Hobby Fairy Tales...Happily (N)Ever After?

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I think many women would likely leave the business if they were getting more money and security. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Even those who can't ever get enough sex?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Is there a third option? Originally Posted by bojulay
Yes, there are actually several other options. One is to go for a Sugarbaby/Sugardaddy type of arrangement. It is still pay for play but a lot of boundaries get blurred in terms of friendship, intimacy and activities. Another option is to see if the relationship can evolve beyond simple P4P-- maybe a "friends with benefits" arrangement/a mistress type situation.
Even those who can't ever get enough sex? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I'm assuming they married guys with ton of sexual energy. When I was married, I got plenty of good sex...and I owned a vibrator.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'd never trust my heart with a man that pays for pussy .... if he will do it with me, he will do it to me.
I'd never trust my heart with a man that pays for pussy, because if he will do it with me, he will do it to me. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
I'm not sure I agree. Well, I do and I don't. Depends on the situation. I think there are some love starved guys, married and single, that would not necessarily revert if they finally got what they were looking for. Then again, there are guys who crave constant variety and thrill.
It's definitely possible, but not always a good idea. In real life, Julia Roberts would have likely just been kept, or a Sugarbaby. Fairytales are great for kids, but not always for the adult entertainment industry.

It would be nice...
It's definitely possible, but not always a good idea. In real life, Julia Roberts would have likely just been kept, or a Sugarbaby. Fairytales are great for kids, but not always for the adult entertainment industry.

It would be nice... Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I'm currently working hard to afford to "keep" Eva Damita. I missed you!
I'm currently working hard to afford to "keep" Eva Damita. I missed you! Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Great...house note due tomorrow...ahem

heheh jk

Missed you too sexy lady!
Like Jaycee said, we see you ladies when you're at your best. It's easy to extrapolate that into our private lives, and wonder what it would be like to be with you full time.

I figure if anything like that were to happen, the lady would call me first. That's why I stick with professionals for my extracurriculars.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I got a behind the scenes look into the lifestyle of a studio girl once.

It wasn't pretty and I learned a big lesson. Fortunately we were not romantically involved so it wasn't as big a lesson as it could've been. This also happened before I even knew sites such as this existed. Had I known that I may have save myself numerous lessons lol.

Brooke..... my thoughts would be that it would be hard to trust a man that was married and hobbling at the same time. However that doesn't hold true for all. Each situation is different.

Lilmynx While I agree with your response to Brooke a man makes a commitment to a woman and it doesn't generally include "if I don't get enough of what I want I'll get it elsewhere and not tell you". People make it sound complicated when it really just boils down to people wanting what they want regardless. There are exceptions but not many.

Do I think your scenarios can happen..... Sure.....

I believe that it may even happen more than we know. They just likely move on from this lifestyle and you never hear about it.
hkphooey's Avatar
If the taint is taken care of then all is good. Ignore the taint and problems occur. Originally Posted by pyramider
Taint dat da truth!
Do I think that there are women looking for a Pretty Woman situation? Probably, but not many. Do I think it happens? It's very likely. But do I think it ends well? Not often.

I think when you find a woman looking for something beyond the obvious in this business, it's more in a Sugar capacity, not to fall in love and get married, or with hopes he'll leave his wife. But to be fair, very few women IN OR OUT of this industry understand what love is because we either equivocate it with sex or money.

I don't negate the feelings that can often be involved, and two people who know they will never be together can definitely admire each other greatly. I know several women who are more than fond of men who they've met in this industry, and those affections are most definitely returned.

Why I don't think that a lot of these relationships end well often is because of the type of women involved. A large percentage of these women cannot envision a means of supporting themselves outside of the industry. And even when men understand and accept sex work, they ultimately expect a shelf life on your involvement. Switching from Full service to body rubs won't do it.

And to the caveat of the men, they are most attracted to women who need them most. The uneducated and unmotivated. Then they wonder why after years of trying to be everything to a woman, paying bills hoping that/while she goes to school or gets a civilian job or discover her passions, she would still consider this industry as a means to support herself.

Then there's the inequality that sex work isn't cheating. I know ladies who look surprised when their SO's are either still paying ho's or outright cheating on them with other civilians. I feel that if your state of mind is that open to have an SO while being a Companion that you should be open to him playing around, since sex doesn't equal love.

Personally, while I've developed very close personal relationships as a Companion, I'm very wary of crossing that line into my personal life. And no matter how I find love, I would have no qualms with discontinuing my role as Tiffani Jameson. Because I equivocate her with that scandalous bitch that's willing to take your husband home, I feel that the man that can deal with my ass deserves my fidelity and attention.

Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Very interesting if I do say so myself. As it pertains to the hobby.... regardless of age I have found that it doesn't take long for a woman to become jaded. As much as she might want to trust a man after being shit on its next to impossible to move forward with the past haunting them. I call it the "Chicken Ranch Syndrome". I have found myself very attracted to four providers in the industry. In each case they talked about about how money is NOT important. Yet they make it "ALL" about the money. Each thinking, well if you have the money well WTF?! I call this the "Chicken Ranch Syndrome". They demand a few eggs at times even a dozen or more without paying for the eggs. (Shopping, Trips, Cars, Cash) The sad part is if they were to operate like a "TRUE" business person they would realize, why run off with a few eggs when I can have the entire chicken ranch. The real smart ones take the time to find out how many Chicken Ranches might a guy own? Human nature is so predictable. Five years ago I met a young lady that understood. Perhaps on accident it would seem. She is retired, owns her own home, two cars and lives on the beach in Florida raising her son. So now what did that one want? Nothing, nothing at all. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Originally Posted by Still Looking

Hmmm goes to say" the one who asks for Nothing gets Everything"
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
Well said, I agree completely.
Do I think that there are women looking for a Pretty Woman situation? Probably, but not many. Do I think it happens? It's very likely. But do I think it ends well? Not often.

I think when you find a woman looking for something beyond the obvious in this business, it's more in a Sugar capacity, not to fall in love and get married, or with hopes he'll leave his wife. But to be fair, very few women IN OR OUT of this industry understand what love is because we either equivocate it with sex or money.

I don't negate the feelings that can often be involved, and two people who know they will never be together can definitely admire each other greatly. I know several women who are more than fond of men who they've met in this industry, and those affections are most definitely returned.

Why I don't think that a lot of these relationships end well often is because of the type of women involved. A large percentage of these women cannot envision a means of supporting themselves outside of the industry. And even when men understand and accept sex work, they ultimately expect a shelf life on your involvement. Switching from Full service to body rubs won't do it.

And to the caveat of the men, they are most attracted to women who need them most. The uneducated and unmotivated. Then they wonder why after years of trying to be everything to a woman, paying bills hoping that/while she goes to school or gets a civilian job or discover her passions, she would still consider this industry as a means to support herself.

Then there's the inequality that sex work isn't cheating. I know ladies who look surprised when their SO's are either still paying ho's or outright cheating on them with other civilians. I feel that if your state of mind is that open to have an SO while being a Companion that you should be open to him playing around, since sex doesn't equal love.

Personally, while I've developed very close personal relationships as a Companion, I'm very wary of crossing that line into my personal life. And no matter how I find love, I would have no qualms with discontinuing my role as Tiffani Jameson. Because I equivocate her with that scandalous bitch that's willing to take your husband home, I feel that the man that can deal with my ass deserves my fidelity and attention.

Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Does the "Pretty Woman" thing happen? Yes is does. Does it last, no it does not. While some may meet and "fall in love", all that it really is, is lust pure and simple. A relationship is based upon trust and mutual respect. Once you have gone the hooker/trick route, you have put the ox before the cart and it can never be righted. The preceding is my opinion as well as direct experience as I have a few I know who tried and failed. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
Well, so much for my proof-reading skills on the day I posted the above. What I meant to write is below, and I happen to agree with Tiffiani's main points in her post which has been quoted by Karrine_Kream.

Does the "Pretty Woman" thing happen? Yes it does. Does it last, no it does not. While some may meet and "fall in love", all that really is, is lust pure and simple. A lasting relationship is based upon trust and mutual respect. Once you have gone the hooker/trick route, you have put the cart before the ox and it can never be righted. The preceding is my opinion as well as direct experience as I have a few I know who tried and failed.