PEP - Information We All Deserve To Know


Thank you for a very valuable post.

This is important information that needs more exposure.

I will post it on some non-sex related sites.

Apologies for the loony threadjacking wingnuts that try to make everything political.

Apparently, there are also some wingnuts in charge at Memorial Herman. Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly
Thank you Johnny, it is much appreciated. I actually didn't get an email notification about your response, and just saw it now, so it is very comforting to me to see that this info matters to at least some of us out there.

And on a side note, a few years ago my sister almost died bc a DR at Memorial Herman failed to realize her appendix had burst inside her until it had been more than 48 hours since. She was then rushed into emergency surgery to have the pieces removed. She is ok now of course, and I know it was just one DR out of there, but I have had a personal vendetta against them ever since.
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She is ok now of course, and I know it was just one DR out of there, but I have had a personal vendetta against them ever since. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
One of these days you will need a doctor, for something or another. Be sure and tell this doctor, before he treats you, that you have a personal vendetta against those in his profession. Hopefully he will react with some class and treat you anyway.
You misunderstand me, I meant against Memorial Herman, not doctors in general.