You know who you are...

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Thanks IV, that was sweet....sorry I couldn't make it tonight!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Uh oh... Does Naomi know about this? LOL
topsgt38801's Avatar
During my time here on the this site I have met and talked to alot of great people and like you men have your "To do list" I know I personally have a "To see list". I have spend alot of time talking and getting to know one hobbyist and we were to meet tonight and due to an unavoidable situation our "date" has been put on hold and I want this man to know how disappointed I am to know you are finally so close yet so far and I know we will meet soon...But know you are a great guy from our conversations and I look forward to meeting you and seeing exactly what you can handle..(private joke)....If there is someone you want to send a special message to feel free to do so on this thread....wicked frown... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

Hey lady,

Always knew you were special and now this totally confirms it. Hope one day!

geecue's Avatar
I'm sure he is disappointed too, Riley. I would hate to miss out on an opportunity to meet you.
Now if you would just head out west! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Yes what happened to April showers will bring May flowers.
gomezaddams59's Avatar
See I-V for the 3rd time. 1st time this fine lady MADE me spend the night w/her I slept on the couch. Circumstances prevented a tryst but she drove about 140 miles in two round trips so that I could get away from my 18-wheeler for a night! Second time we got together in my sleeper for a quickee, have talked on the phone, emailed and texted a bunch but as usual, every trip after that I either went way around her area of operations when she was home or thru her area when she was on tour.
awaw that's sweet you but to correct you wasn't that far to drive..I was glad to have you and we had talked so much I felt like I alright knew are a sweetie..but a added note I offered him the bed and I would take the couch but he had to sleep a certain
See I-V for the 3rd time. 1st time this fine lady MADE me spend the night w/her I slept on the couch. Circumstances prevented a tryst but she drove about 140 miles in two round trips so that I could get away from my 18-wheeler for a night! Second time we got together in my sleeper for a quickee, have talked on the phone, emailed and texted a bunch but as usual, every trip after that I either went way around her area of operations when she was home or thru her area when she was on tour. Originally Posted by gomezaddams59
jughead1171's Avatar
I.V. nice thread. Just a general message to all the Eccie ladies I chat with and have met. I think you all are terrific and very special. I appreciate the time you have taken to chat, post in the forums, and especially with putting up with me I know I am probably a nusiance with my all too many questions. LOL. Just want you to know that you are appreciated. Thanks again I.V.
that is very sweet and the great thing about the hobby is meeting and getting to know great people and I am a firm believer in letting people know the are special no matter what are you appreciated as well...we all need each other....
I.V. nice thread. Just a general message to all the Eccie ladies I chat with and have met. I think you all are terrific and very special. I appreciate the time you have taken to chat, post in the forums, and especially with putting up with me I know I am probably a nusiance with my all too many questions. LOL. Just want you to know that you are appreciated. Thanks again I.V. Originally Posted by jughead1171