Excuse me?!

lexie423's Avatar
GMTA your alright in my book !!! We all make mistakes the hardest part is to admit it not everyone can do that. Hopefully we can all learn something from this I know I did. So it looks like it getting back to normal around here I like that. Now we can start having some Fun around here again. -. GMTA you just need to come to Lexie's Wrold and get stress Free. My Lil Kitty needs to be played with. Sure sounds like Fun too me. : ) Lexie Rox---------------------------------
Guest081910-2's Avatar
Thanks GMTA, All is well that ends well.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
GMTA: I honestly admire you for being a stand-up guy!!!

Now that all is back to normal in our little hamlet, I have one question for the group. What provider would like to make a lil OLD country mouse forget about the worries of a long day?

lexie423's Avatar
HID Lexie's World is always open to a lil old country mouse. Yes there is a sweet Lil Kitty but she will play nice with the lil old country mouse. She just likes to have some sweet innocent Fun!! Lexie Rox : )
ANONONE's Avatar
The review seemed fine to me. Especially when you take in to account that he had spent the whole weekend with her. He was probably exhausted! I know I would be. . .

klassykallie's Avatar
I know I may get yelled at for this, lol. Screw reviews, lol! If you notice I don't have alot on here. I think I have 3 to 4 on here and some on a few other sites. I only needed reviews to prove I'm legit. I don't want all my BCD out on the front street. LE and S.O.'s can see reviews without it costing them a dime. I am a discreet provider and I prefer to stay that way. I love to have fun and enjoy myself! How can I enjoy myself if I'm scared?! I love to give ref's of my clients to other verified providers. That's how we stay safe. Ladies, lets look out for each other a little more. For my guys out there, look into p411 and datecheck. Like they say it's cheaper to take a cab than to get a DUI. Same thing goes for the hobby!
I agree that reviews are often looked at by LE, but they are also a great way to generate interest with potential clients. I don't think hiding is the answer...thorough and proper screening is. And thanks to ladies like you and I who enjoy providing references, it makes it a lot easier for us all to play safe.
lexie423's Avatar
Ladies we do need to look after each other and refrences are so very important. Reviews are not so much for us but for the guys . If you don't feel safe then you want have fun. So thank you to the verified providers that help make it safe for us to play and have fun.
Lexie Rox : )
Sydney Pure's Avatar
Well Glad YOu got that settled Doll.............. I thought I was gonna have to STAND Up for Ya And 2 Hot ARkie LADIES is not ANY fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Wait 2 Hot Arkie Ladies would be ALOT of FUN!!!!

Kallie- You Know I got to agree with U on this one F^ck a REVIEW
And come join us for some FUN...........

Hope to be back Soon!!