someone is a bad drunk, I would rather see it in those circumstances than be stuck alone with them.

There's probably more but Jazz, you know how social I am...that I love a good party...and I love to make introductions. I think that it benefits everyone when the "right people" are invited.
Ruagudfish's Avatar
This is something I would look forward to attending.
Not trying to be the "wet blanket" about this, but I feel I should remind everyone about forum guideline #30:

ECCIE does not, in any way, sponsor or represent social events, meet and greets, or similar activities. On occasion, events may be announced here by our members, however, ECCIE is not associated with or responsible for such events. We are not involved with any related aspects, such as guest selection, screening, or hosting. Should members of our volunteer staff choose to participate in such an event, it should be understood that their personal involvement is of their own choice and responsibility, and in no way connected to their duties here on staff. If you are the host of one of these events, we will allow for ONE "announcement" post to inform the membership, which will be immediately locked to prevent further public discussions regarding the event.

So, if an M&G is set up, the person who arranges the M&G will be allowed to make one announcement about the event, then all screening, invitations, requests for invites, etc. will need to take place offline/BCD. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Thank you Fritz, as I do tend to get all of the different board rules confused at times.

I have discussed the possibilities of a M&G in KC with some ladies there.. I will NO longer accept requests via the PM system here due to the rules; however, once a decision and date has been made...

ONE post shall be created to inform..

Until them, let's think creative and positive thoughts.. those do tend to be the most delicious eh?

I attended the last one in Nola and it was great. One factor to having a good m&g is making sure everyone understands it's all fun and no business... Originally Posted by blk07lac

YES YES YES!!!! ALL fun, and NO business!!!! Jaysus Christo, this is a MEET and greet! LOL...

(forgive my ignorance as I choose not to become so immersed in any website to where I know "multi quotes" LOL)

I've attended and thrown many successful M&G that were JUST that.. and then one can walk away with who did and did not impress them...

Fabulous post luv!