Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Good grief Timmie! So early in the morning! Most people wait until lunch time to hoist a couple or roll something. You need to take a break and get your head out of your ass. Voter fraud is a democratic thing. Always has been. Admittedly there are a few individuals here and there but massive, organized fraud is ALWAYS perpetrated by democrats. Daly, Tammany Hall, Pendergast all democrats.
the bright side ... you ain't on it Goober. Take a walk. Originally Posted by CJ7
Oh yeah and let me guess you light up a room don't ya slopjaw.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 08:09 AM
Good grief Timmie! So early in the morning! Most people wait until lunch time to hoist a couple or roll something. You need to take a break and get your head out of your ass. Voter fraud is a democratic thing. Always has been. Admittedly there are a few individuals here and there but massive, organized fraud is ALWAYS perpetrated by democrats. Daly, Tammany Hall, Pendergast all democrats. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

go hold the door for mojo, and lock it behind you ....
go hold the door for mojo, and lock it behind you .... Originally Posted by CJ7
Oh did we hit a nerve? It's no ones fault but you're own that you voted for a shyster. Now live with that decision dumbass.

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055157754]Good grief Timmie! So early in the morning! Most people wait until lunch time to hoist a couple or roll something. You need to take a break and get your head out of your ass. Voter fraud is a democratic thing. Always has been. Admittedly there are a few individuals here and there but massive, organized fraud is ALWAYS perpetrated by democrats. Daly, Tammany Hall, Pendergast all democrats.[/QUOTE

Go fuck yourself Admiral.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 08:52 AM
Oh did we hit a nerve? It's no ones fault but you're own that you voted for a shyster. Now live with that decision dumbass.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

yeah, I'm crushed, don't tell anyone ok?
yeah, I'm crushed, don't tell anyone ok? Originally Posted by CJ7
Sure thing your secret is safe with me.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 09:13 AM
Sure thing your secret is safe with me.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin


Americans overwhelmingly favor Voter ID laws; Americans want an honest election...

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 10:14 AM
Americans overwhelmingly favor Voter ID laws; Americans want an honest election...

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

your poll is old
I B Hankering's Avatar
your poll is old Originally Posted by CJ7
Noticed how you did not -- could not -- post a more current poll refuting Whirly's, CBJ7.
Timmy, CJ, AssUp, and most of the liberal crowd in the Political Forum are extremists, far outside what defines the political mainstream of America............

Noticed how you did not -- could not -- post a more current poll refuting Whirly's, CBJ7. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-03-2014, 12:30 PM
Timmy, CJ, AssUp, and most of the liberal crowd in the Political Forum are extremists, far outside what defines the political mainstream of America............ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

if you consider yourself political mainstream America, being far outside suits me just fine thankyouverymuch ..
I B Hankering's Avatar
if you consider yourself political mainstream America, being far outside suits me just fine thankyouverymuch .. Originally Posted by CJ7
You're the moron outside the norm and on the fringe, CBJ7.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

>>>>Republicans leaders immediately touted the preliminary report as evidence they were justified in approving sweeping elections changes last year that include requiring voters to present photo ID at the polls, cutting days from the period for early voting and ending a popular civics program that encouraged high school students to pre-register to vote in advance of their 18th birthdays.<<<<<

The reality? Here is what the person in charge of the "investigation" said yesterday:

>>>"Could it be voter fraud? Sure, it could be voter fraud," Strach said. "Could it be an error on the part of a precinct person choosing the wrong person's name in the first place? It could be. We're looking at each of these individual cases."<<<

Other states that have conducted almost identical voter cross check investigations have shown little or no voter fraud after all the work was done.

>>>>However, other states using the cross-check system have yielded relatively few criminal prosecutions for voter fraud once the cases were thoroughly investigated.
Only 11 people were prosecuted on allegations of double-voting as a result of the 15 states that performed similar database checks following the 2010 elections, according to data compiled by elections officials in Kansas, where the cross-check program originated.<<<<<
Originally Posted by timpage
Every time I show the poll workers my voter card, they carefully look up the name and have me sign. I've never seen them try to get me to sign the wrong name, but I could see how it could occasionally happen. However, since 756 names matched perfectly for name, DOB, and SS number, someone would have had to move to the other state and left their old registration intact, and they voted in their new state, and someone else accidentally voted in their name in the old state. Once or twice seems logical, but not 756 times. However, I can't imagine that same scam is going to be repeated, now that people are watching. That alone should could down on the fraud now that the word is out it is being checked, and will bolster your tired old argument about fraud being insignificant, since people will now stop. So, we will both get what we want. We want less fraud, you want to claim you are right.