Tea Terrorists - champions of debt avoidance

Budman's Avatar
Benifits they paid for? They set up a system where they paid less in than they are taking out! I think Medicade is like pay 120k take out 300k. That math will never add up.

Of course they do not want you messing with that welfare program to them. They want to cut funding for their children and grandchildren schooling before they will take a cut.

The sad thing is they are not even smart enough to realize wtf they are doing. They are not morally bad and if they had the good sense to see just wtf they are doing, they might not be so greedy. Originally Posted by WTF

This is such a stupid response. Let's assume your numbers are correct. When these so called "greedy old fucs" started paying into the system the money was to be put aside for future payments. If this had been done and invested conservatively there would not be a descrepancy but the politicos put the money into the general fund and spent it on anything and everything. Now it is the "greedy old fucs" that are to blame. This would be like your insurance company telling you that they will not pay for your cancer treatment because it will cost more than you have paid in premiums.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The taxes paid by the upcoming generation of retirees paid for the their patents to retire. They have paid nothing for their own retirement. Their retirement will be paid for, by and large, by this generation of workers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2011, 09:07 PM
This would be like your insurance company telling you that they will not pay for your cancer treatment because it will cost more than you have paid in premiums. Originally Posted by Budman
I do not know if you know how stupid your statement was but let me break it down for you. If you insurance co. Was paying out more than it was taking in. They would raise the rates on everyone or go outta business!
Do you understand a thing about insurance or how ss or medicare works?
Budman's Avatar
I do not know if you know how stupid your statement was but let me break it down for you. If you insurance co. Was paying out more than it was taking in. They would raise the rates on everyone or go outta business!
Do you understand a thing about insurance or how ss or medicare works? Originally Posted by WTF

You are an fool. These so called "greedy fucs" are no longer paying into the system. They have paid into a system for 40+ years and now you want to make them out to be the "greedy fucs" that are the problem. The cocksuckers that caused the problem are the fucking politicians who wasted our money over many years and continue to do so.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-10-2011, 09:09 AM
And you and not follow the money. These old fucs are taking out more than they paid in. That is a fact. The surplus was spend mostly on Defense as that is the largest federal expense besides social. Security and medicare. Both of which have run a sur0plus up until recently
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When was the last surplus in SS and Medicare? What has been the balance of those "trust" accounts for, say, the last 10 years?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-10-2011, 09:29 AM
Do the research. I do not know the figures off the top of my heas but it ran a surplus up until very recently. Now my old lady is about to come get my ass and have me spend allot of money on her ass on 5th avenue here in NYC. So I do not have any more time to play with you wingnuts who think you are independents. You want me to donate some $ to the wall street protesters in the name of cuteoldguy? Lol
Budman's Avatar
And you and not follow the money. These old fucs are taking out more than they paid in. That is a fact. The surplus was spend mostly on Defense as that is the largest federal expense besides social. Security and medicare. Both of which have run a sur0plus up until recently Originally Posted by WTF
There you go again you fucking moron. It's not their fault the fucking goverment wasted untold amounts of money. You act like it is their fault SS is in the shape it is in. SS and MC both need to be adjusted but not on the backs of those currently living off of it. The R's have put proposals out there to rework SS but the D's just want to cry about how it would kick granny to the curb. Any rework needs to be a gradual phase in of adjusted benefits so those that are currently on SS and MC are not affected.

Raising taxes should be the last option considered. Cut all goverment waste and get the economy back growing and I don't believe tax hikes will be necessary but to raise taxes first with the promise of cutting waste is foolish.
  • Laz
  • 10-10-2011, 10:10 AM
There will have to be changes to the systems that effect the current working population and retirees. To think that we can exempt retirees from paying more and getting less you need to look at the numbers again. I am not talking about taking away from those that have nothing but means testing for both programs with lower to no benefits for those that have money.

The programs were created with a fundamental fatal flaw in that current workers paid for current beneficiaries with the assumption that when their turn to retire came the workers would fund their retirement. In an environment where mortality did not change and population sizes were consistant that might work. That is not reality. The system needs to change to where your contributions fund your benefits and dumb ass politicians have no access to the funds.
blue3122's Avatar
SS is easily fixable. It is a basic actuarial problem. The easiest fix is to raise the minimum age. Or set a withdrawal scale based on retirement. The big elephant is medicare. Raising the minimum age would help but the baby boomers who are starting to retire now will overwhelm the system in the next 20 years. Some difficult choices need to be made very soon. I see zero leadership on this issue.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, you brought it up, I was thinking maybe this time you'd have some facts to back up your statement. I guess not.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-10-2011, 12:41 PM
WTF, you brought it up, I was thinking maybe this time you'd have some facts to back up your statement. I guess not. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is a fact that is easy to look up. I am in nyc on my cell phone watching my creedit card get depleted. I will look it up for you when I get a chance. It is a simple google search though. Now once I look it up for you I hope you wind up believing it!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now once I look it up for you I hope you wind up believing it! Originally Posted by WTF
That's the chance you take. Bring me something back from NYC?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
.......Bring me something back from NYC?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Besides flees, bed bugs and the Clap.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, besides that.