Brothel on wheels.

When 'The Party Bus' is a rockin, wait your turn!
I wish i could find someone/others to help me with this business.Peaches on wheels!
Squarenot's Avatar
Those RV parks are notoriously chock full of nosy retirees with a lot of time on their hands. In most of the parks, I would bet that it would not take long for them to figure out what was going on in that rock'in little RV with the pretty lady in high heels and frequent male visitors. I wonder how they would handle such a situation? Prolly refer to mgmt and insist that you move on immediately.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think that the key to this is not staying in one place too long.

Besides, there are those of us who do now wear high heels or stripper type clothing. We look as if we might belong where we are.

As far as men lining up to see us in an RV or camping area? For me, I have every intention of often getting a hotel room and being uber careful about who comes over to see me out in the wild, so to speak.

It's not a revolving door although sometimes, I wouldn't mind that.

It's a dream of mine to do this. And I've gotten some frowns as well as some moral support for giving it a try.

Now .. it's taking the first steps. I don't see how doing this with another lady will work very well. It seems, to me, that doing this would certainly be an adventure that one would have to do alone.

Here is some inspirational reading:
speeedracer's Avatar
nice idea, but i'd image you'd spend just about everything you make on gas alone. those things get like, 4 miles a gallon!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It's certainly an interesting idea, and I'm not a provider so I don't know the answers to these things. But the questions that spring to mind - how do you entice clients to travel an hour (out into the country) to see you? There are guys here in Dallas who won't drive 20 minutes to see a provider. Given what I've heard about ladies that tour - it's tough. Ladies who work out of their home - it's tough. You're talking about mixing up the worst of both worlds and seeing what shakes out!

Having said that, there are plenty of people who choose the path less followed and enjoy doing it. But you certainly need to sketch out a plan and figure out how to overcome obstacles before just buying an RV.

But I live in the hobby land of plenty (Texas.)
bambimonroe's Avatar
Good idea go for it!
KOA close to me. Would not be first time in travel trailer.
I remember 20 years back visiting a friend who managed a KOA next to Disneyland. He told me that morning he had to evict two girls that were using their RV as a pleasure house and that the other tenants of the facility complained. He did say that only the women were complaining, none of the men. Like Elizabeth said you could not stay in one place too long and you would have to be very discrete.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
A trio of hotties and I would make a killing and have memories for a lifetime. Ooh if only it were legal. Ah well.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Really Sofia? Your pics are such a little tease. Uber schwul.
trekker's Avatar
Those RV parks are notoriously chock full of nosy retirees with a lot of time on their hands. In most of the parks, I would bet that it would not take long for them to figure out what was going on in that rock'in little RV with the pretty lady in high heels and frequent male visitors. I wonder how they would handle such a situation? Prolly refer to mgmt and insist that you move on immediately. Originally Posted by Squarenot
Nosy Nellie will start talking trash as soon as she sees an RV with a female driver under 60 and will be on her way to the office with a complaint as soon as the door closes at the beginning of the first session.