Racism or Freedom of Speach

  • grean
  • 04-05-2019, 08:38 AM
LexusLover you speak of what was rather what is. Politics is not stagnant but rather shifts from left to right and back again like a pendulum as politicians flip flop on issues and policy decisions. Your post highlights a time in American history when explict racism was at a milestone marker as the more radical and far right leading politicians were absorbed into the Republican party. The exodus of conservative Democrats to the Republican party began a trajectory toward the far right. Consequently, the Republican party is now the political party of choice for right wing extremists, white separatists, white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-confederates, neo-nazis, other right wing hate groups and maybe a few good people. Today's Republican party is not the Republican party of old that existed in that segment of history when America was great. Today, the Republican party plays ring master of one of the greatest political shitshows on the planet. Decades from now global citizens will probably look back in retrospect and joke about the time the Electoral College of the American Republic installed an alleged Russian asset as the chief executive. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

I think party politics are dying off. One party does not represent my views or even 80% of my views.

There needs to be a bit more live and let live and less nosing in others affairs.
  • grean
  • 04-05-2019, 09:12 AM
Also, saying "white privilege" is a way of saying someone didn't earn what they have or created.

But when you consider how great a country America used to be, you have to give some credit to those responsible.

I agree that Teddy Kennedy didn't earn what he had, but that was because he had a rich daddy.

In a functioning free enterprise society, you have to put up with rich kids - even assholes like Teddy Kennedy.

Allowing the prosperous to help their kids is an excellent motivator for the productive. It is why capitalism mostly works when good people are in the system, and why socialism is usually a less productive and ironically unfair system. Originally Posted by friendly fred

I don't think your interpretation is the intended meaning of the term.

Privilege is a product of racism.

For example, if a police officer isn't racist, black, white, brown or whatever colored people, all have an equal chance of getting a ticket, a warning, or shot, all depending on the persons actions, not the prejudices of the officer.

If the police officer is racist, he may let a white person off with a warning for the same violation he gave a black person a ticket.

Likewise, I think it exist the other way around as well. Because whites are the majority, it definitely makes it appear like, "white privilege" is all that exists.

Because you & I are white won't put us in the front of the line unless a racist person puts us there. Nothing you or I did or didn't do gave us that privilege. It could mean we get served last if we go to a bar where the bar tender isn't a fan of white folk.
I B Hankering's Avatar
LexusLover you speak of what was rather what is. Politics is not stagnant but rather shifts from left to right and back again like a pendulum as politicians flip flop on issues and policy decisions. Your post highlights a time in American history when explict racism was at a milestone marker as the more radical and far right leading politicians were absorbed into the Republican party. The exodus of conservative Democrats to the Republican party began a trajectory toward the far right. Consequently, the Republican party is now the political party of choice for right wing extremists, white separatists, white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-confederates, neo-nazis, other right wing hate groups and maybe a few good people. Today's Republican party is not the Republican party of old that existed in that segment of history when America was great. Today, the Republican party plays ring master of one of the greatest political shitshows on the planet. Decades from now global citizens will probably look back in retrospect and joke about the time the Electoral College of the American Republic installed an alleged Russian asset as the chief executive. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Is nonsense and bullshit all you have?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party represented the average, working American citizen rather than the interests of the likes of MS-13?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party sincerely wanted to improve the average, working American citizen's wages rather than driving those wages down with an open borders admit all policy?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party didn't embrace antisemitism?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party was not advocating infanticide?

And the Electoral College did not install a Russian asset as chief executive. You swallowed too much of the Kool Aid served to you by the agenda driven agitators in the lame-stream media; hence, you're suffering from fantasy delusions under their influence.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Free speech 1 AD , Life isn't a SAFE PLACE
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
LexusLover you speak of what was rather what is. Politics is not stagnant but rather shifts from left to right and back again like a pendulum as politicians flip flop on issues and policy decisions. Your post highlights a time in American history when explict racism was at a milestone marker as the more radical and far right leading politicians were absorbed into the Republican party. The exodus of conservative Democrats to the Republican party began a trajectory toward the far right. Consequently, the Republican party is now the political party of choice for right wing extremists, white separatists, white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-confederates, neo-nazis, other right wing hate groups and maybe a few good people. Today's Republican party is not the Republican party of old that existed in that segment of history when America was great. Today, the Republican party plays ring master of one of the greatest political shitshows on the planet. Decades from now global citizens will probably look back in retrospect and joke about the time the Electoral College of the American Republic installed an alleged Russian asset as the chief executive. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Reagan was right. There are a lot of things that liberals believe that just aren't true. Like that racial party cross over. Never happened. I know you believe otherwise so just fill us in on when and how it happened.
like every other adjective, greatness is but a comparison to another

chose a point in time since the founding of America

and compare America then to other nations, then, and the path of progress of the various nations set in inexorable motion then by their laws, culture, mores and constitution and the collective ambition of its citizens to do better

now when America gets off its foundation and wanders into socialism and infanticide and lack of free speech and lack of the rule of law, and a distain for federalism, its is time to make America great again, i.e. set us back on the right trajectory

idiots like eric holder go about comparing the past to some idyllic glorious future, when he gets to be in charge
Whisky_1's Avatar
Is nonsense and bullshit all you have?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party represented the average, working American citizen rather than the interests of the likes of MS-13?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party sincerely wanted to improve the average, working American citizen's wages rather than driving those wages down with an open borders admit all policy?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party didn't embrace antisemitism?

Wasn't America great when the dim-retard party was not advocating infanticide?

And the Electoral College did not install a Russian asset as chief executive. You swallowed too much of the Kool Aid served to you by the agenda driven agitators in the lame-stream media; hence, you're suffering from fantasy delusions under their influence.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ok, I'll bite. The decline in wages is more closely aligned with the decline in labor unions and automation rather than open borders or immigration. Robots, computers and AI are coming for your jobs not immigrants. Immigrants and transient workers tend to do the ardous low paying jobs jobs that Americans generally refuse to accept.

Have you ever asked yourself why wages have not kept up with inflation to create a living wage but C-level executives may earn as much as 300 percent more than wage earners even if they are poor strategic leaders. Or why easy access to credit coincides with a decline in wages and labor unions and creates financial chaos in a recessive or inflationary economy.

I believed I stated alledged Russian asset and it is the Electorial College that traditionally elects the President in December. The November General Election determines the electors that vote in December.

The US shares one of the longest demilitarized borders in the world with our military and economic partner to the North...Canada. There is no Northern border wall. Why can't the greatest nation in the world replicate the same success with our economic partner tonthe South....Mexico.

You appear to suffer from cognative dissonance. Seasoning your false narrative with insults and obsecenties will not make your argument creditable.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Grean racism can be explicit or protected in law (Black Codes or Jim Crow Laws) or implicitly on a subconscious level. In most societies the dominate social group typically makes the rules, laws and establishes the mainstream social controls. Grean whites go to the head of the line because their traditional societal role in America places them there. Women and people are still fighting an up hill legal battle for equal access and due process.

In America the dominate social group has been and still is the white conservative authoritatian male. While explict bias may have declined, implicit bias based on gender, religion and race has not. Moreover, iconic symbols of racial oppression such as the battle flag of Northern VIrginia make racial conflict persistent.

Unethical police conduct such as acts of police brutality, rape and extrajudicial killings are not limited strictly to "white police officers" and more likely than not the result of an organizational culture and climate that lacks transparency and too down ethical leadership.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ok, I'll bite. The decline in wages is more closely aligned with the decline in labor unions and automation rather than open borders or immigration. Robots, computers and AI are coming for your jobs not immigrants. Immigrants and transient workers tend to do the ardous low paying jobs jobs that Americans generally refuse to accept.

Have you ever asked yourself why wages have not kept up with inflation to create a living wage but C-level executives may earn as much as 300 percent more than wage earners even if they are poor strategic leaders. Or why easy access to credit coincides with a decline in wages and labor unions and creates financial chaos in a recessive or inflationary economy.

I believed I stated alledged Russian asset and it is the Electorial College that traditionally elects the President in December. The November General Election determines the electors that vote in December.

The US shares one of the longest demilitarized borders in the world with our military and economic partner to the North...Canada. There is no Northern border wall. Why can't the greatest nation in the world replicate the same success with our economic partner tonthe South....Mexico.

You appear to suffer from cognative dissonance. Seasoning your false narrative with insults and obsecenties will not make your argument creditable.
Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You're the one suffering with cognitive dissonance and spouting the false narrative. Labor leaders such as Samuel Gompers and Cesar Chavez identified open immigration as a major factor in driving down wages for the average American working man.

Furthermore, this country has an enormous social safety net that compensates those who are not earning a "living wage". But that's a talking point your ilk always ignores because then you'd have to face the stark reality that your stance for open borders stands to destroy that very social safety net created for American citizens.

Have you ever asked yourself why people like you are so envious and jealous of those who are successful? Is it because you're inherently lazy or just because you're greedy?
LexusLover's Avatar
LexusLover you speak of what was rather what is. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You haven't been paying much attention to the "campus news" lately, have you? Segregation is back ....

.... ala SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers!

The Black students on campus get their OWN GRADUATION CEREMONY!!!!

Then there are the "safe places" where those who feel "surrounded and hounded" can run and hunker down until the dust settles.

"We" knew it wouldn't be long in our history .... first it was the taked-down of "separate, but equal," then it was everyone in the same pot .... and when being in the "same pot" didn't work .... minorities got a "life line" called "affirmative action"!!!

.. that would be Obaminable ... the "Affirmative Action Poster Child"!!!!

Studying history is healthy, as long as the history studied is factually correct.

Of course, you and yours want to erase our history and replace it with your own version .... not happening. The conservatives and the DEPLORABLES have stashed "time capsules" of truth, like squirrels nuts for next year. We know where they are hidden ... the AntiHistoryAntiBorderAntiTrump erAntiAmericanSocialistLiberal s don't have a clue where they are and even if they did ... tough shit .... they don't have all the guns rounded up to make the guards defenseless.

You're not going to change this country to another shit hole like Venequela, et al. "We" won't let it happen.
  • grean
  • 04-05-2019, 12:07 PM
Grean racism can be explicit or protected in law (Black Codes or Jim Crow Laws) or implicitly on a subconscious level. In most societies the dominate social group typically makes the rules, laws and establishes the mainstream social controls. Grean whites go to the head of the line because their traditional societal role in America places them there. Women and people are still fighting an up hill legal battle for equal access and due process.

In America the dominate social group has been and still is the white conservative authoritatian male. While explict bias may have declined, implicit bias based on gender, religion and race has not. Moreover, iconic symbols of racial oppression such as the battle flag of Northern VIrginia make racial conflict persistent.

Unethical police conduct such as acts of police brutality, rape and extrajudicial killings are not limited strictly to "white police officers" and more likely than not the result of an organizational culture and climate that lacks transparency and too down ethical leadership. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
I do not believe that white are put ahead because society puts us their anymore. Do white folks have a leg up? In some cases. This cases are becoming less and less. We were born in the same century when police gave KKK armed escorts! Is it perfect today? Far from it. It's much better than it was. And maybe too slowly we are still getting better. It may seem as if implicit hasn't declined any, but it has. Social media, media in general, for that matter show the most awefull examples. Can you imagine how bad it was prior to a camera being on every cell phone? The 90s were horrible!

If three men, today, go into a restaurant, who ever came in first will likely get served first. If a white guy applies for the same job as a black man, if they were equally qualified, if they white got the job, he just had a better interview or vice versa unless the employer has a bias. Yes, there are still plenty of people in positions that are racist. So yes, whites do have a leg up in those cases. Implicit bias definitely exists in people. However, I simply do not believe it's as bad as most make it out to be. And again, it is always getting better.
LexusLover's Avatar
... Cesar Chavez identified open immigration as a major factor in driving down wages for the average American working man. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Chavez got out of his league when he imported his California shit to the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The difference? Texas farmers had balls and the California fruitcake raisins didn't and don't!

Chavez fucked the farm workers in Texas trying to be a big shot.

The Valley farmers just went "co-op" with mechanisation.

15-20 years ago Mexico started IMPORTING workers from Central America to do construction work, because too many of their workers were sneaking into the U.S. The Mexican government even built special housing for mass transit services for the workers while they were in country working on the INFRASTRUCTURE being built with U.S./Canadian money. The Mexicans didn't want to work!!! They wanted the "good life" in the U.S. ..... "fast cars and fast women"!!!

Which reminds me ... some loon was talking about the Mexican government FLYING workers to Canada to do seasonal farm work and then FLYING them back to Mexico after "harvest" time is over ...

... what a crock of shit.

But his "point" was that Canada has a "worker program" that takes care of their "immigration" problem? That's what he says makes the Canadians "nonRacists"!!!! I suppose he's never tried to have a serious conversation with a Canadian Gaulist idiot!!!

"English Canadians" and "French Canadians" and the "Indigenous Canadians" ....
Whisky_1's Avatar
You're the one suffering with cognitive dissonance and spouting the false narrative. Labor leaders such as Samuel Gompers and Cesar Chavez identified open immigration as a major factor in driving down wages for the average American working man.

Furthermore, this country has an enormous social safety net that compensates those who are not earning a "living wage". But that's a talking point your ilk always ignores because then you'd have to face the stark reality that your stance for open borders stands to destroy that very social safety net created for American citizens.

Have you ever asked yourself why people like you are so envious and jealous of those who are successful? Is it because you're inherently lazy or just because you're greedy?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Most immigrants only have limited access to the "social safety net" until the transition to permanent resident or citizen has been made. Immigrant in many cases are hired by "sucessful American business entities" as a sketchy cost saving method to perform the most harzardous and ardous labor. So some of those sucessful individuals and business entities you mention are just as culpable if not more as the immigrants you scapegoat for the decline of wages and labor unions.

Consequently, those "successful individuals" and business entities that hire undocumented immigrants, lobby for right to work laws, resist payment of a living wage as well as the firmation of labor unions are the main culprits in driving down wages for the working man.

Next, in addition to being a resident or US citizen full access to the "social safety net" is limited to natural citizens who have a terminal illness, will be disabled for one year or more with a disability that renders them unemployable or a household income below the poverty level. Furthermore, incarceration wil suspend or eliminate access to certain components of the "social safety net" even if an individual has not been convicted of a crime.
themystic's Avatar

First Amendment Originally Posted by Tom Jickery
Ok. Ill take the damn thing down. What a bunch of cry babies
Whisky_1's Avatar
[QUOTE=themystic;1061396120]Ok. Ill take the damn thing down. What a bunch of cry babies[/QUOTE

Lol! Some Americans still have issues discussing controversial subjects such as sex, religion or race without having an attack of the vapors or resorting to obscenities. That's why y'all cant have nice things.