Paul Ryan booed at AARP conference

I B Hankering's Avatar
Ok everybody, let's start counting how many times I-B-Hankering the Cowardly Idiot types the following words:

Kool Aid

I'm betting the count is gonna be REALLY high. Cuz the stupid cowardly fucker can't come up with anything else to say. Originally Posted by markroxny
You better have a fucking computer, marks-rocks-with-pee, because counting on your fingers and toes ain't goin' to cut it. You'll see both posted hundreds of times in the coming weeks.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are just proving my point. If what you just said is true...why would Ryan go there and speak to them and say something he know they are going to boo him about? Originally Posted by markroxny
It's smart political strategy, although you may perceive it as poor marketing. Don't sell the seniors short on common sense and thoughtful reflection ... if he can persuade 10% that were not going to vote for him yesterday that 10% will talk to others ... but he has to go. Staying away is disrespectful to them and himself. You might be surprised at how well he does among older voters who consider themselves to be "students of the dollar".... he is also.
markroxny's Avatar
It's smart political strategy, although you may perceive it as poor marketing. Don't sell the seniors short on common sense and thoughtful reflection ... if he can persuade 10% that were not going to vote for him yesterday that 10% will talk to others ... but he has to go. Staying away is disrespectful to them and himself. You might be surprised at how well he does among older voters who consider themselves to be "students of the dollar".... he is also. Originally Posted by LexusLover
We'll see how smart it is in Nov.
I B Hankering's Avatar
We'll see how smart it is in Nov. Originally Posted by markroxny
You Dim-witted shits just don't get it. It's not about "winning and losing" -- this is not a "gaming-room" activity. This election is about who best can put this country back on track. Odumbo has veritably demonstrated he is not that person.
markroxny's Avatar
You better have a fucking computer, marks-rocks-with-pee, because counting on your fingers and toes ain't goin' to cut it. You'll see both posted hundreds of times in the coming weeks. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No kidding. LOL
LexusLover's Avatar
We'll see how smart it is in Nov. Originally Posted by markroxny
Actually if folks don't listen to him in the not so distant future all those people booing will not have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out ... and they damn sure ain't gonna have a ride down to the next town hall meeting ...

.. just like your guy said he would close Gitmo ... and didn't .. he'll have to cut back on SS benefits and push off retirement year ... while increase the deductions to keep SS alive and paying ... he won't give a rat's ass about the old folks when (he really doesn't anyway) he is already re-elected ...

like Stevens ... he'll throw them under the bus.

He's gonna really crap this country up with his "redistribution" ideas .. if he gets out now it might be salvageable, but with 4 more years it will take too long to dig us out of the hole.
markroxny's Avatar
Actually if folks don't listen to him in the not so distant future all those people booing will not have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out ... and they damn sure ain't gonna have a ride down to the next town hall meeting ...

.. just like your guy said he would close Gitmo ... and didn't .. he'll have to cut back on SS benefits and push off retirement year ... while increase the deductions to keep SS alive and paying ... he won't give a rat's ass about the old folks when (he really doesn't anyway) he is already re-elected ...

like Stevens ... he'll throw them under the bus.

He's gonna really crap this country up with his "redistribution" ideas .. if he gets out now it might be salvageable, but with 4 more years it will take too long to dig us out of the hole. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No one is buying Ryan's voucher bullshit except people who already think like he does or are easily fooled.

YOu really think an 80 year old woman with pre-existing conditions want's to go out and shop for health insurance with a pre-set amt voucher???? really???
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets get real, AARP's leadership (not their clients) are the enemy. They in bed with Obama, they have made money off Obama care and stand to make billions, BILLIONS, more under Obamacare. They are on record as being Obama supporters. Only a loon would equate them with the average American.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No one is buying Ryan's voucher bullshit except people who already think like he does or are easily fooled.

YOu really think an 80 year old woman with pre-existing conditions want's to go out and shop for health insurance with a pre-set amt voucher???? really??? Originally Posted by markroxny
Speaking of "buying":

Obama Medicare Plan: No Voucher But Maybe A Bill

WASHINGTON — Odumbo will never turn Medicare into a voucher, but if you are lucky enough to be financially comfortable in retirement, odds are you'll pay higher premiums under President Barack Odumbo's plan. It's not just the 1 percent who'll feel the pinch.
Vouchers bill vouchers bill doesn't matter who gets elected seniors will get their legs cut off.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 01:29 PM
What the fuck do you expect? AARP is nothing more than a Kool Aid dispensing, shill-organization for Odumbo.

CBS Highlights AARP Members Defecting to Conservative ASA
By Brad Wilmouth | August 18, 2009

On Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Sharyl Attkisson filed a report highlighting the recent defections of thousands of AARP members to the more conservative American Seniors Association (ASA), because of the perceived support by the AARP for OdumboCare. The report recounted that Odumbo recently had to correct a claim that the AARP supports his plan, while some are suspicious that the group may support the President privately, but are unwilling to admit to doing so publicly. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

AARP ... shill-organization

must have been why Bush licked the crack of every AARP member when he trotted out with the Part D policy
I B Hankering's Avatar
AARP ... shill-organization

must have been why Bush licked the crack of every AARP member when he trotted out with the Part D policy Originally Posted by CJ7
Hey, CBJ7! Bush ain't running for office this year! . . . and AARP shilled for Odumbo!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 01:43 PM
quit yammering about it, and prove it
I B Hankering's Avatar
quit yammering about it, and prove it Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, you're another non-reading, Dim-witted, Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. See @

. . . and @

Swindling our seniors: AARP shills for White House on Odumbocare

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

For most of last year, AARP was the White House's designated huckster with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to pass comprehensive health care reform legislation and cut Medicare by $500 billion. This calculated move by AARP, which will virtually destroy the popular Medicare Advantage program, will vastly increase the demand for medigap supplemental insurance - AARP's primary insurance product.

This was a cynical and calculated move for a non-profit organization that is supposed to be advocating for the elderly - not its own business interests.

Today, Odumbocare is the law of the land and AARP has moved on to become the White House's chosen shill with older Americans, hawking Odumbocare like some kind of midway carny to convince seniors that AARP and Odumbocare work for them.
The Teapublican IDIOTS want to prop up their wealthy buddies by "privatizing" Social Security and Medicare.

Even an idiot knows that S.S. is NOT bankrupt and would self-fund for another 60 years if they would raise the ceiling and not stop the payroll withholding until you'd earned $250K.

EASY FIX unless you are a TEAPUNK like Rmoney and Pvt. Ryan or that thug, ISSA, who is trying to privatize the Postal Service after making them fund pensions out SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS! Not a company on the planet could afford to do that and make a profit. Yet the Postal Service is totally self-funding with stamps and a 10-20 year reserve for pensions!

Teapublican CROOKS!