Accidents happen

Funny stories. No falls for me, but.........................

Went to an annual 'office party' at Surfside in the late 80's wherein the host would pitch a giant party tent, food, etc. Meet in afternoon and go all night. Late in the evening got friendly with a coworker and we decided to take our activities outside and away from the bonfire.

We grabbed a float, lost the clothes and went in the ocean. We were drunk as skunks. Went at it mish for quite some time. Made it back to shore and went in the tent. Woke up next morning and my back, ass and back of legs felt numb, stinging and burning.

Went outside and mates were laughing their asses off, as I had at least a hundred mosquito bites covering my complete backside. Found her sleeping and she had a dozen or so on her forehead and neck. Also, had damn near rubbed half the skin off my dick from the saltwater.

Got sick as a dog and downed a box of Benadryl over the next couple days. LOL

spear89's Avatar
I have often been injured when getting a blow job, by Teeth !
pyramider's Avatar
Why haven't the ladies posting in this thread posted any "accidental" taint photos? Especially Ms Dulce?