the Jussie Smollett story

boardman's Avatar
I don't think there is an "only option"
They have to wait and see what happens. In the mean time they have to write scripts for every contingency or at least make them fluid enough to account for the absence if it occurs. Screen writers have been doing that kind of stuff since before the dream sequence season of Dallas.
jstone420's Avatar
Damn shame
Russ38's Avatar
Maybe he should be lynched....for real this time....
VitaMan's Avatar
The options are:

- keep him on the show
- fire him

In this case, likely they will be damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
Slitlikr's Avatar
I am curious about sc's opinion on this. Probably won't say anything because this doesn't fit what he preaches all the time. Originally Posted by tbone2u

I could swear SC is Smollet's eccie handle.
TNT's show drop the mic, never heard of it before today, just put his episode on hold.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I could swear SC is Smollet's eccie handle. Originally Posted by Slitlikr

Oralist's Avatar
I like it that Robin Roberts and ABC/ GMA are all busy trying to cover their tracks. She should have gotten her story from the Police after the facts were known. But, it's who gets the story first, not who gets the true facts.
boardman's Avatar
I like it that Robin Roberts and ABC/ GMA are all busy trying to cover their tracks. She should have gotten her story from the Police after the facts were known. But, it's who gets the story first, not who gets the true facts. Originally Posted by Oralist

And there in lies the problem that's been created by the need to "sell" news rather than just report it. Got to get that story first so they can keep the ratings up and sell commercial time.

So now the whole thing has flipped and everyone is pronouncing him guilty and that he needs to be locked up starting with Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson. Now admittedly he knows the facts but I think it just as irresponsible for him to come out with the statement he made as it was for all the networks to assume Smollet's story was above reproach.

Regardless of whether he took the risk of being convicted in the court of public opinion, He still deserves a fair trial in a court of law by an impartial jury. That ain't going to happen and the way the covering of the story has flipped is going to cause undue scrutiny for anyone else. You can blame that on Smollet to some degree or better yet you can say he should have known better but the real blame goes to the media and the consumers of it for having to have the pendulum swing as far as it can one way or the other.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Free Jessie...

It's not like Trump's deplorables havent done something like this to others already. They do this everyday. Hell they even killed Heather Heyer. So while Jessie may be wrong it doesnt absolve Trump and his morally bankrupt cult followers from responsibility.

Hell just look at the terrorist serving in the US Navy plotting to kill Americans...Trump is silent on that as well...Trump is a disgrace to humanity. The sooner he chokes on a pretzel the better.
boardman's Avatar
This thread didn't have anything to do with Trump. Take that to the political forum and stop hijacking threads with your whiny ass drivel. Stay on topic sissy boy...err, Mitt.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
It's interesting how quickly & easily they were able to replace white pointed hoods with Trump's red cap.
VitaMan's Avatar
Yes, that's ridiculous.....if you want to rave about Trump, do it in one of your own threads.

An interesting part about this story is the Chicago police department is all worked up about spending 100s of hours on this stupid investigation. Thanks to our worthless celebrity culture, they have to do it. What other gay black man can get service like this ? If it is your everyday gay black man, they would have spent about 10 minutes investigating this case.

Remember Danny Glover could not get a cab in NYC.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
What does this thread have to do with Danny Glover or SC..whom you sweeties cant seem to stop talking about.