Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The brass and lead and gunpowder industries should be shamed to the core
for making the components that will make up the bullets that will be used
in the next mass shooting. Why don't they just switch to making Zyklon-B
instead, there wouldn't be any difference.

I'm just trying to sound as ridiculous as the average Libtard. Originally Posted by bojulay
If you think about it, the cities that supply clean water to the munitions factories have blood on their hands, too! What about the original owners of the land that sold it to the factory owners - shame shame shame!!!
And the factory workers who willingly go in everyday to make those weapons;;;;

If they truly cared "about the children" they would quit their jobs.
Still another liberal advocating the murder of political opponents. Stalin was a liberal, as essentially all communists are, so I guess he is a liberal role model concerning political dissent. (He killed millions of people who disagreed with him.) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I think that it'd have been news to Stalin that he was a liberal since he, well, wasn't.

I think that the insults that I've seen slung around on here, by both liberals and conservatives, do a significant disservice to everyone, and do little if anything to further logical discourse.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 12:05 PM
you have to forgive JL, he's a lawyer with a tea party mentality
Obama got sandbagged by his own Democratic party !

Gun regulation was suppose to fail in the House NOT the Senate.
Obama got sandbagged by his own Democratic party !

Gun regulation was suppose to fail in the House NOT the Senate. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
+1. Heh, heh, heh...

Spot on, Whirly. Word is he and his henchmen were strong-arming shaky Dems in the Senate up til the last minute. Knowing he had to have it pass the Senate was key to his strategy of demonizing the House Republicans, again, on a divisive issue, in his drive to take the House in 2014..

I'm thinking even his own libtard cronies are starting to see through this phony moron and beginning to distance themselves.

Even his mouthpieces at Politico can't gloss over what a huge loss this is for him:
Gun Background Checks Supported By More Than 90 Percent: Poll]

But Obama gets fucked up the ass by his own Democrats who wouldn't support his gun grab !

What's up with that ???????????????????????

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think that it'd have been news to Stalin that he was a liberal since he, well, wasn't.

I think that the insults that I've seen slung around on here, by both liberals and conservatives, do a significant disservice to everyone, and do little if anything to further logical discourse. Originally Posted by SpinShooter
He was a commie, so he was a liberal - simple as that.
I hope you can stop all the insults...start with the liberals threatening to send people to their death or advocating killing witnesses.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
And the factory workers who willingly go in everyday to make those weapons;;;;

If they truly cared "about the children" they would quit their jobs. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
True, quit their jobs and serve soup to bums in LA. After all, bums just had poor childhoods due to insufficient spending by previous conservative administrations, otherwise they would be helping society instead of being drunks. Penurious school spending today creates bums tomorrow.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 01:09 PM
Gun Background Checks Supported By More Than 90 Percent: Poll]

But Obama gets fucked up the ass by his own Democrats who wouldn't support his gun grab !

What's up with that ???????????????????????

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

you said he knew it wouldn't pass anyway
Yeah; but Obama's grand plan was to have it fail in the House so he could blame Boehner and the GOP; he never imagined Harry Reid would oversee the killing of his gun grab !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 01:18 PM
first things first ..

there was no "gun grab"
Right. it failed.

Registration was first step to a nation wide gun grab; and if you can't pass a gun down to a family member (heir) because it is now illegal to own, then that is gun confiscation.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-18-2013, 01:47 PM
Gun Background Checks Supported By More Than 90 Percent: Poll]

But Obama gets fucked up the ass by his own Democrats who wouldn't support his gun grab !

What's up with that ???????????????????????

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If you had any sense it would prove to you that the gun manufacturers own the NRA, they want to keep selling guns to illegal mexicans. 85%of the NRA membership was for this law.
Writing isn't yours. You try to make your point as if you're for humanity, and it comes off so moronic as usual. Originally Posted by acp5762

I am sure you are moronic it is showing .Keep digging.