Why are National Guardsmen being put in a no win scenario.?

  • oeb11
  • 05-31-2020, 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by oeb11
enjoying all the riots and burning as it might bring Biden more votes - better think about that as people are not impressed the DPST's enabling and justifying the rioters and their Crimes.

CT-you won't admit it, but some of those "bad guys" are Right-Wing organizers who are in the cities to disrupt, create mayhem, and promote their Fascist ideology.. you focus on the "lefties" that agitate, but your team is right in there, too. and your Boy is betting that he can re-create 1968, a new Southern Strategy, to carry him to re-election. I believed this in January, before the so-called "liberate" the people from CO-VID restrictions, and now the Haves vs. Have-Nots that Republicans want to frame as Good Law-Enforcement Loving Americans vs. Leftist Scalawags.

Ah Yeah - take a look at the coverage CT - I know about colorblindness - but U show me the White organizers ( you mean "nationalists - I am a nation first person, and caucasian) - or "supremacists" - I believe in equal opportunity and equal treatment under the Rule Of Law for All) - that is truly one of the more foolish writings i have seen.
R U being an an apologist for the rioters. ???

To borrow from gnadfly- "I'm tired of the "you wouldn't understand because you're not a person of color" excuse and the "my feelings override any legitimate argument you come up with." - It is just an excuse to riot - and the DNC and DPST leaders are loving it - they figure they can't lose - trump gets all the "responsibility" and the DPST's get votes for excusing rioting of their very own Plantation minority - Remember Joe biden - he defines who is "Black"!