Prayer for all you ladies

It could be a tumor.
- Kindergarten Cop Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
pyramider's Avatar
Is he dead yet?
Prime Time's Avatar
All you ladies are angels. I think some of the most gracious and kind women are providers. As for you fellers, up yours! Haha y'all crack me up.
boardman's Avatar
All you ladies are angels. Originally Posted by wickerman1

Not all of them
From Led Zeppilin, Stairway to Heaven:

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,

Just kidding...but maybe
Wick, truly I am joking. I hope testing proves you well.

My upstairs AC quit working. Even with the downstairs AC working fine, it was 80 degrees up there. I called my warranty company and started shopping new AC units. The tech was scheduled to be there Wednesday.

I walk upstairs Tuesday and am feeling cold. Checked the thermostat...69 degrees.

Sometimes shit works itself out.
datyking's Avatar
I just checked with God. He said the headaches are from fucking whores. Originally Posted by dearhunter
LexusLover's Avatar
I just checked with God. He said the headaches are from fucking whores. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I knew it was a Tum-Her.
dtymh55's Avatar
Get well soon sir.
Take the wheel baby jesus
heyarmani's Avatar
Wickerman, sorry to hear of your condition, have you ever tried a DETOX? Fruit and Vegetable juices morning till late after noon. Salad with fish for dinner chicken only 2 days a week. If you don't want to juice yourself, WholeFoods has all the juices for you ready to buy and blend, all the salads cooked fish and chicken. If you can go the 1st week on juices and salads only that's a great start to a healthy detox.

God Bless U and wishing you well take care, focus on things that make you feel good and keep a warm soothing energy around you . . .
You could confess scripture over the headaches and they will go away as long as you believe God hears and answers ur prayers. That's what I always do cuz I don't like taking meds even aspirin. Try "by His stripes I am healed" "I am free from the law of sin and death" "I have the mind of Christ" "He has given me a sound mind" "the helmet of Salvation protects my head from all the attacks of the enemy" stuff like that. Then if u start to get symptoms of a headache remember thats Satan trying to convince u u have a headache and say the scriptures again. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you" of course don't forget to say IN JESUS NAME
Sarunga's Avatar
So, in your latest troll thread you mentioned...

No my headaches cleared up. That thread is unrelated to this one. Originally Posted by wickerman1
What was the magic cure?

God has been there for me so many times when no one was. ! I will keep you in my prayers and Prey that he is with you and removes the pain and illness from your body.
What ever God has planned for you I know it will be good.
Good luck my friend and I hope the pain will go away soon!!!