America’s Koch Nightmare Continues

joe bloe's Avatar
Obamacare won't ration healthcare any more than insurance companies already ration healthcare. Your statement is just absurd.

Kind of like the way our government controlling the defense industry has hindered defense technology? Originally Posted by Doove
The government is the biggest consumer of the defense industrie's products. But the people that make the advances in technology don't work for the government. They work for private businesses that deliver the best military technology in the world because they are doing it for profit.

I live in Houston. The Houston Medical Center treats people from all over the world who come here because they don't want to wait in line for MRI testing, joint replacement, and other procedures that their government rations.

The socialist's hatred of capitalism and the profit motive will ruin us if they are not stopped. Their futile attempt to produce a socialist utopia will only result in destroying the best system in the world.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-20-2011, 04:37 PM
The government is the biggest consumer of the defense industrie's products. But the people that make the advances in technology don't work for the government. They work for private businesses that deliver the best military technology in the world because they are doing it for profit. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And how, exactly, is Obamacare any different relative to the healthcare industry?
joe bloe's Avatar
And how, exactly, is Obamacare any different relative to the healthcare industry? Originally Posted by Doove
Obamacare's purpose is to destroy the private health care system. The Democrats have been trying to get socialized medicine since 1948 when Harry Truman campaigned for it.

In a few years (unless Obamacare is repealed) you will not be able to purchase private health insurance. You will not be able to choose your own doctor. You will not be able to get elective procedures done without waiting in line for insanely long periods.

Ultimately, Obama doesn't care if America's health care system is improved or made worse by his policies. What he does care about is power. He wants to grow the federal government and at the same time shrink the private sector.

Barack Obama is a life long, born and raised, indoctrinated, died in the wool, confirmed Marxist. He is what's known as a "red diaper baby", which means he was raised by communists. His mother was a communist. His father, Barack Obama, Sr, was a communist. His childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a member of the Communist Party USA. His maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, was a communist. His good friend William Ayers is a communist and an unrepentant terrorist. Bernadine Dohrn (William Ayer's wife) is a communist and an unrepentant terrorist; she also worked at Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago, the same law firm that hired Michelle Obama and where Barack Obama first met Michelle and did an internship. One of Sidley Austin's biggest clients was Commonwealth Edison of Chicago which was run by Thomas Ayers (from 1964 to 1980) and paid millions in legal fees. Thomas Ayers was William Ayre's father. Because of Thomas Ayer's influence at Sidley Austin, he was able to get people hired whose political views he shared.

Barack Obama's first political fund raiser, when he was running for state senate in Illinois, was held in Bill Ayres home in Chicago. It was Ayer's way of giving his endorsement to Obama, which was very usefull to Obama due to Ayer's standing in the radical leftist community in Chicago. When Obama characterized his relationship with Ayers as just some guy in the neighborhood whose kids went to school with his kids, he was telling a lie that the media should have destroyed him with.

Obama's pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright is also a communist; you remember him, he's the one who said God damn America from the pulpit while his church members cheered. Jeremiah Wright's so called religion is called "black liberation theology". Liberation theology is a form of Marxism first practiced in Nicaragua in the sixties and seventies. It was a way for the communist Sandanistas to co-opt the church and use it as a propaganda device to advance their Marxist beliefs.

Obama's mother met his father in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in the early 1960's. Any guesses why they were studying Russian?

Valerie Jarrett is one of Barack and Michelle Obama's oldest and closest friends and is reportedly Obama's most trusted advisor. Valerie Jarrett's father in law (Vernon Jarrett) was a member of the Communist Party USA in Chicago. He was also good friends with Obama's childhood mentor, and communist party member, Frank Marshall Davis. Vernon Jarrett recommended that Frank Marshall Davis move to Hawaii where he befriended Obama's maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham. Obama wrote, in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father", that his grandfather used to let him tag along when he and Davis (or uncle Frank as Obama called him) would go out boozing and talking politics.

Anyone who does not believe that Obama is a communist is simply ignorant of the facts or is hopelessly stupid. The facts are overwhelming.

Obama must not be re-elected. If he is, we will never be able to repair the damage he will do.
waverunner234's Avatar
Too bad you spend all this energy while your vote doesn't make a difference at all.
Living in Texas, the vote of your state is already accounted for.
And if other states decide that Obama gets another term because the current GOP contenders are not even worth the shit they produce, then so be it.
I'm fine with it. If you are not, then move to a state were your voice might make a difference. Otherwise, stop complaining and accept things the way they are.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Too bad you spend all this energy while your vote doesn't make a difference at all.
Living in Texas, the vote of your state is already accounted for.
And if other states decide that Obama gets another term because the current GOP contenders are not even worth the shit they produce, then so be it.
I'm fine with it. If you are not, then move to a state were your voice might make a difference. Otherwise, stop complaining and accept things the way they are. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Yeah, so shut up already. Why voice an opinion when it doesn't matter? Sure, they're sticking a mop handle up your ass, but you can't stop it, so just enjoy it!

Wave, you are becoming more of an idiot with each passing day. Take your own advice and STFU.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obamacare won't ration healthcare any more than insurance companies already ration healthcare. Your statement is just absurd. Originally Posted by Doove
I'm going to ask for a reference to something that might actually support your statement, but you never do that, and one does not exist. Your support of Obamacare is absurd.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And i don't want to live in a society that allows people to die because they're not able to afford insurance. Originally Posted by Doove
This ranks with some of the stupidest things you've said. So Obamacare will prevent people from dying? Having insurance guarantees life? People tend to die either way. Who gets to decide what lifesaving procedures are appropriate? Doctors? Government? If your insurance doesn't cover it, you will die from it anyway.

Who in this country has died from lack of insurance? Yes, there are some who need experimental treatment, or complicated transplants, most of which is uninsured by anyone, and of limited practicality.

Back this up, or STFU. You are starting to bore me.

joe bloe's Avatar
Too bad you spend all this energy while your vote doesn't make a difference at all.
Living in Texas, the vote of your state is already accounted for.
And if other states decide that Obama gets another term because the current GOP contenders are not even worth the shit they produce, then so be it.
I'm fine with it. If you are not, then move to a state were your voice might make a difference. Otherwise, stop complaining and accept things the way they are. Originally Posted by waverunner234
So by your reasoning, I should move to Massachusetts? Why not North Korea or Cuba; imagine how much difference my politcal views would make there.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-21-2011, 02:17 PM
I'm going to ask for a reference to something that might actually support your statement, but you never do that, and one does not exist. Your support of Obamacare is absurd. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'll cite a reference to disprove Joe Bloe's point when Joe Bloe provides a reference to prove his point.

This ranks with some of the stupidest things you've said. So Obamacare will prevent people from dying? Having insurance guarantees life? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, if that was what i said, it would be pretty stupid. I didn't. It's not. Learn to read.

You are starting to bore me.
If you'd have thought of that one about 3 or 4 days ago, it would have seemed original. But at least you're trying.
waverunner234's Avatar
So by your reasoning, I should move to Massachusetts? Why not North Korea or Cuba; imagine how much difference my politcal views would make there. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Yeah, Cuba is a great idea. It has a few advantages:
1. Beautiful ladies and very willing
2. Internet access is hard to get if not impossible
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And Cuba has a great health system, and a lively political dissident class. Love the free speech there.
joe bloe's Avatar
Too bad you spend all this energy while your vote doesn't make a difference at all.
Living in Texas, the vote of your state is already accounted for.
And if other states decide that Obama gets another term because the current GOP contenders are not even worth the shit they produce, then so be it.
I'm fine with it. If you are not, then move to a state were your voice might make a difference. Otherwise, stop complaining and accept things the way they are. Originally Posted by waverunner234
By your "reasoning" you should not be voicing your opinion about political issues either, since you're a socialist living in hopelessly socialist Mexifornia.
joe bloe's Avatar
Yeah, Cuba is a great idea. It has a few advantages:
1. Beautiful ladies and very willing
2. Internet access is hard to get if not impossible Originally Posted by waverunner234
Cuba is a hell hole. The quality of life was dramatically better under Batista (a dictator) prior to the communists taking over.

Cuba was barely getting by when they lived on charity from the Soviet Union; no thats gone.

If the world's economy continues to decline, Cuba will probably have mass starvation like North Korea.

If Castro had allied Cuba with the United States instead of the Soviet Union, Cuba would be thriving, probably on their way to statehood.

Communism sucks.
joe bloe's Avatar
And Cuba has a great health system, and a lively political dissident class. Love the free speech there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently, from what I've read, Michael Moore's recent so called documentary "Sicko" portrayed Cuba's health care system as being state of the art.

He shot footage in a private clinic that is only used by communist party members (including Castro).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Joe, I was being sarcastic.