Expensive vs High End Dating

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I use the acronym: FW$B

Friends with cash benefits.
I don't disagree with you at all. Actually, the "High End Date" is easily the description of a good sugar relationship. Or at least it is with me. I've been on and off SA for longer than here and I have a pretty good idea what different guys are looking for there. Originally Posted by B Three
Fair enough. Maybe you are the one of the few escorts who can transition from escort to SB but understand that is rare. Still, the term "high end date" sounds escortish. What you really are talking about is escort versus SB.

The mentality of a stripper/escort is short term and the goal is to extract every penny from the guy in question. We get that, but how do you switch from that to a long term mutually beneficial relationship? A SB is much closer to a GF than an escort.

I was with a SB, and she and I had an arrangement. I thought the SB was going to work one night, and I called an escort up. The SB wasn't needed at work, and when she met the escort, they became friendly. I paid the escort for the hour we agreed to. I don't remember who, but my SB or I asked her if she wanted to go to Main Event and do laser tag and video games and hang out with us that night and the escort was up for going. She couldn't quit saying how much fun she had later on.

The following day, I learned from my SB the escort was broke. The escort offered a special rate for guys for a week but no one booked with her. Then the escort told my SB that she expected to be paid $1000 for the time we spent playing games. The SB and I had a laugh at this, and she asked, "What woman expects to get paid $1000 playing games?" If she had asked to be paid prior to our going, I would have said no, and she didn't even bother asking me afterwards.

The escort showed up weeks later unannounced at my place with an eviction notice. She was crying that she was going to be out on the street, and I gave her a few hundred bucks. She thanked me and promised that she would make it up to me and of course, she never did as I suspected she wouldn't.

Given the short term mind set, I would expect every escort here to say that I should have paid her the $1000, and she was right to lie to me which cracks me up. Do you women understand that what we men are paying for is for you to make us feel good one way or another? The SB provided me sex, was appreciative of my showing her a good time, and provided companionship. The escort made me feel good sexually, but she made me feel like a tightwad and a sucker for helping her.

I get that disappointment goes with the hobby, and I didn't pay for anything I didn't agree to, but outside of a short term fling when a guy is horny, why would a man EVER see an escort given that mindset?

Given how many escorts have re-branded themselves as SBs and flooded SA in hopes of finding clients they call SDs, it's pretty obvious most men did as I did and left the escort scene.
Seeing that I married a client, I feel confident that I can transcend from trying to "extract every penny from a client" to a true, long term relationship.

I don't disagree that it is a rare talent, but rare doesn't equal non-existent. But my post wasn't about sugar dating to begin with. It was about the difference between girls who charge a lot and girls who provide a high end experience.

Girls who simply charge a lot and don't care about a connection are likely not going to be the ones who can move into a sugar baby role. But some who already provide high end experiences may be able to for the right guy.

BTW, $1000 for playing games is ridiculous. Showing up and begging for money is ridiculous. I do this to provide flexibility while I pursue some other ventures. My "real world" job has the ability to pay me far more than this, but is much more constrictive.

Right now, I have one very special guy and it is not a relationship that is all about money at all. Not even close. Is it a traditional SD/SB relationship? No, mostly because in many ways we are equals, so it isn't the same dynamic, but it definitely works...very well. WALDT
Seeing that I married a client, I feel confident that I can transcend from trying to "extract every penny from a client" to a true, long term relationship. Originally Posted by B Three
LOL. It's amazing how often this is happening now. This may be a new trend. It's like marriage, then escorts stage, then SB, and then getting married again.

Girls who simply charge a lot and don't care about a connection are likely not going to be the ones who can move into a sugar baby role. But some who already provide high end experiences may be able to for the right guy. Originally Posted by B Three
Okay, I see what you are saying, and I agree with it. Some but not all of the high end women I have seen were more SB like in the sense that they usually were successful enough in their own life that they didn't have to provide. It really wasn't just all about money for them.

I have been on this forum off and on a long time. I just don't post nearly as often. The demand for most HDHs is way down, though a few are still very busy, and the porn bimbo demand has fallen off a cliff. Even the high end Gentleman's clubs around me are having large double digit percent plunges. From my POV, the world you were discussing is pretty much non-existent compared to what it was, but there still are women and clubs that are busy, and it is worth discussing why that is. Why did they make it?

So Good post, BBB! BTW, the seamless transition from high end escort to SB to wife that you did is very rare, and you are a special lady to have pulled that off. You may think that is just common sense but it definitely is not common.
Thanks for your kind words.

FTR, I definitely know that Common Sense is not so Common.

I do think you hit the nail on the head that the secret seems to be that a lady does this for more motivations than money. In any business, someone who is working just for the money, is probably not going to operate the same and be as successful overall as someone who does it for more than money.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-06-2019, 02:57 PM
Interesting thread. I am curious what some ladies might say in response to your OP. Always curious to hear the ladies' comments.

I do find your initial categorization of Expensive vs High End really does define groups of women I have noticed/run into. They are certainly two very different groups appealing to different men--or the same men at different moments.

I also agree that the SB explosion has made a dent in the HE market, but I disagree they are the same thing. The H-HE ladies would cringe at the thought of advertising that way, and the arrangements are more formal in terms of expectation and duration.

In other words.

Reality vs fantasy for a hooker.

Fantasy= Pretty woman syndrome
Reality= Some fat slob rents you for an hour Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Can always count of a classy comment.
thebbwqueen97's Avatar
Diffrent strokes for different folks! I have yet to find the kind of gentleman interested in Beneficial Dating. I have dinner dates/day dates available but seem to only get booked for an hour or two. I feel once the right connection is made I will retire.
melannie_star's Avatar
Expensive Date: Attended a Business Trip.
Description: Submissive- Less conversation, and was available to him during his lunch breaks, dinner, and Night time.. At his request.

High End Date: Beach Vacation, Spending the Holidays together.
Description: Preferred more casual, Bought gifts for me and my family, dinner dates, fun and music.
Conversations included our life story, family,and friends.
Extended time together.
Tiffany Champagne's Avatar
Yes, everything said in the post is accurately stated.
I loved reading it. Lots of time, gentlemen prefer ladies on the same wavelength with similar interests. Men, in general, have their favorite types, either busty or high fashioned.
ClaireBarsett's Avatar
Ladies, what qualities should the men possess?
- I just like my men to be courteous and considerate. Small dick, big dick, dick is just that, dick. I've had the rainbow of cocks in all shape and color. But if there is nothing there, beside the sex, it's just pointless. I won't physically feel anything.

Description of an Expensive Date:

Very attractive many times blonde; fashion-model or porn-star type (fashion-model type is very slim, porn-star type often has large breast implants)
- I've been blonde... Didn't know what I was doing and looked like a pumpkin. Defiantly not this, but I do have large breast.

Doesn’t mention academic credentials, usually not formally educated.
- I did not finish high school.... I was, raised in a home with a very abusive father. He liked to drink and put hands on my mother and I. So needless to say, once I was 18, I booked it. I was in the middle of my 11th year. After I left, I never got back into school but that's a story for another day. I'm street smart, not so much book smart.

How she attracts men
The ultimate male fantasy.
- If your idea of the prefect woman is someone who keeps it 100 percent real, 100 percent of the time. Than, I'm your lady. But, trying to "be something I'm not", isn't my goal. I work hard, and I play harder. I was once told by a male coworker that I had become really attractive to one of our male co-workers because I had burped, excused myself, and just kept on walking like nothing had happened.

What she has to offer men
Uninhibited sexuality, obvious eye candy, no focus on conversational or intellectual skills
- I love learning, and I love sharing information. I am definitely NOT eye candy. I actually feel kinda bad. I'll talk my dates head straight off if we are hitting it off. I'll ask anything and everything. And in return, I'll answer any questions they might have.

How long do her dates usually last?
A quicker date, like 1-2 hours, no lingering over dinner
- The longer the better. I want us to be comfortable with one another before we even get in the bedroom! So far, no date I've had has been under 6 hours, and I've had overnights with almost everyone I've seen. I think it's at an even 50/50 right now.

She encourages “locker room talk” amongst her male suitors. In order to to attract more dating prospects.
- Okay... I totally do. I think it's great. We are having to take the annual "sexual harassment" course right now and my boss tells me, "And how many have you broken today?" I laughed and told him not to worry about it. Cause I'm fucking with everyone at my job, co-workers and customers, and my boss knows it.

Personal Life
Dating a bunch of guys is the basis of her whole existence.
- Ummm... not so much. I'm not interested in fucking the whole state of Florida. I just want to fuck the people who want to have a good time with me. In my personal life, I like the idea of just having one person take care of my wants and needs and in return, doing the same for them.

Description of a High End Date

Attractive in a more low-key, natural-looking, appeal; not obviously surgically altered
- I do like low- key, casual wear, jeans, shirt, flip flops. No make-up, glasses on, and ready to roll. Freshly showered, dab of perfume or Axe, I like smelling like a dude. Throws ladies off and I feel like it makes guys relax faster? Smells like one of their own.

Almost always college educated. Many times with an advanced degree or training.
- I wish.

How she attracts men?
Her individual personal attributes attract individual suitor’s attention.
- I would have to agree with this statement. The most popular answer I'm told when I ask, "Why do you want to see me?" is, "You actually want to get to know me and make a connection." Which is true. Why do this at all if you can't enjoy it? I'm a giant goof ball. I like to see the person I'm with having a good time and laughing. .

What she has to offer men?
Exclusivity; a less one-dimensional focus On the physical; wants to create a genuine connection with each suitor (and perhaps has a more sophisticated sexuality); emphasizes intellect and conversational abilities.
- Yes and no, you see, I want to know what you like and need. But I also want to know about you and how you think. To me, sex is WAY better when you like the person you are fucking. I want to genuinely crave you, I want to seduce you.

How long do her dates usually last?
Leisurely dinners, extended time together, travel, etc
- 100 percent

Prefers to keep your time together between the two of you. Discourages “locker room talk.”
- Wrong.

Personal Life
Multifaceted, has a varied social and personal including a professional job or career. Isn’t just about dating as many guys as possible.
- I'm not looking for someone to take care of me. I want to be able to look around and say that I made it where I am because of the hard work I've put in. Every day is a lesson, and every day brings on a new goal. There is always room for improvement and I'm a pleaser. I'm not an Operations Supervisor for nothing. But my greatest joy is being a mom!
brookebutler's Avatar
"High End Dating" is something that resonates with me at this point in my life but I tend to think of it as the beginning of a genuine friendship with an additional facet.

I've been fortunate to have had a great career for several years in this hobby. Also fortunate to maintain several of those friendships from the beginning.

My goal from the start of this journey has been to be as genuine and natural as possible. I've wanted to help quell the stigma that companions are horrible people. I prefer the latter over the former, no doubt.
Ebonylima's Avatar
Oh my....this is so Apt! The high end date typically describes me. However, from personal experience, these seem d most limited where number of suitors count but a single of the few suitors could be worth more than a thousand suitors. Regardless, I do respect that its actually different strokes for different folks.
This was a truly genuine written article, I prefer the high end dating as well. I have ran into the the issue of men who just expect Pse. It gets kind of annoying cause in all reality it’s very hard to have that connection with a partner without a little time to bond over dinner, or date. Just to build that bond and understand what each other likes and dislikes. I have had a review where someone said no just because that’s what he was expecting, how can a lady even connect after a brief conversation. Great article!
Diffrent strokes for different folks! I have yet to find the kind of gentleman interested in Beneficial Dating. I have dinner dates/day dates available but seem to only get booked for an hour or two. I feel once the right connection is made I will retire. Originally Posted by thebbwqueen97

You'll never find that until you actually date with that in mind. Face it escorting isn't really dating. You aren't specifically looking for a connection or a possible relationship, you're looking for compensation. On the other side of that coin your clients are often married or in a non committed relationship and they are only looking for a sexual encounter.
Lots of times expensive dating can lead to high-end dating

in my opinion high-end dating is just a sugar baby sugar daddy relationship

however it is difficult to transition any of these relationships to a real relationship because of jealousy will be an issue.and the relationship will always be a based on physical attractiveness and money no matter how you slice it

If a person wanted a real relationship they will be on match.com not on escort sites or picking girls up at known sugar baby places