Concealed Carry in Texas and the Hobby

The business has to post the 51% sign. Be sure and look for it, if it is posted leave the gun in the car.
Depending on where the sign is posted, the entire hotel would not be off limits just the bar area.

Originally Posted by Lechertoo
In addition, there is the 30.06 (like the rifle) sign that can be posted at any business establishment prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons.
The sign most contain the specific language of the statute similar to the pic below.

A number of businesses post signs which simply say no guns allowed ... without the statute language. They will will not hold up in court.

Good topic btw ... helpful reminder.
ShysterJon's Avatar
A number of businesses post signs which simply say no guns allowed ... without the statute language. They will will not hold up in court. Originally Posted by Lechertoo
That's true, but I wouldn't suggest that a CHL-holder conceal-carry in a place with a noncompliant sign because it might create a "You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride"-type situation. My advice is: If a business has ANY type of sign that states an intent to bar handguns from the premises, don't carry therein.
Joe Buck's Avatar
This I am fairly certain that.......If you are a CHL holder and you are carrying at the time of your arrest you should do a lot of praying that the DA that gets your case isn't looking to make a name for himself by racking up felony convictions. There is a chance that he may upgrade the charge to a felony. The laws are vague and depending on the DA he may want to try and make an example out of you.

This I know for certain: If you are a CHL holder and you are caught with a weapon soliciting your weapon will be seized and if convicted, you are going to loose your CHL for 7 years, not to mention the possibility of you ever getting it back is slim to none.
ShysterJon's Avatar
This I am fairly certain that.......If you are a CHL holder and you are carrying at the time of your arrest you should do a lot of praying that the DA that gets your case isn't looking to make a name for himself by racking up felony convictions. There is a chance that he may upgrade the charge to a felony. The laws are vague and depending on the DA he may want to try and make an example out of you. Originally Posted by Joe Buck
No offense, but what's the basis for your assertions? For example, where in the Texas Penal Code does it state that if a CHL-holder who is concealed-carrying when arrested for prostitution may be charged with a felony? I assume you haven't read the rest of this thread. As I explained, above, I did a careful review of the Penal Code and found no provision that would allow an upgrade to a felony. However, I have an open mind, and I've been wrong before, so please educate us.
That's true, but I wouldn't suggest that a CHL-holder conceal-carry in a place with a noncompliant sign because it might create a "You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride"-type situation. My advice is: If a business has ANY type of sign that states an intent to bar handguns from the premises, don't carry therein. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I agree. In fact I have told the owners of several business that had the non-compliant signs that they need to get the signs with the correct language. They were appreciative.