Are You A Cosmetic Dentist?

jj_cool's Avatar
I dont mind traveling in the state of Texas. I didnt know what a need for this is. Maybe someone will get luck ( on both ways ) Originally Posted by Shannon Shane

Yeah, all the dentists like me needing attention.
  • Chloe
  • 11-21-2010, 11:25 PM
I am in need!! I will fly anywhere to barter with a cosmetic dentist!! PM me!!
Britney_Jaye_Loves_You's Avatar
Hmm well Dentist in Dallas? I think I could use this too! O what would be really nice? Laser Hair Removal! been thinking about it for a few years!
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Looks like picked the wrong profession.
They are very inexpensive and since i got this link from a Provider,
i would suspect they are provider friendly.

Hope this helps,

Monkeypaw's Avatar
This is a really really stupid thread... why would a licensed by the state of Texas professional take the risk to reveal his "OUT" information and workplace to hookers? As a LICENSED by the state professional, you know what happens even if you get arrested once...the LICENSE to practice goes away, your livelihood goes away...
Seriously... I can see this happening...

Hooker: Hi I'm Ms. Hooktard, I need dental work. I'll barter you BBBJ, GFE, PSE etc..

Dentist Hobbyist: Sure, that's sounds great, come to my office...

--Dental Now one week later....

Hooker: Hi, Mr. Dentist... I need more stuff done and I have friends the way I know where you work...and we don't want to pay.

Dentist Hobbyist: Oh shit...oh shit...
What do you have to do with this MP? Obviously you're not a provider in search of a dentist nor a dentist. I've been keeping myself out of the recent issues with you even though your posts seem VERY stupid to me. But now you're just trying to start crap where you don't even belong!

I have seen dentists, doctors, lawyers... Just to begin, knowing their personal info. I'm not saying it's not risky and I'm not saying that I would chance it if I were in their position BUT some guys do.

I would be willing to bet that some of these ladies may have even gotten PM's from a dentist or 2... It's not stupid of them to at least ask! BUT the main issue here, once again... This has ZERO to do with YOU!
I do not mind trading or even payments, that are affordable, I DO not mind traveling a little either!! I NEED DENTAL HELP BAD!! anyone with any help to offer PLEASE let me know, I have tried Baylor Dental (no help there) I'm so desperate, I have even tried getting on the make-over shows, I have e-mailed many many dentist asking for Bro-Bono help every where!! even the stew pot!!

So if anyone knows anywhere Please let me know!! I'm losing teeth one by one !!

I'm to young and would do just about anything to fix them!!!

I am in the Dallas/Garland area!!
WOW !!!!!!!! you are really harsh on providers we are NOT all trash as you make it seem, most of us are single mothers, and only want to maintain a straight life, just as all others do! We do have respect for others & their lives , and most of us DO NOT even associate with other providers, some of us do like to stay very discreet, There's been times I have seen clients in a public place and turn and go the other way, scared they might just say HI!!!! what I do stays behind closed doors, I never take this lifestyle outside of that room!!! I would never jeopardize My privacy or a clients, for that matter!! So please if you think all providers are just out for what they can get, you need to sit down and get to know a few providers one on one, NOT all of us even wan people to know what we do!!! so ALOT of us would never do what your thinking!! If you feel this way!!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOUR ON THIS BOARD!!!! have a Blessed and wonderful evening!!! Heather the Cougar!!!
Monkeypaw's Avatar
What do you have to do with this MP? Obviously you're not a provider in search of a dentist nor a dentist. I've been keeping myself out of the recent issues with you even though your posts seem VERY stupid to me. But now you're just trying to start crap where you don't even belong!

I have seen dentists, doctors, lawyers... Just to begin, knowing their personal info. I'm not saying it's not risky and I'm not saying that I would chance it if I were in their position BUT some guys do.

I would be willing to bet that some of these ladies may have even gotten PM's from a dentist or 2... It's not stupid of them to at least ask! BUT the main issue here, once again... This has ZERO to do with YOU! Originally Posted by JordanAllen
How did you ever figure I WAS NOT A PROVIDER searching for a dentist? You are WAY TOO smart to be a provider...... And no I'm not trying to start crap... I'm telling like it is... It's STUPID for Texas LICENSED professionals to BARTER for sex... Not to hobby, so I don't give a rats ass about who you have seen, but to BARTER their professional services for SEX! You need to read my posts more carefully next time before opening the old moneymaker...

Hooker: Hi, Mr. Dentist... I need more stuff done and I have friends the way I know where you work...and we don't want to pay.

Dentist Hobbyist: Oh shit...oh shit... Originally Posted by Monkeypaw

Hooker: Hi, Mr. Dentist... I need more stuff done and I have friends the way I know where you work...and we don't want to pay.

Dentist Hobbyist: Oh shit...oh shit...who taught these crazy hooktards to read the yellow pages ? they found me !!

ok ?
people laugh at cartoons too but that doesn't mean they are saying anything important or particularly profound.

in reality:

the insurance deal is the way to go, i got a family policy for $350/year.... that gave me 50% off dental work, $0 deductible, $15 co-pay for routine office visits and the dentists in the network are some of the better ones in my area. (judging by the amount they pay for office rent, not their abilities and i do realize thats not a concrete method of evaluation).

my teeth were actually ok but i had a little gap that i was worried about, and i wanted them to be smaller to increase office space... lol.

i was quoted $3200 for 2 porcelain crowns, before insurance so i bought the insurance, went to a different dentist and ended up walking out the door paying $1400 for my pearly porcelain crowns, no gap.

i just bought the policy online, i didnt have a clue about any of the blah blah blah boring stuff, it was easy, i cant remember for sure but i think it was aetna.... just go with a well known company and you'll be fine.

you have to be realistic, even though we're all very much worth a small fortune, dentists are out of bartering league for most of us. .. my dentist was charging $3200 and i was only charging $200. ( i have had enough long time dentists as clients to assure you that they know the math already and dont need nor want the hassle of bartering cuz they make roughly oh 16 times more than us so it's really so much easier to just pay us)

allow me illustrate this:
what would you say if the pizza delivery boy offered to give you the pizza in a barter deal ? "oh how sweet, you're cute, im busy now but maybe next time, here's your money, buh bye".

even if you did find one that was willing to barter, would you be comfortable putting your smile into his hands ? you might want to pause for a moment on that.

you will have better luck buying the insurance and sweet talking a client into putting the work on his credit card and letting you work off the monthly payments with him... or you could always just do it the old fashioned way and buy insurance and pay it yourself like i did, i lived to tell about it, the ho council did not strike me down, and most importantly, it got done.

just depends on what is more important to you, getting it done or getting it done for free, getting it done before it's time for dentures, and/or getting it done but f*cked up.
Monkeypaw's Avatar
WOW !!!!!!!! you are really harsh on providers we are NOT all trash as you make it seem, most of us are single mothers, and only want to maintain a straight life, just as all others do! We do have respect for others & their lives , and most of us DO NOT even associate with other providers, some of us do like to stay very discreet, There's been times I have seen clients in a public place and turn and go the other way, scared they might just say HI!!!! what I do stays behind closed doors, I never take this lifestyle outside of that room!!! I would never jeopardize My privacy or a clients, for that matter!! So please if you think all providers are just out for what they can get, you need to sit down and get to know a few providers one on one, NOT all of us even wan people to know what we do!!! so ALOT of us would never do what your thinking!! If you feel this way!!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY YOUR ON THIS BOARD!!!! have a Blessed and wonderful evening!!! Heather the Cougar!!! Originally Posted by HeatherTheCougar
Just say you need help is all... I have more of an issue with guys trading in their LICENSED services for sex... it's stupid.. And you don't need to go that route because medical access is out there for EVERYONE... you just need to look...No need to get ALL I'm the model provider on eccie with me.. Ok this is what you do...I think you need periodontist more than a dentist...just my hunch!

University of Texas Dental School in Houston.. goes by sliding scale income (the less u make, the less they charge).. bring in your tax forms showing adjusted gross income, ID, and proof of residency.. Most strippers I know use their services... my friend got all 4 wisdoms pulled out for $75

Apply for credit at ... it's fast and all online... do not put your income over 35K... they figure if you made decent cash, why do u need credit?... With Care Credit, you can pay for dental work in monthly payments...

If you decide to use one of Care Credit's dentist, then PM me and I will set you up with a dental lab my friend owns. They are the ones who makes the crowns, veneers, and prosthetics. The dentist just does the labor. So when they do a crown or implant for you, the lab charges them anywhere from 120-300 dollars per tooth, depending on the ceramic or porcelain, and type of metal. The dentist in turn charges you 2X to 3X mark up for that same crown. That's stupid!

Anyways...I've done my "saintly" deed for the month.. Now back to bashing providers..Where's Jordan and her hot tiddies? LOL
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 11-26-2010, 08:16 PM
Just noticed before you get too excited they only have plans available in CA, FL, and TX!

They are very inexpensive and since i got this link from a Provider,
i would suspect they are provider friendly.

Hope this helps,

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i too would be interested
I'm on my phone and it's very hard to use the quotes so...

Jenna- I can not really speak for the ladies that are looking for a dentist to barter with but I would assume that they realize a dentist wouldn't barter for the full amount of the work they perform. As MP said, the dentist is going to mark up products 2X or 3X what they cost him, I would think if a provider found a dentist to work with them that he would still charge but maybe cut those mark ups out and only charge her what he pays for them... I would think that this would be more along the lines of what these ladies would expect. If I'm wrong and they do expect a full barter, then I would agree that it will probably be impossible to find a dentist to do that.

MP- I read your post just fine. You were saying it's stupid of them to give us their personal info. Then you basically stated that if they did barter their services with us, we could go back later and blackmail them for services... So I'm saying that even though I haven't bartered with any of them, I know these dentist, doctors, lawyers personal info. So, if I were the type to do it, I could out them just because they pissed me off. My point was they don't have to barter their services to loose their license, they could loose it just because I had their personal info and I took it to someone.

I need work done as well.. I had braces as a teen, I had 4 teeth on the sides of my mouth that were pulled to make room. The last thing they were waiting on was just for those gaps to close. Then i decided to join the Marines right after 9-11 and was gone 2 weeks later, I had to take my braces off before going to boot camp and the spaces were not all the way closed yet. Now i have been looking for a way to get that work and a few other minor things done and it is difficult to find an affordable way to do it.
The dental school in Houston most likely operates like Baylor in Dallas... I'm from Dallas and I went a few years back they approved me to do the work for very little. The problem was that they wanted to do unnecessary work just because that's what their students needed practice on. You can't just say... Do this and this but not this... You have to agree to the entire treatment plan or they will not even touch your mouth. Care credit is fine for those with good credit but I'm sure a lot of people have bad or not enough credit. I've applied but I basically have no credit.

With all that being said... All I'm saying is that most of these ladies have probably tried finding a way of getting help and haven't had much luck. So, once again, I can't blame them for asking.